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The waiter clasps his hands behind his back. “My name is Andre; I will be your waiter today. Would you like a French menu, or an English menu?”

“English,” I say.

“French,” Lucian replies, his gaze never leaving me. “You really should try ordering from the French menu. Languages can be fun.”

I laugh. “Kijk nooit met je ogen dicht.”

Lucian frowns. “That isn’t French.”

I place my elbows on the table and lean forward. “No, it’s Dutch. It translates as ‘never look with your eyes closed’. Which is basically what I’ll be doing if I try to order from a French menu.”

“Point taken.” Lucian finally breaks eye contact and turns his attention to Andre. “Deux jus d’orange, s’il vous plaît.”

I have no idea what he said, and nor do I ask. Andre bows his head, passes us our menus and leaves. We spend several minutes deciding what to have before Lucian clears his throat. “Do you want to hear something funny?”


“Since Saturday evening I’ve had Cole calling me non-stop accusing me of kidnapping you.”

My mouth falls open. I’m too shocked to speak.

Andre returns with two glasses of orange juice and places them in front of us. “Are you ready to order?”

I’m not, but take this time to let what Lucian has told me sink in. I lower my menu card. “I’ll have a croissant.”

Lucian’s expression remains unchanged, and I know he was inwardly hoping I would try something new. He points to his menu. “Pain au chocolat.”

Andre jots our choices down on a small notepad and leaves.

Now I’ve had some time, I pick up where Lucian left off. “Cole thinks I’ve been kidnapped?”

“Mr Crowley seems to be under the impression that I am keeping you against your will. For the time being I’ve asked Christine to inform anyone who calls that I am away on business. As for Cole, I will deal with him when I get home.”

I sink back into my chair. “This is all my fault.”

Lucian takes a sip of his orange juice. “The next time you speak to Cole, I would appreciate it if you could let him know I haven’t taken you against your will.”

“I will,” I promise. “I’ll speak to my friends tonight.”

Lucian and I enjoy breakfast, and in the corner of my eye I notice Tyler helping out behind the till. He laughs and jokes with the customers as they pay, which baffles me seeing as Tyler doesn’t know a single phrase in French, but he seems to get by with his quirky and endearing personality.

“Are you staying in Paris?” I ask.

Lucian dabs the corners of his mouth with a napkin. “I’m afraid not. I am actually on my way back from Switzerland. My brothers and I had a fantastic time on the slopes. I was hoping you would return to England with me.” Lucian reaches across the table and places his hand over mine. “I am going to spend a few days in Swansea with Angus Blackwell. If my memory serves me correctly, he invited you to join us.”

I pull my hand out of his grip and swallow deeply. “I can’t.”

“You don’t have to join us at his lake, I know fishing is something you either love or hate.” Hope shines in his eyes, but he must know my reason for declining has nothing to do with fishing.

“I can’t,” I repeat.

Lucian lifts up in the chair and pulls out a golden pocket watch. “In which case, I will have to leave soon.”

Lucian and I leave Café Blanche. The violinist still plays in the background and the ballerina continues to dance. The crowd around them is starting to spill out onto the road.

“I hear you bought my photograph at the farmers’ market,” I say loud enough to be heard over the music.

“My PA Christine made the purchase, but yes, I am the proud owner of ‘Timeless Beauty’. Your photograph will hang in my bedroom. Wherever I sleep, you will always be with me. Always.”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance