Page 36 of Unexpected Kisses

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Her eyes widen and she licks her lips. “AJ,” she whispers. “You didn’t have to do that. We could have done this tomorrow night.”

I shrug like it’s no big deal. “We can’t waste any opportunities. This is important.”

“Yeah, but so is your contract.” She steps in, wrapping her arms around me, her eyes glassy. “Thank you, AJ. I don’t know how I can ever thank you enough for what you’re giving me. You left an important meeting to be here for me. I can’t believe it.” She drops the top of her head against my chest for long moments and I rub soothing strokes down her back because I sense she’s having a moment. Having her in my arms is exactly where I want her to be, but not because she’s overwhelmed with gratitude, but because she wants to be wrapped up in me as much as I want to be wrapped up in her. When she pulls away, she sniffles and steps across to the coffee table to grab a tissue and I miss her immediately. She dabs at her eyes and wipes beneath her nose as she walks back into the kitchen. “Well”—she gives me a shaky smile—“I have something for you. It isn’t as grand a gesture, but I made you some cupcakes.”

I smile widely and rub my hands together. “Oh yeah! This is my lucky day.” This explains the delicious smell which greeted me the minute I stepped inside.

She steps toward me with a plate of incredible-looking cupcakes. “I remembered you said you love apple pie, so I made you apple pie cupcakes.” I flick my eyes between the cupcakes and Sarah’s face, which is full of expectation. Surely she’s not worried I won’t like them. “They’re not true cupcakes because they have no cake, but how cute are these?” Her eyes widen and meet mine as she finishes.

“They smell incredible and they look fantastic. Do you mind if I have one now?”

“Of course. I made them for you. You can take what’s left home with you.”

She picks one from the plate and passes it to me. Instead of taking it, I lean forward to take a bite; careful of her fingers but manage to brush them with my lips. Her eyes widen and her pupils dilate. My eyes drop to the pulse point at the base of her throat and I’m pleased to see it hammering as quickly as mine. Good to know I have some impact on the woman.

The sweet but tart flavor explodes on my tongue as the spicy apple scent fills my nose, and I close my eyes to fully appreciate it. When I open them again, Sarah’s watching me closely, her lips slightly parted.

“You are a master. This is so good! Have you ever considered going into business and opening a cupcake shop? People would be beating down your door to get their hands on these.” I take the cake from Sarah and take another bite, holding my hand beneath my chin to catch the crumbs.

Sarah chuckles. “Nah, that would take the fun out of making them.”

I finish the first one, then take another cupcake and make short work of that one too. “I don’t know if I can stop at two, but I probably should.” I pat my trim stomach. Sarah’s eyes drop to watch the action, and I don’t think she realizes but her breaths are shallow. It’s good to know I have some affect on her because God knows I can’t stop thinking about her.

We chat for a while. Superficial talk about how she’s been and what I’ve been up to. I get the impression Sarah wants to keep things shallow between us, not wanting to delve into deeper, more meaningful conversations. I’m happy to play along for now, but I’ll slowly work out her code.

There’s a lull in the conversation, so Sarah stands. “I’ve got everything set up in the bathroom ready for you. You may as well get started since we both need to get up for work in the morning.”

I stand too. “Okay.” I step past her and pause in the doorway to the bathroom. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” she chirps.

I close the door and lean my back against it. I’ve given up trying not to think about Sarah when I do this. It seems to be my default setting and thinking about her and what she looks like naked is a surefire way to get things happening quickly. I move over to the vanity and grip the edge, studying myself in the mirror. I want her to get pregnant, I really do, but once I do, I won’t see her again. I’m certain of it. Her walls won’t allow her to see the potential of the two of us in a relationship that’s more than donor and recipient. I sigh and spin around, grabbing her shampoo out of the shower and flipping open the lid. It smells like Sarah; that gorgeous scent reminds me of a field of spring flowers. I inhale deeply, filling my lungs and my cock wakes.

I unzip my pants and drop them to the floor then remove my boxer briefs, my semi-hard cock dropping into my hand. I sigh. I’d much rather have Sarah’s pussy tightening around my shaft … I’d even settle for her hand at this point.

Washing my hands, I open the package containing the collection condom. With my cock in hand, I stroke loosely, bringing him fully to life, then roll on the condom. Resting my hand on the vanity, I drop my head and close my eyes, bringing forth an image of Sarah in her teal bikini. Tightening my grip, I replay the image of her adjusting the straps, making her tits jiggle, and scan my eyes down her soft tummy, to the triangle of fabric between her legs, then down her thick thighs, which I can’t wait to have wrapped around my head. I widen my stance and tug on my cock, using my other hand to massage my heavy balls, then slide my fist up and down my length in quick, smooth glides, rolling my fist over the head, careful not to dislodge the condom. I repeat the process several times, my breaths coming sharper, and do my best to hold in my moans.

Doing this myself certainly doesn’t give me the level of satisfaction I enjoy when I’m inside a woman, but I’m here to get the job done, not for the enjoyment of the act. I keep stroking to thoughts of Sarah, feeling the fire building through my body until it can no longer be contained and I blow into the condom with a moan, which was probably louder than it should have been in this small apartment. It’s not like she doesn’t know what I’m doing in here anyway, so long as I don’t call her name out loud and make it completely weird between us. My knees weaken and I reach out to support myself on the vanity as I regain my composure. My breathing slowly returns to normal and the haze across my vision clears.

Once I’m back to normal, I carefully remove the condom, balancing it in the sterilized cup Sarah always provides, ensuring I don’t inadvertently lose any swimmers. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the woman is that she’s thorough in her planning and extremely organized. I wash my hands and rinse my softening cock, then tuck myself away and redress. With a cursory check in the mirror, I make sure I look presentable, ensuring my zipper is done up, and step out of the bathroom. Sarah freezes and her head snaps up to my face, her eyes wide and waiting for me to speak.

“All done,” I say, forcing brightness into my tone, raising my eyebrows to add to the excitement I really don’t feel. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to help, but I would prefer the experience if we were actually getting naked … together.

Sarah’s body softens and a smile touches her lips. “Thank you. I feel like those two words aren’t enough.”

“You don’t have to thank me every time we do this. Let’s hope we get you pregnant this month.” Who am I kidding? I don’t want her to get pregnant this month because that’ll mean I won’t get to see her anymore and I definitely don’t want that. I didn’t think my feelings would get so damn complicated. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it.” I head for the door.

“Hang on. Don’t forget your cupcakes.”

“Oh right. Thanks for these,” I say as she hands me a Tupperware container full of the mini apple pies, which taste like heaven.

We awkwardly say goodbye at the door, and I hear Sarah engage the locks, then I make my way home to my empty warehouse. As soon as I get in the door, I take a minute to download an app to help me track Sarah’s cycle. That way I’ll make sure I’m always available when she needs me.

Me:Did everything go smoothly?

I grab a beer out of the fridge while I wait for her response.

Sarah:I don’t know how to tell you this, but I dropped the cup and lost everything on my hardwood floor

Tags: Debra St James Romance