Page 67 of Thankful For Us

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"There's often so much fakery and snobbery with people who have more money than they know what to do with. I remember being surprised by it when I got out into the world and mingled with those in my family’s social class."

"I guess there is. One thing’s for sure. When your fortune changes, you really find out who your friends are."

This was a rare comment about her past, and I knew I needed to respond to it carefully.

"Where were all these people when you needed them?" That probably wasn't the right question.

She stiffened next to me. "I didn't know most of these people back then. Ethan and Lucy were there for me. But I didn't need anyone. The only person anyone can really count on is themselves."

Guilt filled my gut as I realized my and her grandfather’s actions had taught her that the only person that she could really count on was herself. But more than that, she'd learned she couldn't trust anyone else.

I turned toward her, my fingers brushing a wisp of her blonde hair away from her face. There were so many things I wanted to tell her, like how she could trust me and that I would never, ever let her down again. But I knew she wouldn't hear it, or if she did, she would dismiss it. She didn't need words. She needed action. She needed to feel supported and loved.

"Come home with me for Thanksgiving." Okay, so maybe blurting that out wasn't the right choice. Too much, too soon. But what better way to show her that she was valued and loved than by immersing her in my family, who I had no doubt would love her just like Ethan did? Just like I did.

She gasped as she looked up at me. "What?"

There was no way to backpedal on this, so I just charged forward. "Come back to New York with me. We can leave Sunday and stay through Friday, or to Saturday or the following Sunday, however long.

We can spend Thanksgiving with my family. Max will be there, and my sister Vivian, and my parents. Zach and Eleni and their kids might be there too." Zach sometimes came home for holidays, but not always. After being around him in California, I could see that he had a surrogate family in the group of people who were here tonight.

"Sam, I can't."

She didn't say no, which was the response I had expected. It didn't mean that she wasn't coming because she was trying to not love me. "Why not?"

"Because of the Sea Siren. And... I just don't think I can."

I cupped her face in my hands, wanting her to look in my eyes and see all the love I felt for her even though I knew saying the words would scare her off. "You have really good people around you at the Sea Siren. And as for the other part, you can have your own room or stay in a hotel if that would make you more comfortable. I really want you to meet my family."

"You do?"

I nodded. "More than that. I want my family to meet you."

I could see in her eyes that she wanted to say yes, but she turned away, looking out over the vastness of the night.

"You should go, Kate. I can help at the club. I know how to serve drinks."

We both turned around quickly, not realizing Lucy was there. She gave us a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was coming out to say hello." She looked at Kate. "You should go. You haven't had a break since you opened the place. And Sam's right that you have good people—"

"Samantha hasn't been so reliable lately,” Kate interrupted.

"We’ll make sure that we have coverage if she’s unreliable. I can help Dana."

Kate shook her head. "I can't ask you to do that. You’ve got Ethan and two kids."

"We’re just talking about a few days. It'll be fun. I’ll like getting out of the house for a bit."

I looked at Kate, not wanting to push my luck and at the same time wanting to say something to tip her over to my side.

"I'll think about it.” Her tone said she was done talking about it.

She hadn’t said no. But I also didn't think she was really going to think about it. I was pretty sure her answer was no, but she felt put on the spot.

A call for dinner echoed through the yard, so we couldn't talk about it anymore, anyway.

For the rest of the evening, I didn't say any more about it. I focused on making new friends and making sure Kate had a good time.

After the dinner, I drove her home. I kept the conversation light and on a topic I knew was safe for us—sex.

Tags: Ajme Williams Romance