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Beth tried not to snicker at the X-rated image Jasmine’s innocent reference to watersports conjured, but that initial sentiment was quickly followed by a tinge of defeat. She’d wanted to hear how even something that looked like paradise on the surface still had unseen faults and shortcomings and really wasn’t so different from her own lot in life.

She sighed, a small kernel of jealousy welling up inside her. Not at Jasmine herself, but at her clear love of her job and her circumstances. “It sounds perfect.”

Jasmine laughed. “Not by any means. The resort has trouble keeping domestic staff just like any menial job.”

“Really? You just made it sound like it was all roses,” Beth observed. Maybe there was some dirt after all.

“Well, I guess it is, if you’re the right type of person. But living and working on a remote island isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Although I guess that’s not really any different from people who don’t like working outside, or at a desk.”

“I can’t imagine anyone not liking working here from what you’ve told me about it,” Beth admitted. “Even if I was having to clean rooms day in, day out, I think I’d rather do it here with better pay and perks than elsewhere.”

“Me too,” Jasmine agreed. “But not everyone is prepared for the feeling of homesickness being on an island can bring. You can’t just pop home in the evening or on the weekend.”

Jasmine finished the massage and Beth sat up while the bed was adjusted to a sitting position ready for her facial.

“Some people haven’t been able to cope with the tropical heat. Others just haven’t acclimatized to being away from their families or a convenient shopping mall. Often, they don’t realize how those things might affect them until they get here,” Jasmine continued as she got all manner of lotions and potions ready.

“Hmm, I guess it must be a bit of a culture shock,” Beth said, considering how she might feel about such a thing. Though in truth, she really couldn’t see many downsides. Perhaps she should find out if they had any vacancies in their accounts department. Would she have what it took to live here and work here? It was something to consider. God knew she hated her current situation.

“And of course, we’re a new resort so I think the staff turnover seems worse than it really is. Once we have a strong team who have settled in properly, that will ease up too.”

Beth eased back on the couch and Jasmine dropped the leg rest so she could put her feet in a massaging foot bath which relaxed her even more before she started to cleanse her face. “Once I’ve got the face mask on, I’ll start on your manicure. We’ll have you looking and feeling like a million dollars,” the girl told her.

Well, that would be something, Beth thought ten minutes later as she closed her eyes for the reviving eye masque and was lulled by the silence and soft music since talking was now inhibited by the facemask drying and tightening on her skin.

At least come the big Valentine weekend event she’d be showcasing the best possible version of herself.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic