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Beth paused. She didn’t know much about silver service or any other kind of waitressing, or how to pour a draft of ale, but she could probably learn. And she could scrub a toilet, and wield a vacuum cleaner, just as well as the next guy. But did she really want to take that kind of detour in her career?

She was thirty years old and had worked her butt off to get her degree in accounting. Four long, tedious years, so that she was assured of a decent job at the end of it. Was she really prepared to throw all of that away?

After all, what she was contemplating couldn’t even be described as a lateral move. This was menial, unskilled labor.

In the end, it really was a step too far, and instead of filling out the online application for one of the specified vacancies, she wrote a covering letter and sent them her CV instead. But she made it clear she’d be willing to step into any role on a temporary basis, if there was the chance a more suitable opportunity might open up.

She knew a moment of self-doubt. What if her guys had moved on? Because they weren’t really her guys, were they. They were just a holiday fling. And an engineered one, at that.

She shook her head and cast the insecurities aside. It didn’t matter, she decided. Yes, it might hurt if it turned out they didn’t want to take things further. But this wasn’t just about them. It was about her and her whole future.

It was about being in command of her destiny.

And, if she was lucky, it would include making changes to her love life as well.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic