Page 17 of Basic Instinct

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Her cheeks heated delightfully, though it amazed Shay that she could still blush after everything they’d done to her. But he loved it, anyway.

Shyly she trailed her hand down to where the two of them were joined, her fingers replacing his own, and Shay watched unabashedly as she chased her pleasure.

It didn’t take long. He felt her inner muscles begin to flutter, and he gripped her waist, trying his best to maintain their movements as all three of them started to fall apart, their smooth rhythm disintegrating into choppy, unsynchronized motion as each of them lost control.

Kimika buried her face in the crook of his neck, her teeth sinking into the corded muscle at his shoulder as she shuddered and pulsated around him. The little nip of pain fractured the last filament of Shay’s control, and he threw back his head and cried out, pulling her down onto him, harshly, at the same time as he bucked up into her as his balls contracted and he exploded inside her.

Kimi let out an elongated howl as she, too, fell apart, collapsing on top of Shay like there was no more energy left in her petite little body.

“Arghhhh!” Behind her, Colt found his own completion with a long, gruff growl, and then the only thing that split the silence in the Japanese theme room they’d chosen especially, was the frantic gasps and gulps for breath they each made as they tried to regain their equilibrium.

* * *

Kimi feltas if every molecule of her body, from her head to her toes was still vibrating with the profound pleasure these men had unleashed on her.

She would never be the same again.

Between them they’d ruined her for anything and anyone who came after; because how was it possible to top this?

She wanted to curl up and cuddle with them. She wanted to do all of it, all over again, with them all switched around.

She wanted to stay like this forever.

But she didn’t want to bethatgirl. The one who didn’t accept when a good time had come to an end and got cringely clingy and made things embarrassingly awkward.

So, no matter what she wanted deep inside, Kimika promised herself that she wouldn’t outstay her welcome. She wanted these three men to remember her with fondness. Maybe even enough to decide to scene with her again occasionally, so she was determined to make it easy on them.

But for now, these next few minutes, Kimi reveled in the sublime sensations that had been wrought from her body. The subtle aches that would serve as a reminder of this night over the next twenty-four hours and soaked up the myriad of sensations so she could tuck them away in her memories, and dust them off when she felt lonely.

The sights, the smells, the touches, and strokes. The way Colt, Shay and Craig had turned her into the instrument of their desire and orchestrated her body so that they’d made beautiful music together was simply magical.

And then there was that wonderful feeling of being adored. It didn’t matter that it was only for a few hours, it was still something tangible she’d known and felt.

And she would cherish it for a lifetime.


Craig hopped off of the low futon bed. Watching Kimika and his friends in the final throes of passion had almost gotten him hard again.

He might have been envious that he was less involved, right now, than the others remained, but he’d learned a long time ago that with relationships like this, his time would come.

Instead, he made himself useful, filling the sink with warm water and readying a cloth to clean up their girl with.

And she was their girl. His chest tightened at the thought of being forced to let her go, even after such a short time.

People knew him as the cheerful, lighthearted one and mistook that for capricious, when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

And the truth was that he was already invested in this relationship, and fully believed that Colt and Shay were too.

He wanted to make more of things with Kimika than just a no strings scene at the club which they would all walk away from, satisfied, but uninvolved.

No, that definitely wasn’t going to work for him.

As far as Craig was concerned, this was the first night of something special. Something… more.

Colt finally pulled himself away from Kimi’s delectable body and weaved over to the sink to clean himself up, looking like he was slightly punch drunk.

Craig hid a smirk and clapped the older man on the shoulder when he passed to go put the warm washcloth he’d prepared to good use.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic