Page 16 of The Boys Next Door

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“This is about not worrying what others think and going with what our hearts tell us. Do you understand, sweetheart?”

She did, but all of this was so confusing and unconventional. It also seemed so easy and progressed far too fast. It was like the years away from them hadn’t happened at all, like they had always been together and were now making it known.

“And don’t worry about, Rian. He’s a hard-ass, but he loves you, and I know he’ll want you to be happy. Besides, I’ll talk with him.”

Did he not know her brother? Rian was going to shit bricks once this all came to light. Their parents, too, but Sasha didn’t want to think about any of that, not when it seemed everything was finally falling into place.


To Sasha’s utter disappointment, Jonas didn’t allow her to help him relieve his clear arousal in the truck. Granted, it wasn’t the most romantic of spots, but after all the years of denying herself, she didn’t care where they were.

Besides, she hadn’t exactly wanted to have sex in his truck, but his erection had been hard and insistent, and she had wanted nothing more than to feel his length in her mouth or in another part of her body.

Even thinking about that now had her cheeks heating and a hard slam of lust pulsing through her veins. Yes, she had been with two guys in the four years away from home, but even they couldn’t erase what she felt for Tanner and Jonas.

The sex had been anything but romantic or memorable, but she knew she couldn’t let herself pine over men who didn’t return her feelings.

Or that was what she had thought.

Now, it was the following day, and Jonas was due to pick her up in ten minutes to go house hunting. Sasha found herself trying on the fifth outfit. She felt like she was going on her first date, which was a ridiculous notion given the fact she was twenty-two and it wasn’t a date at all.

House hunting had to be the most non-date and unromantic thing in the world, but here she was prettying herself up. She headed downstairs and passed her mother and father who were in a heated discussion about Scrabble.

“Honey, can you come over here and settle this dispute I’m having with your mother?” Her father called out from the kitchen.

Fortunately, the sound of Jonas pulling into the driveway saved her from having to get in the middle of another one of their “discussions”.

“Can’t right now. Jonas is taking me house hunting.” Before she could make a smooth getaway, her mother rushed into the foyer.


“Mom, you don’t expect me to live here forever, do you?” The look in her mother’s eyes told her that was exactly what her mother thought. “Mom, I’m an adult. You have to be realistic.”

“I know, honey. It’s just that your father and I haven’t seen you in so long, and the times you did visit it was hardly long enough.” Her dad, with his receding and graying hairline, came to stand next to her mom. “We just thought you’d stay with us for a little while. Catch up and whatnot.”


Jonas knocked on the door, and she gave her parents an apologetic smile, yet she wasn’t sorry for the interruption at all. She opened the door, and there he was, looking casual but so freaking sexy she couldn’t do anything but stare.

His jeans were low on his narrow hips, and his button-up was a dark green that matched his eyes perfectly.

“Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh.”

Sasha waved goodbye over her shoulder and shut the front door before her mother could lay a guilt trip on her and convince her to stay with them longer. She needed her own place, especially when she started work in just over a week.

Jonas drove to a few places he knew were on the market. They didn’t talk about what happened in his truck last night, and she was thankful yet disappointed all at the same time. The first few places were out of her price range, but when he pulled into the driveway of a partially built one-story home, she fell in love instantly.

It looked almost completely built, with the windows and door already installed and the final portions of the siding being applied.

“Wow, it’s gorgeous.” They climbed out of the truck, and she made her way up the cobbled pathway that led to the front door. “I think this may be out of my budget, too, Jonas.”

He walked in front of her and unlocked the door before pushing it open. The smell of hardwood instantly filled her senses.

The foyer was all dark wood and tiled accents. A small, modest chandelier hung in the entryway. The foyer led into a living room then that into the kitchen, a breakfast bar separating the two rooms.

“Well, I happen to know for a fact the seller would give you an incredible deal.” She walked into the kitchen and ran her hand over the granite countertops.

“What, Rian owns this property, too?” She knew her brother owned not just his construction company but also several properties in Hayven Hill.

Tags: Jenika Snow Romance