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“An invest-i-gator.”

I cackled at that one. It was so cheesy. “That’s my favorite so far, Ed.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it! I made that one up myself. No book necessary.”

“I know you’ve got lots more where that came from.”

“You better believe it,” he said with a wink.

Ed was a veteran who had served at the local naval base. He had no family, no wife, no children or nearby relatives. So even though he was ill, he had to arrange transportation to and from the hospital for treatment, and then when he got home, he was on his own managing the side effects.

I always called to check on him, to make sure he was getting enough to eat and drink, sleeping enough, and taking good care of himself. Even when I’d call him at home, he would find a way to slip in some jokes and make me chuckle. I was providing him with care that was above and beyond my duties, but I still felt like the lucky one.

I wished that Ed had someone to check up on him in person. If only there were a way to get extra help for people like him who didn’t have anyone at home supporting their treatment journey. Every person deserved kindness and dignity, not just in the hospital setting, but throughout every step of their illness.

Ed’s appointment was the final booking of the day. After a few administrative tasks and a conversation with my superior, I grabbed my purse and lunch bag, slipped on a comfy cardigan over my scrubs, and headed to the parking garage.

I hopped inside the cute little Mazda Miata that my father bought me for my sixteenth birthday and started to make my way home. I was obsessed with yellow cars back then, so my car was bright yellow, and I was still in love with the stylish interior and sporty handling.

Work had been tiring, but I was feeling uplifted after seeing my favorite patient. As I was merging onto the freeway, my dad called my cell. I answered on speakerphone.

“Hey Dad,” I said.

“Hey there, kiddo. How was work?”

“Pretty good considering we’re completely understaffed and overbooked.”

“I’m sure you did a great job. Hey, listen, Amelia, I’m planning another party for your mother’s birthday. Nothing huge, but I’ll be using a smaller team from the same caterer and bartending service that worked the party last weekend. Can you come? I know your mom’s actual birthday isn’t until November, and we’ve got the holidays coming up with plenty of things on the calendar. But I want to celebrate early, the Saturday after next. I’ve got something special planned for her.”

I should have been thinking about my mom’s upcoming birthday, but my mind instead went straight to the possibility of Nathaniel attending the party. “Yes, I’ll be there.”

“Great. I’m calling your sisters to make sure they put the date on their calendars, too. Looking forward to seeing you, sweetie.”

“You too, Dad.”

I’d had a few days to come down from the high of my tryst with Nathaniel, but my mind was still reeling at the thought of seeing him again so soon. Would I be able to hide my attraction to him in front of my family? Would I get a chance to talk with him alone?

Suddenly, the week and a half until Saturday seemed unbearably long.

Chapter 8


On the Saturday morning of Colleen’s birthday party, I went for a jog on the beach. I needed to get any excess energy out of my system so I could stay as calm and collected as possible now that I’d be seeing Amelia for the first time since we slept together.

The invitation had said six o’clock for appetizers and small plates throughout the night, but I waited until the last minute to leave, and arrived at six forty-five. Normally I hated being late to anything, but tonight I had a reason–less face time with David and, most importantly, Amelia. The more I could avoid her, the better off we’d both be.

It was just my luck that Amelia was the first person I saw when I walked into the backyard where the party was being held.

She looked amazing, wearing a tight, long-sleeved black dress that accentuated her waist and stopped halfway down her toned thighs, with a plunging neckline that showed off her delicate collarbone and perfect tits. Her chestnut hair was pulled back loosely, with a few strands framing her face. She had on bright red lipstick and sparkly earrings that lit up her beautiful features, and I nearly had a heart attack when I realized she was wearing the same strappy black stilettos that she’d had on that night in the car.

Fuck, was shetryingto kill me?

Amelia was standing near her sisters with a glass of champagne in her hand, resting her elbow on her other arm which was across her waist. She turned her head and caught my eye, looking startled at first, cheeks going a little pink, but holding her gaze steady.

I shifted in my feet, nodded a polite “hello” across the backyard, and she smiled at me.


Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance