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I pulled back, surprised.

“It was better.”

Chapter 5


It had all happened so fast. One minute I was confessing how badly I had wanted Nathaniel, and the next moment he was fucking me in the passenger’s side seat of his car.

The next morning, I awoke replaying the night before in my mind, shuffling out of my bedroom and into the kitchen in a daze. Absently spooning cereal into my mouth, I heard the din of conversation coming from the living room.

Trudy and Larissa were chatting about what they had gotten up to last night.

“My date was fun,” Trudy said. “We went bowling, of all things. It was a blast. We’re going out again next week. How about you, how was your dad’s party?”

“Great buffet,” Larissa replied. “I’ve never seen such a good seafood spread. Dad really went all out this year.” I could just make out Trudy’s chuckle.

Seafood was the last thing I wanted to think about. The only thing on my mind was the night before, with Nathaniel, playing on a loop inside my head. His massive hands on me, his plush lips on mine, his strong body taking care of me and giving me exactly what I needed.

I almost couldn’t believe it had really happened. But I had little aches and pains all over my body; sore muscles, tired legs, and a subtle yet somehow delicious tenderness in my private parts–proof that sex with Nathaniel Dean most certainlydidhappen.

I wanted nothing more than for it to happen again.

Nathaniel had driven me home afterward. He helped me out of the car while the rain sheeted down and held the umbrella over me as he walked me up to my apartment building.

“Amelia,” he had said, his brow furrowed, “I need you to promise me something. Your father cannot find out what we just did. It would break his heart, and he’s my best friend. What happened between you and me…” He had leaned into me then and smoothed a few stray hairs away that had fallen in front of my eye. “This was a one-time thing,” he told me, looking like he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince me. “A mistake.”

In a way, I knew he was right. Yet it was still a disappointment to hear him say that. Especially when I could tell, deep down, that he didn’t mean it. Not one bit.

“I promise,” I had said. “It’s our secret. I won’t tell a single soul, not even my sisters.”He strolled back to his car after walking me to the door, striding away affecting a casual air, as if nothing had happened between us. As if what we did meant nothing to him.

I knew better.

I felt the patience in how he had guided me, knowing that it was my first time. The way he shuddered and shook when he came inside me. The way he kissed me sweetly afterward, staying close until our breathing steadied. The way he made sure to hold my hand walking me up to my building, careful not to let me slip in any of the puddles collecting from the night’s heavy rains.

It couldn’t be a one-time thing. I needed to be with him again. I wanted more.

Nathaniel wanted more, too. I could feel it.

My daydreams of last night were interrupted as I heard the sound of footsteps shuffling in from the living room.

Larissa wandered into the kitchen where I was staring off into space, startling me when she opened a cabinet to grab the coffee, then slammed it shut.

I jumped in my seat.

“Easy there, sis!” she said, looking curious. “Are you still on planet Earth, here?”

I laughed weakly, shaking my head and brushing it off, digging back into my cereal.

Trudy came in behind Larissa and rooted around the refrigerator for the orange juice.

“You’re awfully quiet this morning,” she said, pouring herself a glass. “Everything okay, Amelia?”

I crunched on a spoonful of cornflakes and muttered, “yeah, I’m fine.”

“You sure?” Larissa prodded, a concerned look on her face as she filled the coffeemaker. “You look like you’ve got something on your mind.”

Trudy and Larissa were only looking out for me. But I couldn’t tell them what had really happened. Not after promising Nathaniel that I wouldn’t say a word to anyone.

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance