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“It has,” Casey agreed. “Thank you for letting me take you out. I was really expecting you to say no. You know, since you were mad at me for checking out your breasts at work and everything. But I’m glad you didn’t.”

“I am too,” Amira smiled as she finally turned to look at the Casey. “Are you gonna kiss me? Or am I gonna have to make the first move?”

“Way to kill the mood,” Casey chuckled. “It was supposed to be all romantic! I was gonna catch you off guard and—”

Amira rolled her eyes and pulled Casey closer to her, quickly closing the distance between their lips and easily melting into the kiss. For once, it was Casey who looked shocked by Amira’s boldness.

Amira felt Casey’s hand on her thigh, and she lost herself in the kiss, letting out a soft sound of pleasure as Casey’s tongue pushed into her mouth.

“Fuck,” Amira mumbled into the kiss.


Casey held Amira’s hand as they headed to her car after the fair. The sexual tension was huge. The kiss had been more intense than anything Casey could have imagined.

“So, I was wondering if you would like to come home with me?” Casey looked at Amira.

“I… uh… I don’t usually do this kind of thing on first dates.” Amira said. “But… I want to,” she breathed quietly and Casey squeezed her hand.

“I figured you weren’t perhaps a sex on the first date kind of girl. But, come home with me. There is no pressure and there is something I want to talk to you about.”

Amira looked up at her curiously. Casey knew she needed to bring up her sexual preferences before things got any more heated. There was so much chemistry with Amira, but would they be sexually compatible? It seemed like a lot to hope for.

“I probably should’ve mentionedthis a lot sooner. Okay, Idefinitelyshould’ve mentioned this a lot sooner,” Casey rambled. “It’s just that I really like you so I didn’t want to scare you off in case you’re not into the same things I’m into, and it isn’t really the kind of thing I can bring up at work.”

“Something like what?” Amira looked increasingly more curious by the second. Her hazel eyes were so wide and trusting. Casey wanted to eat her up.

“Okay,” Casey murmured. “I have a particular taste, if you will, sexually. I’m into BDSM and I’m a Domme.”

Casey waited for Amira’s reaction. She wondered what was going through Amira’s head. Casey had had some great submissives in her time, but it didn’t suit everyone. Casey sensed a natural yearning for submission in Amira, but whether she recognised that in herself and was prepared to delve deeper into it, Casey had no idea.

The reaction that she got from Amira was barely even a reaction at all. Amira simply raised her perfect brows as if she was waiting for Casey to continue, and when she didn’t, Amira cleared her throat, blushing a little as she diverted her attention to the suddenly very interesting window of Casey’s apartment.

“Am I...supposed to know what any of that means?” she murmured shyly.

“What?” Casey let out a shocked laugh.

“I don’t know what any of that means,” Amira shrugged. “I mean, obviously I have heard of BDSM, but you are forgetting… it has been more than 20 years since I’ve slept with anyone but Rachel and our sex life, well when we used to have sex was very, vanilla, I think you would say. I’ve never really explored anything beyond that. So I don’t know what it means when you are saying it to me now.”

Casey let out another shocked laugh then smiled kindly as Amira looked at her trustingly and wide eyed in curiosity. This hadn’t been the reaction Casey might have expected, but it wasn’t abadreaction.

“It’s...Well, it can be a little difficult to explain. Ornotdifficult, there’s just a lot of things to explain,” Casey murmured as she tried to figure out where to even start. “BDSM is kind of an umbrella term that can describe a few different aspects of sex. Bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism—”

“Sadism and masochism, like pain?” Amira screwed up her face. “I never understood why anyone did that sexually.”

“Well, sadism is when someone derives pleasure from causing someone else pain or humiliation. Masochism is when someone derives pleasure from being humiliated or in pain,” Casey explained slowly, trying to gauge Amira’s reaction as she did.

Amira looked a little intrigued, finally allowing her eyes to drift over to Casey again. “People do derive pleasure from receiving pain?”

“Yeah,” Casey nodded. “More than you would think. There is so much in common between pleasure and pain, that sometimes the boundaries can blur, when it is given by someone who understands it and knows what they are doing.”

“And as I told you, I’m a Domme. That means I’m dominant, which means that I like being the one with the power. I like being the one in charge and I only sleep with submissive. Submissives are the ones who like giving up their control and letting someone else take charge. Though, technically, the submissive holds all the power. Their submission is a gift and should never be taken lightly.”

“Huh?” Amira murmured, brows furrowing.

“For example, if you were someone’s submissive you might allow them to spank you. That’s a form of impact play and a lot of people enjoy it. But while you may enjoy being spanked by hand, you maynotenjoy being spanked with toys such as paddles, crops, whips, things like that. So, you may agree to allow your dominant to bend you over their knee and spank you whenever they feel it necessary—you’ll have given them consent to do so previously—but your Dominant wouldnotbe allowed to bend you over and spank you with any objects. Nothing aside from their hands. You see? You submitted to them and allowed them to take control while simultaneously keeping your own control and not doing something that you wouldn’t feel comfortable with.”

“I see,” Amira nodded. “Well, tell me more about Dominants and submissives. Are there like, rules and things?”

Tags: Emily Hayes Erotic