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Dr. Rosen had been persistently flirting with her at work and Amira might have been pretending it hadn’t affected her, but it certainly had.

At work, when they got the chance, they would crack jokes with one another, usually during their lunch breaks when they would meet up to eat together, each making fun of the other’s “disgusting” lunches. Casey would poke fun at Amira's healthy salads while Amira would wrinkle her nose at Casey’s greasy food. Then the two would turn their attention to speculate who was dating who amongst their co-workers.

Amira had changed her perception on Dr. Rosen’s level of professionalism since seeing her speak on Athlete Psychology. Amira had learnt a lot and had found herself unable to take her eyes off Dr. Rosen’s sharp green eyes and strong shoulders.

“Welcome to our date,Amira.”It was the first time Dr.Rosen had used her first name and she liked it.

“Why, thank you,Casey.”Amira took the opportunity to do the same. “How was your session with Rina yesterday?”

“Shhh..” said Casey quickly and raised a finger and pressed it against Amira’s lips. “There will be no talking about work today. This is officially aNo Workzone.”

Amira felt Casey’s finger against her lips and it sent shockwaves through her.

Fuck, my lipstick.

Now she was pretty sure that her lipstick was all smudged.

“You could've just said thatwithoutcovering my mouth you know! Did you smudge my lipstick?”

“Oh, only a little,” Casey replied. “Here, let me fix it.” She looked intently at Amira’s lips as she used her finger to wipe away the smudge of lipstick. Amira felt desire rushing through her. She felt more alive than she had in years.

“Yeah, I could have have not used my finger, but it wouldn’t have been as dramatic.” Casey shrugged. “Would you prefer it if I told you again, though? The right way?” she teased.

“Yes, I would,” Amira grumbled.

Casey lifted the center console that had previously been separating the two of them and leaned over, getting close to Amira’s face. She could hardly hold in her chuckle as Amira immediately began blushing and trying to look anywhere else besides into her eyes. She rested a finger underneath her chin to prevent Amira from turning her head, then licked her lips as she looked down at Amira’s lips before looking into her eyes again.

“We’ll talk about work later,” she repeated quietly. “But for now, it’s all about us...Alright?”

Amira swallowed. Ugh, Casey’s eyes were doing things to her. She knew where this was going and it was exciting and terrifying all at once.

“I told you to stop doing things like that!” Amira said after pushing the laughing younger woman away from her and unbuckling her seatbelt. “Are we going to get out of the car any time soon or are we gonna stay in here for the rest of the night?”

“That depends on what you want,” Casey shrugged. “If you’d like to go enjoy the fair then we can do that. Maybe eat some nice food, play a few games, ride some nice rides...But if you’d like to stay inside the car, I’ve got something else for you to ride inst—”

“Oh my god!” Amira blushed furiously as she fumbled with the handle, hardly even able to get the car door open because she was shaking too much.

She could still hear Casey’s loud laughter even after climbing out of the car and slamming the door shut.

When Casey finally got out of the car, Amira sent her the most intimidating glare she could muster up, but she could hardly maintain the serious facade. She couldn’t help but smile and laugh when she was around Casey, whose energy was infectious.

“You better behave while we are here!” Amira scolded.

“I’ll try my best,” Casey told her before grabbing her hand and beginning to pull her along. “Come on, I wanna hurry up and get tickets while there aren’t that many people in line.”

When Casey had first suggested going to the local fair as their first date, Amira had been a little skeptical. She’d been expecting something more along the lines of dinner and a movie because that was what she was used to, but she wasn’t opposed to the idea of going to a fair either. It was something a little different, and she thought it’d be fun since she hadn't been to a fair since she was a teenager.

She liked how excited Casey had been for it too.

“Going to a carnival for a date always seems so romantic in the movies,” Amira said as she glanced around the large lot filled with rides and booths set up after they’d gotten their tickets. “Are you gonna spend half the night trying to win a stuffed animal for me?” she snickered.

“Please,” Casey waved her off. “Everyone’s for themselves tonight. If I win a stuffed animal, it’ll be mine and only mine. Win your own stuffed animal!”

Amira smirked. “Well, I’m willing to bet that you won’t win one anyway. Especially not if we play that shooting game over there.” Amira pointed to the one she was talking about before turning to look at Casey. “You know, that always used to be my favorite game to play whenever I’d go to the fair. All my friends sucked at it but I always won pretty easily. My aim is great!”

“Oh, I see,” Casey said. “You’re challenging me. Well, challenge accepted! I’ve always been great at that game too. I bet I’ll hit every one of my targets. If I miss one, I give you my full permission to make fun of me for the rest of the night.”

“I’d do that anyway,” Amira scoffed. “So, that’s a boring bet...How about if you miss one, I get to watch you ride your least favorite ride? Twice.”

Tags: Emily Hayes Erotic