Page 4 of Rocky Christmas

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If she's in some sort of trouble, I'm going to fix it for her. If she doesn't have a job, that's fine. I'll take care of her.

But I sense that there's more to it than that because the clothing that she was wearing hints at wealth. She didn't look like a down-on-her-luck girl.

No, she looks like Daddy's little princess.

My cock hardens at that thought. I'll be her daddy if that's what she wants. I’ve never been into any kinky shit like that, but fuck me if I don’t love the thought of being her daddy.

I’ll be whoever she needs me to be,whatevershe needs me to be.

It was pure heaven talking to her last night. We mostly talked about silly things like her favorite foods and TV shows. Most of our conversation was completely juvenile, yet I couldn't be happier.

I hate that I didn't get a chance to taste her lips last night or to get her number. Time got away from us, and when she noticed how late it was, she jumped up in a rush and told me she had to go. When I asked for her number, she gave me some spiel about how she had lost her phone and was in the process of getting a new one, only further solidifying my theory that she's into something and needs help. I don't mind being her hero.

She assured me she'd meet me at the pub again tomorrow night, but fuck, I'm going crazy. I don't know if I can wait that long.

I've got to get through this match tonight, and then it's going to be another torturous day until I get to see my sweetheart’s beautiful little face again.

Every time I close my eyes I see her green eyes, prettier than the finest emeralds. I dreamt of her all night and woke up making love to my pillow. The sad part is I didn't stop. I kept humping it like a rabid dog in heat until I nutted all over my sheets.

I've never been this hard up for a woman before. Holly is it for me. I know it deep in my bones.

She's the only woman I'm ever going to be inside of again. The only one I'm ever going towantfor the rest of my life.

I don't know what's going on with her, but I vow to myself that the next time I see her, I'm damn sure going to find out, and then she’ll never have to worry about anything again because Daddy is going to make it all better.

And then I'm going to take her home with me and worship her for the rest of our lives.

* * *


I win the fight, but I'm not as elated as I normally would be. Every thump of my heart beats out her name.

Holly, Holly, Holly.

She’s all I can focus on.

It’s killing me that I don't have her phone number. I don't know where she lives. I don't even know her last name so that I can look these things up.

I have no way of getting in contact with her, and fuck, I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it until tomorrow to see her. I may very well die before then.

My chest is tight, and my entire body aches all over. I'm physically hurting without her.

How is this possible when I just met her last night? How is it possible for me to need her so badly already?

I think I've always needed her. I just didn't know it until I laid eyes on her, and now that I've seen her, there's no getting her out from underneath my skin.

Still, I try to get through the night as best I can. One of the big players who bet money on me is so thrilled with my win that he's invited me to dinner with him tonight.

Sitting through a dinner with some rich blood is the last thing on my mind right now, but my manager insists that it would be considered a slight not to do it. Since this guy is reportedly a senator for the state of Colorado, I figure it’s best if I don’t go offending the big guy.

Even though I'd rather go home and jack off to thoughts of a certain green-eyed, red-headed siren, I throw on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved button-up shirt for this dinner.

That's as far as I'm going. I'm not wearing slacks or a suit. That's just not me. He's lucky he's getting this much because when I'm not in the ring, I'm usually wearing sweatshirts and joggers. Jeans and a button-up is as dressed up as I ever get.

The driver pulls up to the senator's house. That’s right. The senator had his driver come get me even though I’m perfectly capable of driving myself.

I'm wealthy enough with the winnings I make from being an MMA heavyweight champion to afford my own driver if I wanted one, but I don’t like to flaunt my wealth that way. Besides, I like driving myself.

Tags: Emma Bray Romance