Page 89 of Hostile Heir

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Taking the bait, Matheus drops his elbow, simultaneously searching my blank expression. “I guess not.” He concludes when I act unaffected. “There’s a washroom down the hall. Come straight back. We have this bottle of Dom to finish.”

I nod and turn away, managing to take one step before Matheus seizes my bicep and leans into the side of my face, so close I can taste his musky cologne as I suck in. “He’s an asshole. I’ll make sure he’s gone by the time you get back.”

I exhale, grateful for his honesty. “These people look at me like I’m for sale,” my whisper stays out of hearing distance while the general’s eyes burn into our close interaction.

“They’re fascinated. That’s all. Tomás is well-known for being shut off and now it appears he has a potential weakness. And that... is you.”

My eyes narrow at him. “And what exactly do I need to forgive him for?”

His mouth opens as if he’s about to unravel a tale and then he looks away. “For putting business first.” His right cheek dimples and villainous lashes frame guarded eyes. “That’s who he is.”

I squeeze my arms tight to my sides for a little comfort and nod. “It’s okay. I’m not under any illusion,” I say with a mild smile. “Tomás looks at me with the eyes of a poacher who’s claimed his first unauthorized kill. It’s simply his satisfaction of being the best that everyone sees. Nothing more.”

The brave woman within me knows that to be true. However, the foolish little girl wishing her captor would become her true master holds a beat of hope for a different truth.

The moment I leave the room, I finally breathe. I despise their scrutiny and judgment. Inquisitive gazes inspected my appearance, assessed my relationship with Tomás, and put a value on my head. But what’s worse than their visual audit is how the Souzas underestimate me.

They think I’ve fallen for a man with no heart. I didn’t fall, I tripped. And tomorrow afternoon I’d get back up on my own, dust myself off, and carry on without him.

I take my time in the restroom and check my winged eyeliner in an ornate framed mirror hung over a cream marble topped vanity. I’ve come a long way in such a short period of time. The transformation started the day I was kidnapped. Being beaten and overpowered would do that to an innocent young girl.

Yet I survived, because Tomás saved me. My tortured monster gave me a second chance and now our journey together is coming to an end. Even if it confuses and pains me, I’d say goodbye.

Reluctantly leaving the solace of a locked room, I step into the hallway, bracing myself for more questions.


I spin around at the sound of my name, not recognizing the suited man stepping out of the shadows. Thick curly hair is scraped back as if it’s captured in a ponytail and a clean-shaven face showcases swarthy skin and thin lips. He takes a step closer and sucks the tip of his lit cigarette.

As his fingers hover before his face, a black tattoo on his hand sends a shiver right through me. There’s something familiar about it, something I can’t quite put my finger on. But when he speaks again, there’s no animosity in his tone.

“It’s Carina, right?” He props his shoulder against the wall. “They say you’re Tomás’ personal assistant?” His brow cocks.

“That’s correct,” I reply flatly, elevating my chin. “And you are?”

“Paco. I’m here with General Herrera. You met him earlier.” He pauses for a moment, reading my look of disdain. “And we both know you’re not his secretary.”

I stare at him for a beat, then angle away, a niggling awareness chewing at my stomach. “Matheus is waiting for me.”

“Carina…” he calls after me. “You’re not safe. I can help you.” I keep walking, pressing a shaky hand over my heart. “I know you were sent here as a sex slave. And I know the Souza men. You might think you’re special, but the second you landed in their kingdom; your life ended. They’ll never let you walk away alive.” I stop dead. “And if they told you otherwise, and you believed them, then you really need to hear me out.”

I spin on my heels, loose curls whipping like unruly serpents. “Who the hell are you?”

“That doesn’t matter,” he speaks with icy control. “What’s important for you to understand is that Tomáswillkill you. You don’t know him like we do.”

“You’re wrong,” I spit out, my veins pumping with anarchy. “He’s had plenty of opportunities to do it. You don’t know anything about me. And you clearly don’t know a thing about Tomás. He’ll kill you for cornering me alone.”

Paco’s brows drift higher. “I bet he promised you a sum of money that would change your life. An absurd amount to secure a future that will end with a bullet in your brain. That bastard has made you think he cares about you, hasn’t he?”

I swallow, frustrated with how his questions are ripping up my common sense and replacing my private thoughts with pandemonium. “I have nothing to say to you. Please, leave me alone.”

He drags his tattooed hand over his mouth and shakes his head. My skin chills as a foggy memory tries to replay, only to dissipate. “He really has fucked you up.”

With my hand on the wall, I muster the strength to stand even taller and hold my ground. “Like I said, I work for him. It’s as simple as that.”

He nods slowly. “You’re a decoy.” I try to breathe slowly as he continues. “He’s calculative and strategically astute. Everyone here has been duped this evening. They’re now of the opinion you’re his one true weakness. Not only does showing off a beautiful young woman serve to play down his mental vulnerability, but it hides the real truth…” I inch away, not wanting to hear what he has to say. Even as I wobble, he still speaks. “While those ruthless men in there watch you and make devious plans to either steal you for themselves or slaughter you, Tomás has plans to marry Bianca Morales. A Mexican beauty who’ll make a powerful ally even stronger.” Black blobs float across my vision and my hands tremble. “He’s blindsided you, sweetheart. Your arrival here was a perfect disaster.”

He’s lying.

Tags: Autumn Archer Romance