Page 76 of Hostile Heir

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Ignoring the growl in my gut, I lift the glass to my lips. “Maybe later.” My shoulders bounce as I sip, feigning nonchalance.

He lets a heavy sigh free from his lungs, the sweet scent of alcohol lacing his breath. “I’m not in the mood to argue. Eat now or I’ll take you upstairs and insert this pineapple inside your tight little cunt instead.” His lips tug into a sinister smile.

I almost choke on the liquid bubbling down my throat when he plucks the skewer and snares a cube of pineapple between his polished teeth. He chews slowly, dropping his gaze to my chest where he deliberately peels off my dress with his eyes.

“It’s missing something,” he hums, pretending to think. “A certain unforgettable female essence.”

I try to hide my shiver. “That’s disgusting.”

Tomás laughs, low and deep, the rich sound like a hooking melody. “I disagree. Have you tasted yourself? You’re fucking delicious.” Behind us, the pianist strikes a few keys and a soft murmur turns rowdy when a cork pops. “I know I thoroughlyenjoy it.”

My heart skitters. His gaze lingers on my face, the rare hitch to his lips playful. The shadow hungry girl inside of me hits a thousand shades of shyness whereas the attention seeking woman I’ve become pretends to fight the attraction.

Dipping into the side of my face, his nose brushes the shell of my ear, his voice siphoning into me, intoxicating with a powerful potion. “Remember the terms you agreed to. I’m only asking you to eat, Carina. It’s going to be a long day and I want you energized for later. So please... do yourself a favor and eat something.”

His manly cologne wafts up my nostrils and pollutes my mouth. The aroma, it’s unjustly sexual. So clean and crisp, like the suit he wears. This guy just buried his father and on this unusual day, he’s more concerned with fueling my energy levels for his dirty fantasies rather than mourn.

“Fine.” I roll my eyes to stir up an illusion of indifference. He doesn’t deserve to know how my insides are jittery and my clit is throbbing.

Quickly pinching a watermelon chunk, I sink my teeth into the watery flesh and start to chew. “There…” I slurp the juice it makes. “I’m eating.”

A trickle rolls down my chin as I mumble. Before I get the chance to mop it up, his thumb is there, catching it with a slow sweep. I freeze when he sucks it into his mouth. The halo of darkness around his pupils blends into one everlasting whirlpool of chaos. “Good girl,” his voice slips from regal to predatory. “I like watching your mouth work.”

“Ummm, it’s so good,” I mock delight with a long drawn out hum and slip my finger between my lips. “So juicy.”

He looks me up and down while he dents his bottom lip between his teeth. “Are you teasing me?”

“Teasing you? With watermelon? I’m far too innocent to think that would work.” I grin up at him and bat my lashes.

He chuckles. It’s a horny sort of rumble woven with a promise of punishment. I nibble the tip of my finger and hold his stare. Looking into eyes that drip with sex like a hive bursting with honey. And that right there is the toxicity to ruin my sweetness. It’s the purest form of fuck me harder in one sinful glance.

I’m practically sweating when the creepy guy from earlier loudly taps his walking stick on the floorboards beside us, announcing his presence.

Tomás bristles, his mood switching to fire and brimstone

“Where’s Hennessy?” Roberto’s voice slithers into the atmosphere like a dying snake. He taps his bronze tipped cane again as if it’s a habit. Tomás sighs heavily when Roberto continues to speak. “I expected to see your grandfather today. Surely the Boston mafia should attend a family funeral or send a man to represent them.”

My eyebrows fly up.I’d forgotten about his mafia bloodline.I swallow the watermelon pulp with a noisy gulp. Tomás’ eyes leave mine like a lightning strike. “They’re in Ireland,” he bites out, clearly unamused by this man’s topic of conversation, or his untimely interruption. “Mama represents the Hennessy side of the family.”

Tomás runs a hand over his mouth, returning his gaze to me. “Please finish your food, Carina.” He orders coolly, grabs my hand, and sets the plate in my open palm. His tight expression falters, hinting a layer of kindness beneath his rigid composure. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.” With a curt nod, he pivots and ushers the old man into the crowd with a sweeping gesture that herds the wolf away from me.

I stare at the tiny grains of rice and then look to my left where Shane had last stood. I’m all alone. Even the guard has wandered off.

Watching the guests respectfully part for Tomás’ exit, my knees lock to stop myself from swaying. The way he confidently strolls out of the room has my heart rate soaring. They all study his impeccable persona and self-assured gait, just like I do. Each of them wondering what his next move would be. Except they aren’t second guessing what he’ll do with his dick later.

When he disappears, intrigue gets the better of me.

There’s more to this family. More to Tomás Souza. So, I set the plate on a side table and race out of the room to follow him.



I mosey along the same corridor Tomás just walked, finding myself at the main entrance hall. The hairs on my arms spike, because the first time Tomás led me over these polished marble tiles, I hated him.

Taking shelter behind a monolithic pillar, I wait until two suited men saunter past. The last thing I need is two assholes thinking I’m sneaking around. Technically, I am, but not with intent to cause harm. I want to figure out who the man I'm fascinated with really is.

There’s a selection of corridors leading off the airy foyer like octopus tentacles. Looking up the impressive staircase with a snaking gold leaf railing, I check there’s no one about. I’m not sure which way to go, so I choose the closest route, noticing the clip of my heels dull when I move onto an oversized floor covering.

Tags: Autumn Archer Romance