Page 58 of Hostile Heir

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I’m a fucking psychopath.

When I returned home and pinned her to the infinity scape of my territory, barely dressed in wisps of black lace and bruises, the evil within me tamed for a beat. Those purplish welts decorating her ribs are vivid reminders of the world I was born into. How unlawful motherfuckers walk beside us, even if I am one of them.

I could have snipped the lingerie right off her graceful body. Stolen her mouth to feed this bone-deep attraction, except in that moment, when she emerged from the water like a tortured goddess, unworthiness struck me stupid. Regret hit me hard, and I cursed the miserable bastard who attacked her in my home.

Intense admiration turns sickly in my belly, momentarily sabotaging my seat on the throne. Almost crushing the burdensome crown on top of my head and fooling me into believing Carina could be in my future.

Her unbending inner strength is both admirable and priceless. I’ve seen her confidence slip, uncertainty turn her eyes to smoke, but equally I’ve witnessed her unnerving courage and bold curiosity.

Blood seeped dollar bills wouldn’t be enough of a ransom to keep this woman safely by my side. A war between allies would single her out as my only weakness.

Love is death.

Anger coils in my stomach, like a pit of unfed serpents ready to strangle anything that gets in the way. I’m not a weak-assed fool in love. I’d never permit that. Not even when I marry the Mexican girl for a pivotal move in an arduous game of chess.

It doesn’t matter that a dark and twisted part of me finds it excruciatingly difficult to resist Carina. She’s like a bolt of lightning trapped in a box. Bright and energetic with enough volts to electrocute my heart into action. If I set her free, she’d hold the charge to ruin me.

I stare into her big eyes, aware of every vibration this exquisite mistake creates. My jaw twitches from a quelled temper. Amber irises loop jet black pupils in a ring of fire, widened by shivery desire. She’s intoxicating.

“Open your mouth.” My fingers wrap harder around my painful dick.

She obeys, her mouth yawning beneath my swollen balls. The wind carries flyaway sable strands across her freckled complexion, making her appear angelic. We both know that’s one thing she’s not now. Virtuous—perhaps. But angelic—not anymore.

My knees bend a little to bring myself closer to her flushed face. I wince when her tongue flutters over the underside of my balls, softer than a dragonfly's wings. A trickle of sweat runs the length of my spine—the need to fuck her throat becoming intolerable.

Inhaling hard, I pour the liquor, watching it flow steadily from the head of my dick to the base of my shaft. A glossy stream twirls around the puckered skin on my balls and siphons into her waiting mouth. The sound of her throat working catapults violent shivers through me, harsher than volts from an electric chair.

For a moment, I believe this could be Heaven until hungry fingers seize me. The Queen kneeling before her King engulfs my tequila flavored dick and stuffs her throat until she gags.

Fuck! It’s better than Heaven. It's nirvana.

“Good girl,” I manage to hiss out, my blood ablaze and my eyes drilling into hers as she takes all of me. What a sexy sight.

Everything I believe to be true is wrong. Drugs aren’t the most lethal addiction we can die from. It’s the salacious drug of sex that devastates a human’s ability to operate at full capacity. My defenses have lowered and she’s breached every boundary I’ve ever built.

Short nails dig into my thighs, the bite only making my pulse thrum harder and my desires more aggressive.

“Is this what you want?” I wait for her to hum around me, not expecting the reverberation to whip up a monsoon of longing inside me.

A cocktail of saliva and liquor leaks from the corners of her mouth and dribbles down her chin. The vision before me awakens an animalistic side of me that I don't wish to bat away. She’ll never forget me. This. Us. And neither will I.

The driving force raging inside of me takes over. I toss the bottle away, hearing glass smash into pieces similar to my threadbare decorum. Startled birds take flight and the gentle hum of distant wildlife ceases. She flinches, her uncertainty propelling her backward, so she’s no longer sucking me off.

I grab her wrists and wrench her body upward. The scrape of lace on my dick makes me shudder. It’s all I can focus on. She doesn’t have to beg me. I’m too far gone for games. I tug down the flimsy straps to reveal her tits and squeeze them so the nipples pop.

Dropping my face, I suck one pebbled nipple into my mouth, then the other. When she moans, I nip them between my teeth in quick succession. She gasps as soon as the sharp pain attacks, her eyes glowing like flickering lanterns lighting the pathway to destruction.

My hand dives between her thighs, rips her panties to tatters and two fingers plunge inside her. The heat offers me a second of reprieve from the darkness clouding my intentions. Her relieved moan is the sound of sweet purity kissed with sin.

“Fuck me,” she demands, her lips hunting mine. “Do it, Tomás.” Carina writhes, her hips shifting into my wrist as her high escalates.

The rhythm of my probing fingers and the energized buzz it brings stirs something uncharted within me. I snake my free hand to her nape and capture a fistful of sable hair. As if working against my wishes, the greedy fingers soaked in her essence jump to her chin where I secure her against me. Locked in place with nowhere to go, I hollow her cheeks until her pretty mouth takes an oval shape.

Finally, giving into the extraordinary compulsion, I smother her wet lips with mine and kiss her like she’s the priceless cure to my terminal disease. It’s a demanding kiss with clashing teeth and rushed sweeps. Her mouth tastes even sweeter with the kick of alcohol and eagerness. Fuck, I need this and I don't know why.

She whimpers and moans, so defenseless in my custody and thirsty for more. The fingers squishing her cheeks skate to her proud throat, stretched long to reach my height even though I’ve overpowered her.

Anchoring her with hands that had carried out vicious deeds hours earlier, it would be easy to snap her neck, to end this once and for all. Her pulse beats against my skin like earthquake tremors, the taste of her saltiness amplifying my instincts.

Tags: Autumn Archer Romance