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Moving to his side, he rested his head on his hand. “How about a hot bath? I don’t know if they really work after you’ve lost your virginity, but I’ve read it before.”

“Me too,” I said as I moved and sat on him. He was still hard and still had the condom on. “Next time, I’m on top.”

He closed his eyes and let out a whimper, and I felt his dick stir under me. I moved and it stirred again. “Are you sure you’re not ready for round two?”

Laughing, he sat up and hugged me as he pressed his mouth to mine. The kiss was soft and sweet. Slower than it had been minutes ago and filled with so much more than just the desire to make both of us feel good.

When he pulled back, I rested my forehead against his and ran my fingers through his hair. “I always dreamed my first time would be amazing, but I never thought it would be anything like this. I’ve never experienced an orgasm like the ones you gave me tonight with my hand.”

He grinned and seemed to look proud. “I’ve got a few other ways I’d like to outdo myself.”

“Is that so?” I asked with a raised brow. “Tell me?”

“I’ll tell you all the ways I’ve dreamed of making love to you.”

I nodded.

“Slowly, like we just did. In the shower. Up against a wall. From behind. You on top. In public.”

“In public?” I asked as I slapped his chest.

“Yes. In my car, on my office desk, in my office chair.”

Laughing, I said, “You’ve really dreamed of taking me like that? All those ways and all those places?”

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Hollie, but the first time I ever jerked myself off, it was to a picture of you when I was thirteen in my bedroom.”

My mouth dropped open before I started to laugh.

“Come on,” he softly said. “Let’s go take a shower, and then I want to hold you while we fall asleep.”

I stretched and felt every muscle in my body as well as the slight pain between my legs. After waking Lucas up around three in the morning, we made love, then talked for nearly two hours until we both fell asleep, utterly exhausted.

The smell of coffee and bacon had me sitting up. A moment of panic hit as I realized I had three events today I needed to be overseeing. Reaching for my cell, I sighed when I saw it was only six-thirty.

Slipping out of Lucas’s bed, I made my way over to his dresser and opened the drawer I had seen him get a T-shirt out of last night. I pulled out one and slipped it over my head. It fell to the tops of my thighs. About to search for my panties, I smiled and decided to go sans underwear and made my way down to his kitchen.

As I drew closer, I heard Lucas speaking to someone.

“Manny, we need to get as much out and documented as we can before the first snow hits. Plus, the city is already behind on the construction of the park. I know it’s the crack-ass of dawn, and I know you have a hangover. I’m aware of that, but it is not my fault the ball was on a Sunday night and not a Saturday.”

I watched Lucas as he flipped pancakes in the air, then tended to the bacon. Oh, yes, the man was sexy as hell in the kitchen. The sweatpants that hung low on his hips helped with the overall sex appeal. What topped it all was the bare feet. I pressed my lips tightly together to keep from moaning. Was it bad that I wanted him again? To be honest, I could go back to his bed and stay there for the next week if I thought we could.

Walking up to him, he turned and flashed me a smile that would have made my panties melt, had I been wearing any. I reached for the bowl of eggs he was about to beat for what I was guessing were scrambled eggs.

“I’ll be there in about an hour or so, and to sweeten the deal, I’ll bring coffee.”

Lucas smiled and leaned down to give me a kiss before ending his call.

“See you soon.”

“You have a busy day, I see,” I said as I beat the eggs and then sprayed the pan Lucas had set aside for the eggs.

“We’re only working half a day so that some of the people who have kids can leave early for Halloween tonight.”

After I poured the eggs into the pan, I walked over to the sink. “That’s sweet of you.”

“Don’t give me too much credit. I want to be there for Greg’s proposal tonight.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance