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The book came down, and she shot me a dirty look. “I should really kick your ass.”

I paused and raised a single brow. “May I ask why?”

“My very best friend was so upset last night, I couldn’t even understand her when she was trying to talk. I still don’t know why, but I know it has something to do with you.”

Sighing, I leaned back in the chair. “A misunderstanding, that’s all.”

Kristin also sat back in her seat and folded her arms, giving me a look that said she didn’t believe me at all.

“It was a…crazy afternoon, Kristin. Hollie told me everything, about the spells, the bad-luck curse. Then Wendy stopped by and spewed out some bullshit I said about Holliewhen we were in high school, not all of which was true. Hollie got pissed and stormed out, and now she won’t take my calls.”

Kristin’s mouth dropped open as she leaned forward and whispered, “She told you about the spells? Both spells?”

I nodded, even though I knew it was wrong to mislead her.

“She also told me she now thinks she is a witch.”

Kristin laughed. “I’ve always believed she had some sort of magickal powers. I swear, she can sometimes hear your thoughts before you even voice them.”

I nodded. “She answered a question I hadn’t even asked yet.”

Pointing at me, Kristin nodded. “Yes! It’s creepy-weird. She does it to me all the time.”

The waitress came up and asked for my drink order. After ordering a cup of coffee and the deluxe egg sandwich, I focused back on Kristin. She was staring at me with a look I couldn’t read.

“What is it?”

She slowly shook her head. “I can’t believe she would tell you about the first spell. I mean, she’s kept her feelings for you so locked up inside. I told her to tell you how she felt, but she was so afraid of rejection by you or of you not feeling the same way about her.”

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest, but I forced myself to keep a neutral expression. I just hoped Kristin couldn’t see how fast my pulse was beating in my neck ’cause it felt like my heart was going to pop out of my body.

“I think she was scared because of the few little accidents I had. She wanted to come clean.”

Kristin chuckled. “Well, when we found out we did a sunder spell and not a notice-me spell, it didn’t seem to matter at first. It was all just a joke, until, well, it wasn’t.”

“She didn’t tell me, though, how the spell got mixed up.”

Kristin frowned. “She didn’t?”

“Well, bits and pieces, but Wendy interrupted us, and then Hollie got pissed, and now she won’t answer my calls or texts, like I said.”

Kristin smirked. “Sounds like her. All I know is, Lucy told her that because she has romantic feelings for you, by using the wrong spell, it kind of confused the spell. We thought we were putting a spell on you to notice her, you know, in a more romantic way. Turns out, it was to put you in sunder. But because of how she felt toward you, it made the spell turn into, like, a bad-luck spell instead of a hurt-you-really-bad spell. Well, needless to say, Hollie didn’t believe Sarah at first until you were hit by that car.”

My mind was in a tailspin. Hollie had romantic feelings for me? I wanted to ask Kristin a million questions. What kinds of feelings? How long had she had these feelings? Why in the hell did she act like she couldn’t stand me all those years? Oh, wait…I had done the same damn thing.


Snapping my head up, I asked, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“Do you think the reversal spell worked?”

I blinked a few times. I’d stayed up damn near all night watching the fucking candle burn. Once it burned out, I was in my backyard this morning digging a hole to bury it in. Mrs. Dodger, my eighty-year-old neighbor, probably thought I was burying a body.

“I don’t know. Nothing has happened to me at all this morning.”

Kristin smiled. “Well, I know Hollie has tried to deny her gift, but I think her mind has changed.”

I nodded. “Yeah, it sure seems like it.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance