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I was best known for my romantic events like surprise engagements or anniversaries. I had to admit, those were my favorites. I was a sucker for a good romance story. Maybe because I was still looking for my own happily ever after.

Rose turned in a circle. Faux trees lined the walkway from the porch to the back patio and were covered in white lights, with Edison lights strung across the large trees in the backyardfor when the sun set and the host needed to provide light in the backyard.

In the yard were large beanbag chairs, each with a blanket placed over it, along with the book that Rose’s book club had been reading. In the middle was a fire pit ready to go with a push of a button. Small s’mores kits were also placed on a small table that sat in front of each beanbag, along with a cup that had a small bag of hot chocolate and mini-marshmallows in it. All they would need to do is add hot water.

“In each s’mores kit is a small skewer that opens up for them to roast the marshmallows on. They also have their names on them, and each blanket has the name on it as well so they should be able to find their chairs with no problem,” I said as I walked toward the other seating area in the yard. “You mentioned the gift idea would be left up to me, so I hope you like that.”

“You thought of everything!” Rose gushed. “I love the gifts! How do you come up with such cute ideas?”

Simply smiling, I wanted to say, when I had an open checkbook to work with, I could make anything amazing. And for this job, the hostess was attempting to make her fall book club meeting outshine any other member’s, past or future. I loved Rose to pieces, though. So, when she told me to outshine last year’s book club fall party, I had tried my best. Rose’s husband, Tim, was a doctor in town and sat on the city council. He had given me my first big solo event to plan, and I would forever be grateful to him for it.

“Your guests should be arriving soon, so I’ll get on out of here. Is there anything else you need from me?”

She beamed back at me. “No, everything looks amazing, Hollie. Thank you so much.”

I kissed her cheek and said, “It’s my pleasure.”

As I headed through the courtyard, I slid open the back door and stepped inside Rose’s house. Quickly making my waythrough the large, historical home, I grabbed my laptop bag and purse and started for the front door. Though everyone knew Rose would not have thrown this altogether herself, I would never stay at the event unless asked to.

Opening the door, I stepped outside and quickly made my way down the steps and sidewalk and to my car that was parked in front of the house.

Just as I went to open the car door, I heard my name and instantly knew who it was. His voice irritated and thrilled me at the same time. More so the latter.

Slowly turning on my heels, I was met by those caramel-colored eyes that made my insides want to melt. I made the mistake of letting my gaze drop to his mouth and nearly moaned when he smiled that crooked smile. And that stupid, stupid, dimple of his. Ugh. It didn’t often come out, but when it did, my lady bits went crazy.

Lucas Dayton.

I drew in a breath and tried my best to not let any emotions show. I was rather good at it since I’d had years of pretending to not like the man whom I had way more naughty dreams about than I cared to admit.

“Hey, Lucas. What brings you by Rose’s house?”

The moment the question was out of my mouth, I wanted to crawl into a hole. Did he really need a reason to be at his own mother’s house?

He laughed. “Well, she is my mother, so there is that.”

I wanted to punch myself but somehow managed to play it off. “I wasn’t aware you were part of her romance book club.”

He froze and I internally fist-pumped. “Shit,” he hissed. “Is that today?”

“Yep. Better get on in there before you miss any of the book talk.”

I turned, opened the door, and was about to slip inside the safety of my car when he grabbed hold of my door and kept me from closing it.

“What brings you here?” he asked.

“If you must know, I helped your mom plan the event and was making sure all the decorations and such were in order.”

He let his gaze move over my face before his eyes met mine. I hated the way I felt, like I wanted to squirm in my own skin when he stared at me like that. I could never read the man, and that drove me crazy because I could read everyone. And when I say that, I mean it. Lucas was the only person whose thoughts eluded me. I could never tell what he was thinking. At times, I swore I could read minds, I was so good at guessing a person’s thoughts. Not with him, though.

“Is there something you needed?” I asked as I tried to keep my voice calm and steady.

He smirked. “Why aren’t you in the book club, Hollie? You don’t like romance books?”

I forced a smile. “I’m not over fifty, Lucas. Therefore, this really isn’t my kind of crowd.”

One brow rose and I knew he was about to say something awful like I acted like a fifty-year-old woman or dressed like one. Something rude would no doubt slip free from those soft and plump-looking lips. I wondered how soft they would feel to anyone he kissed. I jerked my eyes up to his nose.

Do not look at his mouth, Hollie, do not do it.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance