Page 87 of Making the Cut

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I’m grateful for it.

I set the vase down on my desk and stare at the flowers for a moment. It’s almost identical to the ones he got me before and I bite my lip, willing myself to not bawl my eyes out at my cubicle where everyone can see me.

Asters and morning glories.

I hate them almost as much as I love them.

A tear escapes as I stare at the arrangement. Then I notice that there’s a card on the back of the vase, and I slowly reach for it.

Vivis written on the front and I have to blow out a steadying breath when I recognize Archer’s handwriting.

“Oh boy,” I whisper to myself and quickly grab a tissue, wiping at the tears that won’t stop coming. “I shouldn’t open this at work.”

“Yes, you should.”

I jump, a squeak leaving my throat as I look over the wall of my cubicle at Sheila who’s watching me with a blank expression.

“Hi, Sheila,” I say, clearing my throat. I set the note down. “What can I do for you?”

“Nothing,” she replies, leaning against the wall. Nodding at the note, she asks, “What’s it say?”

“Oh, uh, nothing.” I smile at her, forced for sure, but necessary.

“Not nothing. You and Archer broke up?”

I gape. “Uh—”

“You don’t have to hide it, it’s pretty obvious.”

My shoulders slump and my air of professionalism wanes. If she’s bringing it up, why force politeness? “Does everyone know?”

“No,” she says, leaning closer. “I don’t know who else knows, I just recognize when someone gets dumped. I’ve seen it before.”

I have a retort on my tongue, something like, “I dumped him, actually.” But somehow, that thought doesn’t make me feel better. It makes me feel worse.

That ache is back, the one filled to the brim with regret. Maybe I shouldn’t have acted so fast. I should have stuck it out. Archer would never purposefully hurt my feelings.

“What’s the note say?”

I sigh and say, “I haven’t opened it.”

“Open it,” she demands and I note that she’s crossed her arms and gotten comfortable. “I’m too nosy,” she says before I can ask for privacy. “I need to know what it says.”

I roll my eyes at her and she doesn’t respond, just waits with a raised brow. “Fine,” I say, grabbing the note card and flipping it over. I stick my finger under the flap and pull the insert out of the card.

I read the words to myself, again holding back the rush of emotion and sigh. Holy shit. He gets to me.

“What’s it say?”

Sheila’s eyes don’t leave mine as I respond, “It says, ‘You’re the Leia to my Han. I’m not going anywhere.’”

Sheila hums and I note a touch of pride in her eyes. “Not bad. You won’t get rid of him so easily.’”

That’s the problem… I don’t think I want to.

Chapter Forty-Four

“When you love someone, you have to be willing to chase them. You have to be willing to lay it all on the line to show them you’re not going anywhere.” – Derek

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance