Page 73 of Making the Cut

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I pull out and slam back into her, my moves becoming more frantic with every second and I relish this absolute joy of my life that is this woman.

I reach between us like she showed me and find her clit. This little spot would never be neglected by me.

One hand grips her ass tightly as I slam into her again as my other hand works her over and she moans again, “Archer!”

“I’ve got you, baby. I’ve always got you,” I tell her, my breathing frantic as I feel the rush of orgasm coming, she moans loud and clenches around me, sparking my own, and we fall apart together, both of us going slightly limp.

Like she can’t hold on anymore, she lets her legs fall and I hold her up against the shower wall for a few moments while we catch our breath. I give her a few kisses, holding her to me before I turn and start to wash her body.

As I’m washing her hair, her eyes slightly closed, I ask, “Are we good?”

I think she can tell I’m referring to my falling asleep on her yesterday, and she nods. “Yeah, of course.”

I feel relief at her words, if we weren’t good at any point, I’m not sure if I could handle it if we fell apart.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

“Psh, loving someone is the scariest thing in the world. Like, here, hold my heart, the most precious part of me and please don’t break it. Not easy.” – Quinn


I think I was feeling more stressed than usual.

I know, I know, who wasn’t stressed these days? But between work for Hansen and the other clients I’d taken on, i.e., CT and Warren, I was busy nonstop.

Not to mention finding moments to have with Archer that weren’t tainted with my brother’s presence.

We hadn’t yet told him about us, and frankly, I didn’t know what to say because Archer and I hadn’t had a conversation about us at all. We were together frequently, but I never wanted to ruin our time together by bringing something up that would potentially scare him away.

I was being a coward about it, but I didn’t want to remind him that I got the job. Therefore, we don’t need to fake anything anymore.

I was meeting Jane and Quinn for lunch, and I was hoping to use them to talk things over. I needed a buffer. Someone who wasn’t in the middle of everything but could still give insight because they knew us both.

I enter the cool, chic restaurant and spot them chatting at a table, making my way to them and dropping my bag. “Hey, ladies!”

They both stand for hugs and we sit back down at the table. “I’ve never been here before, what’s good?”

Jane guides me on what to order and I do so when the server arrives. Once we have our drinks and are settled, Jane gives me an eyebrow lift, concern marking her face.

“Hey, everything okay?”

I pat my cheeks with my hands and then rest my face in them, placing my elbows on the table. My mother would whack me if she saw me right now. “Is it that obvious?”

“You look stressed,” Quinn comments, a tic in her brow. “Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah,” I say, then I realize I’d better not mention CT or Warren causing extra stress because the last thing I want is to lose them as clients, and given that I’m sitting with Warren’s girlfriend and CT’s brother’s girlfriend, I decide to keep it to myself. “Just the stress of trying to find my place at the new job.”

The girls commiserate. Jane runs her own freaking company, so she knows a little about that stress. And prior to settling herself down in the country, Quinn had worked as a corporate lawyer, so she’s not immune to that stress either.

“I can understand that,” Quinn replies, taking a sip of her iced tea. “I’ve been venturing into helping Lucas out with some businesses, helping establish their taxes and whatnot. It’s not as fun as I remember.”

“Lucas?” I ask, not remembering.

“Remember him? Kate’s husband. You met them at the barbecue.”

“Oh, right. I forgot his name.”

“I didn’t know you were going back to work.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance