Page 71 of Making the Cut

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I blush, running a hand over my hip. “Thank you.”

He reaches for me, and I reach back, letting him grasp my hand and reel me in. “I am so fucking sorry, I just sat down for a second.” He gestures to the bed and sighs, closing his eyes. “I must have passed out.”

I step into him and give him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s okay. I was worried about you.”

He wraps me in his arms and I take the liberty of running my hands over his bare back. I love him shirtless, it’s my favorite.

I lean back and gesture to the bed. “Come on, get back in bed.” I lead him over to the bed and he starts to lie back down. “I’ll see you later.”

“Wait, what?” He reaches out and grasps my hand, standing back up. “Don’t leave.”

I pause, glancing behind me. “But—”

“Enzo has to work late and he’ll sleep in tomorrow. He won’t even know you’re here.”

I bite my lip and contemplate it for a moment, but Archer spins me around and reaches for my zipper. His hand slowly lowers the zipper to right above my ass and his lips hit my ear. “Please stay with me.”

I shiver at the words and let my dress fall to the floor. Decision made.

He takes my hand and pulls me onto the bed with him, spooning me from behind and letting out a satisfied sigh. He’s nearly asleep when whispered words caress the shell of my ear, “I love you.”

I don’t have time to answer him before he’s passed out, and I’m left wondering if he meant those words to be heard by me, or if it was sleep-induced word vomit.

Chapter Thirty-Six

“Sometimes admitting you messed up is half the battle, but remember, you have to keep fighting for them after the confession.” – Warren


I felt horrible.

I’d fully planned on being there for the event with Viv, I’d been looking forward to seeing her all dressed up and then stripping that dress right the fuck off of her as soon as I could get her home. But I’d lost all power to sleep.

I’d been up at four in the morning every day this week, working until around seven so the guys on the crews could get home to their own families. It was a struggle, and the hours were kicking my ass, but I wanted to not only finish this project on time, but do it really well. I wanted Henry to trust I could handle this and continue to give me jobs like this, I had the knowledge, I had the will to call people and tell them to get their asses in gear, no matter how much they didn’t like it.

But with everything going on here, I had missed out on something that was important to my girlfriend and I knew she was still pissed at me.

She wouldn’t say so, of course. She had class and was holding on to her dignity, not wanting to let me know how much I’d let her down.

But I’d called Warren and asked him point blank how Viv was at the event and he’d told me she held herself together fine, but he could tell she was disappointed.

She was disappointed in me.

Never would she make me feel that way though. She had come in and helped me get back to bed and I’d snuggled the shit out of her and gotten up early with her to head to her place when I knew Enzo was still sleeping.

Though, that was another thing I needed to handle.

I don’t know how he was going to take the fact that I was absolutely head over fucking boots gone for his sister. I won’t phrase it like that, because I like my member where it is.

I need to tell him though.

Between her workload and mine, plus sneaking around our friends when I was relatively sure all of them but Enzo knew we were together, was an extra strain on the relationship we don’t need.

Someone calls me over to ask me questions, and I dive right back into work. The day moves fairly fast and I’m grateful when I’m able to leave the site and head home.

Well, not home. But to Viv’s place. I promised her this morning when I left for work after sneaking her home that I would bring dinner over so we could hang out tonight. Something to make up for missing last night, even if it was a small thing.

With her favorite Thai food in hand, I trudge up the stairs and reach for the handle of her apartment door. Usually, she leaves it unlocked because she forgets to lock it. Something I was not happy about. Anyone could walk in at any time.

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance