Page 65 of Making the Cut

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I regard Viv. Normally she’s just sunshine. She smiles all the time like it’s her face’s natural state and she just generally has a happy demeanor. I suspect it’s why everyone gravitates toward her.

But we all get sad, and maybe Viv hasn’t had enough time to just have sad days.

“Is tonight a sad night?”

She looks over at me from where she was staring off in the distance. “What?”

“I think you just need a sad night.” I rub her foot in my lap. “You need a night where you can just feel how you feel.”

A small quirk of her lips makes me happy but the tears that spring to her eyes have my heart clenching. “I don’t have any reason to be sad.”

I reach over to her, my hand cupping the back of her neck and bringing her forehead to my lips. “You don’t need a reason.”

A tear slips down her cheek and I swipe it away, pulling her more fully into my lap. Her arms go around my shoulders and she lays her head on my chest. Her body relaxes into mine, and I know she just needs me to be her safe space right now.

She doesn’t have anyone else who she can rest on. So I’m going to make that my mission to always be her safe space.

“Alright, it’s officially sad night.” I tilt her head up and look down at her, giving her a soft smile. “I’m going to order in some food, run down the street and grab some chocolate. While I shower, you pick us something to watch. Anything you want, okay?”

She nods and lifts her chin, I give her a slow kiss.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

“You never have to thank me for treating you like a human.”

Because whether we like it or not, we are all humans, and we all have our rough days and need breaks. I just need Viv to know, no matter what is going on, she can count on me to give them to her.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Girls’ night is sacred. What happens at girls’ night, stays at girls’ night.” – April


“But, I mean, have you?” April asks the room again, swirling her wine around in her glass. I’m pretty sure it’s number three or four and that’s why the bold questions are coming tonight. “Not would you, buthaveyou?”

“Personally, no. But I won’t even go number two in front of Harry, so why would I allow that?” Molly admits matter-of-factly.

“Well.” April tilts her head side to side. “You’re not doing that while he’s back there.”

Jane covers her face with both of her hands and squeaks. “Ew! April!”

Quinn cackles like a maniac, and I snort at the reactions.

We were all currently at my apartment, all in various states of pajama wear and sipping drinks, most of us with wine while Jane stuck to her usual hot chocolate, having come straight from an event, kicking off her high heels and demanding someone get her a hot drink.

She’d been kidding, but we accommodated anyway.

Quinn and Graham were down the mountain as well, something for Quinn’s daughter that she had to bring her down to be with her father. And Graham didn’t let the girls come without him. I wasn’t sure it was “let them,” but that’s how Quinn phrased it.

“What?” April asks innocently, and I take a peek at the wine bottle in front of her. Empty. “It’s a valid curiosity. Personally, I like it.”

I sit up fast, accidentally punching her in the shoulder in my weird excitement. “Nuh-uh!” I exclaim. “Chris went back door?!”

She blushes, finally realizing what she’s said and covers her mouth. “Oh no, don’t tell him I told you!”

“Wow,” Quinn murmurs. “Of all the guys, Chris freaking Pratt.” We all laugh hard, like clenching our stomachs, holding in our pee hard.

Chris’s last name was indeed Pratt, but he likes to say, “Not that one, but better.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance