Page 60 of Making the Cut

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I grab my iPad and open my design program. “So, I thought over what you all said and where the ranch originated from. I thought up some designs that I thought would really represent you all.” I flip the iPad to show them, giving them a small smile as they both look it over.

“Three Rivers Trevors Ranch,” CT murmurs and Cal’s eyes mist over.

“You incorporated the three of us.”

I shrug, feeling shy because these are people who I know are good to their core and I want them to love what I present to them. “I thought it was a nice idea to tie you all together.”

“I love it,” Cal says, clapping his hand down on his thigh.

“Me too,” CT says, a smirk on his face. “It’s perfect.”

“Yeah, then we can just call it Three Rivers to keep things short and sweet. We can get some stuff made up for advertising, get shirts made and hoodies and all sorts of things your clients will love.”

We go over what they’d like to represent and how we should present them to the communities. Though some of my work will be by word of mouth, most of it will be targeting people online in the area to get the word out for the ranch.

I see the ambition and excitement behind both of their eyes and I let them enjoy this fun win of naming the ranch. I was thrilled they loved the name.

The crunch of gravel drags my attention to the truck pulling up the driveway and I smile when I see Graham hop out, Quinn’s daughter in tow.

She’s freaking adorable as she hops out of the truck with Rudy behind her, her little overalls the perfect touch to her farm girl style.

“Hey,” Graham calls out, and Cal stands when Alex runs up the steps.

“Hey, Pops!” She yells loudly, barreling into him for a hug. He laughs happily at the enthusiasm.

“Hey, Viv,” Graham greets and I stand to give him a hug. “I heard you were going to be in town and thought I’d swing by, we’re having a barbecue over at our place tonight and we’d love it if you would come. I know you’re here for another day.”

A barbecue with good friends sounds amazing, so I nod. “Yeah, I’d love that.”

“Archer not here?” He asks, tugging on one of Alex’s pigtails. His question takes me by surprise. How much does he know?

“Ooh, cookies! Can I have one, Uncle Cade? Pleeeeeaasee.” She holds her folded hands under her chin and gives him the most adorable puppy-dog eyes.

He groans. “I hate that look. Yeah, have a cookie.” He reaches for a napkin, handing it to her and tells her to help herself.

I laugh at the scene. I’ve known CT only briefly, but it seems that pouting nine-year-olds are his weakness or at least the way to his secretly soft heart.

“Uh, no,” I finally answer Graham’s question. “He’s gotta work today. Something with his current project not going very well.”

Graham frowns. “That sucks.” He gestures to the iPad and binder. “What’s going on with the marketing? How’s that going?”

“Great!” I grab the iPad and open the designs again.

“Viv came up with a great name for the ranch.”

Graham sighs. “What’s wrong with Trevors Ranch again?”

I give him a teasing look. “People want catchy, we need catchy.” I turn the iPad to him and he looks at it, murmuring the name to himself.

“Three Rivers.” He looks from his dad to CT. “You’re both okay with this?”

“I’m thrilled,” Cal says, his voice determined. “It’s the three of us. Therefore, it’s Three Rivers.”

“Plus, you said there was a river that ran through the property,” I remind him, hoping I didn’t misinterpret that. “Even if there wasn’t, rivers join up at the bottom of the mountain. It’s symbolic.” No one bothers to comment on that but I notice Graham looking at his little brother.

“You’re okay with this, too?”

CT gives him a look. “Yeah, man. I’m good. I’m happy with it.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance