Page 29 of Making the Cut

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“I do.”

Her face softens. “Oh, that’s right. I remember your grandma making you that cake in high school…” Her voice trails off, probably with the memory of my grandmother making that cake, and the only two friends I’d have over to eat it were Viviana and Enzo. Before she died, we did my birthdays at our house and she always made chocolate raspberry cake.

Maybe I liked the memory the flavor brought me more than the actual taste.

But when I found the flavor, I always got it.

“But I did get you your favorite.” I hand her the red velvet, remembering this was the one her mother made for her birthday every year.

Ours were one month apart, so we had a lot of cake close together.

Cutely, Viviana holds the cupcake up to mine and gently taps it. “Cheers,” she says before taking a big bite out of hers.

I smile and do the same.

“So.” She swallows her bite and refocuses her gaze on me. “What made you decide to stop by?”

I clear my throat and lick my lips, hoping there’s no chocolate around them. “Well, I wanted to talk to you.”

“Uh-oh.” She sets her treat down and turns to face me. “Is this a letdown talk? Are you not able to do the whole fiancé bit anymore?” She waves her hands around and smiles slightly, I can tell though, even though her smile is there, that she’s concerned that that’s really what’s coming.

“No, not at all.” Without thinking, I reach over and set my hand on her leg. “I just wanted to be clear, I wanted to have dinner with you tonight.”

“Oh.” She waves the thought away, something I’m picking up on that she uses to dissuade awkward moments. “No big deal.”

“I guess not.” I agree and then take my hand away after realizing that I was holding her leg down and rubbing my thumb against her thigh.

Keep your hands to yourself, Arch.

“But I really did want to share my news with you first. I wanted to have dinner without the whole group so I could just…” I clear my throat again and shrug. “Talk with you.”

“Oh.” Her voice is soft this time, and she graces me with one of her gorgeous smiles. I live for her smiles. “Well, that sounds nice.”

“Yeah.” I smile at her and say, “Would you want to try dinner again? Maybe tomorrow or later this week?”

“Sure.” Her answering smile makes my heart thump faster, and then her eyes widen. “Oh! Speaking of which—er, kind of, next week!”

I watch her warily and then prompt. “Next week…”

Her eyes blink and I look down at what had her attention. My hand is resting on hers.

Keep. Your. Hands. To. Yourself. Arch.

Although she didn’t pull away. So maybe…

“Next Thursday through the weekend Hansen has asked that I go on a wilderness… something or other.” She waves her hand. I smirk. “And they asked we bring our significant others.”

“Oh.” I raise a brow and think on it. Three nights alone with Viviana in what is likely going to be a tent? “Okay.” I agree easily, trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

“Okay? Will that work? I know you just started a job.”

“I’ll make it work,” I promise, and the smile she gives me at my words has me making a mental note not to break it.

Chapter Twelve

“Telling your high school crush that you had a crush on them in high school is easy. Telling them that crush is alive and well at thirty… that’s a different story.” – Archer


Tags: J.S. Wood Romance