Page 76 of The Whole Package

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“Warren.” Her tone is calm and gentle, it has the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. “How are you doing, dear?”

I stand from the chair and keep smiling. “I’m well. Thank you.”

She frowns deeply, looking between me and Freddie. “You’re really okay? I assumed you’d take it hard. I thought you two were… well, serious.”

“I’m sorry?” I place a hand on my chest. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.”

Beverly gives me a look of pity. “Oh honey, I’m referring to Jane and Jasper getting together. Gosh, it was a surprise to me.”

My brows furrow deeper. “Jane and Jasper are not together.” Even I hear the confusion in my tone. I’d been with Jane just this morning and she’d said nothing about whatever this is.

Beverly reaches out and pats me on the shoulder, a look of—I assume—fake pity on her beautiful face. “Warren, I’m so sorry I’m the one to tell you. I tell you what, you ever need anything—anything at all—give me a call.” She hands me a card; I automatically take it without thinking. She puts a hand on my shoulder, and I refrain from shrugging it off. “I’m here for you.” Beverly gives Freddie a polite nod and then heads off, leaving me fucking confused.

“Well, looks like you have something you need to handle.”

I turn to Freddie and sit back in the chair. “No, it’s fine.” I shove the card into my pocket and lean against the table.

“That was about your girl?” he asks, tapping the portrait he’s got in front of him. I nod and he continues, “Listen, man, take it from me. Don’t put work above your girl. You love her, make her a priority. You’ve got outside forces shoving you apart? Fight them.”

It’s Freddie’s words in my head that keep my temper cool as I head to the Leads Building after our meeting. Technically, I’m supposed to be back in the mail room, but I have to see Jane first.

Her mother was meddling. It was clear as day, but the fact that she felt so sure about something that she felt she could waltz right up to me and say what she did has the worry niggling at me.

I nod at Lisa. “She in?”

“She’s in, on a call though.” Lisa waves me in anyway. I became her favorite person when I found out her coffee order and started bringing her one whenever I got Jane something.

It paid to befriend the gatekeeper.

I open the door to find Jane on the phone, her voice deep with confidence while she handles whoever is on the other end of the call. She glances up and gives me a slight smile and I move closer.

But, as I sit there listening, I realize that whomever she’s talking to won’t end anytime soon and I stand, making my way around the desk and kissing her head. She smiles at me and mouths “I love you” before returning her attention to the phone again.

My chest eases slightly and I let out a breath. Whatever needs to be said will be said at home tonight.

But I’m tired of Beverly Leads running this show.

Chapter Forty-Five

“She’s the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire.”



It’s clear to me that Warren is upset about something. It seems to be the theme of the day. After my uplifting brunch with Molly and Erika, the day just kept circling the drain. We had issues at work, I had issues with my mother, and something was bothering Warren too.

We enter the apartment in silence.

Tensesilence. The absolute worst kind.

Warren grabs a glass of water and sits at the island. When he doesn’t speak first, I start, “Is everything okay? Did Freddie say something about the show?”

This had been my first thought. Maybe Freddie pulled out of the deal or something. Maybe he decided to go in a different direction.

But Warren shakes his head. “No, the show is on.”

“Okay. That’s great,” I answer hesitantly. I sigh and slump against the counter across from the island so I’m still facing him. “So, what’s got you in a funk, babe?”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance