Page 48 of The Whole Package

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“What is it you need?” she asks with a slightly brisk tone. “I have a lot of work to do.”

“I know you do,” I reply, linking my fingers and leaning against the table. “I wanted to talk about the next few charity events we have on the calendar.”

She huffs. “They’re all months away, Ms. Leads. There’s no reason to—”

“I have a reason,” I cut her off, giving her a polite but cool smile. “And I would appreciate the chance to tell you, if you’d let me.”

She crosses her arms and legs, giving me a resigned look. “Go ahead.”

“Thank you.” I smile at her, putting some warmth into it. “I have some ideas that I think we should implement. These galas are supposed to benefit the charities and community around us that need our help, but all I see is them being handed a check.”

“The checks do help,” she replies but looks at me with a renewed interest in her eyes.

“I know they do, and I’m glad. But I want to do more. I want to get into the communities, find out how we can really make a difference.”

“You do?” She cocks her head, skeptical. “You’ve never seemed interested before.”

“I know that,” I say, disappointment in my own tone at myself. “I realize I’ve been putting all of my focus on other work priorities—as I should, of course—and neglecting my servant’s heart.”

Molly seems to regard me in a new light, which is what I was hoping for, and says slowly, “You want to serve the community.” She raises a skeptical eye. “Truly?”

“Truly. I do.” I look down at my hands and smile. “I’ve had some recent things happen in my life, things that make me want to open my world a bit more, and I know this is your area of expertise, so I’m not asking to take over, I’m asking for you to let me help. And for you to tell me how I can do that.”

“Well,” Molly sighs and her expression, the one she always uses to tell me exactly how she feels about me, softens into something new. “I’m genuinely surprised, Ms. Leads.”

“Please.” I wave my hand. “Call me Jane. Seriously.”

“Okay, Jane,” she responds with a slight smile. “Erika is also a big help with the charities, I’d like to share this information with her and see how we can all work together, if that’s alright with you.”

I smile again. “Yes, that’s perfect. Let’s set up lunch this week.” I lean forward and click my intercom, telling Lisa to set it up. “I’d like a bi-weekly lunch with you both, so we can work on making a real impact here. Together.”

Molly smiles at me, a real one, and I feel a piece of myself snapping into place.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“I want to be with you, it is as simple, and as complicated as that.”

-Charles Bukowski


I’m so focused on my computer that I don’t even notice when Enzo pops his head into my room. “Game night, buddy.”

I blink and lean back. “What?”

He looks at me. “Game night. Remember?”

I look at my calendar and frown. “Is it Thursday, already?” I’ve been so busy between working and getting my works together, formatting a book and trying to get someone who wants to be my agent—I learned they help when getting traditionally published—and then deciding whether or not I want to self-publish, that this week has flown by.

Not to mention the nights I’ve had with Jane.

Though we still have been keeping things quiet, unfortunately. I didn’t feel right bringing up the fact that I want to be public with her since we started sleeping together, wanting to ease her into the idea.

I also desperately wanted to get my work out there, showcase my art in a way I haven’t before. I’d always thought it wasn’t meant to be consumed by the public, or that I should ask people to buy it, that it wasn’t worth trying. However, that last bit may have been my dad’s voice in my head, not my own.

Regardless of that, I still didn’t want to keep her a secret, or vice versa.

“Yup, whole crew is coming. April brought friends.” He winks at me and I stand, stretching out the muscles that have grown stiff since I’ve sat.

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance