Page 108 of The Whole Package

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“Okay,” she replies. She swallows her emotions and says, “If you need space, I’ll give it. If you need me to just listen to you and not try to fix your problems, I’ll do that. I love you, Warren. With everything I am.” A tear slips down her cheek and I wipe it away with a knuckle.

I lean forward, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “I promise the same. Always.” I pause and say, “And I will move in. But you better fucking let me propose.”

She smiles at me and straddles my lap, giving me a sassy look. My woman is full of surprises. “Maybe there’s a way you can convince me.”

“It’d be my honor.”

I spend the night convincing her.

Over and over and over…

The End


“There are very few things I crave more than you reaching for me as you sleep.”

-Jessica Michelle


Tonight was a big fucking night. It was just like every other charity event that Jane’s company had thrown over the years—something about toys for underprivileged children, mixed with the company Christmas party—but tonight, I had attended as her date, officially marking us as a couple in the eyes of her company and all our friends and family.

I’d been nervous and covered it up by getting her naked as many times as I could today and hoping that it would help me get rid of said nerves.

It hadn’t helped, but I wasn’t going to tell her that after today. There may be more events I’ll need help alleviating my nerves about.

All our friends and family were here tonight to support us, even William Ivers, who had been invited at the last minute, but made the effort to come. I gave him credit for that.

I didn’t blame the guy for feeling out of place here, it’s a weird revelation to have to come to terms with, to find out you had a daughter and had no say in how she was raised, no chance to help raise her.

But he’d come and was dealing with the fact that Beverly was also here, though he’d been cool toward her. Another thing I couldn’t blame him for.

She’d been absent since Jane had fixed everything for her. But she had shown up tonight and not only that, she’d come with a date. Paul. Jane had audibly gasped when they’d approached her, but Beverly had shyly blushed while Paul smiled broadly, proud.

I shook his hand and gave him a small smile. “Congrats.”

He seemed happy, she seemed tentatively happy, and Janie seemed… overwhelmed.

Her mother had spoken with her briefly and then I pulled her away, taking the focus off of the two of them and keeping us away from any and all drama. They could work it out later.

I’d told my mom and dad what had gone down and noted when my mom had grabbed Jane and given her a big hug, whispering words into Jane’s ear that made her eyes water, but she gave my mom a grateful smile and it warmed my heart to see them becoming so close.

It was all I ever wanted.

Immediately after she’d asked, I’d officially declared myself moved in. Even though I gave the guys a few weeks to find a replacement for me at the loft, they didn’t need it because it turned out Mike was in the market for a place to live.

Funny how things work out like that.

I’d moved my art supplies into the spare room atourplace and started to pay for some of our living expenses. For now, we split them. But I had goals to be able to afford that white picket fence house for her one day.

One day, when we were ready to make that family she’d always dreamed of.

I’m standing with Chris and Graham at the bar, the rest of the guys getting drinks behind us. We’re staring across the room where Jane is with April, Quinn, Viv, and Molly. I smile when Jane throws her head back in laughter.

It’s amazing how far we’ve come this year.

“So, how’s living without me?” Derek asks as he ambles over to us, drink in hand, Garrett right behind him. “I know you must miss me; Jane doesn’t really give you the same comfort that I once did.”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance