Page 104 of The Whole Package

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We’re currently at a black-tie event honoring some charity or another. Honestly, there’s been so much going on that I haven’t been able to pay attention to what they’re raising money for. I’m sure Molly will give me a lecture about what the charity is and how they’re doing it wrong too, eventually.

Thankfully, my mother isn’t in attendance tonight and it’s a good thing. I haven’t spoken to her since our confrontation a couple of days ago. The last thing she said was she was going on vacation and that was that.

I’m not sorry.

I’m not even sorry for telling William—my father—everything I knew. It was a shock to him and his family, but in the end, he was willing to make the apologies to me and vow to figure this out.

We had a long hard road ahead of us, but if he wanted the relationship too, I would do it. I wanted to know Sarah, too. And my other half-sibs. I would even be willing to know their mom if she ever wanted that.

But I understood how this might make them feel horrible and I was willing to be patient too. I know it’s not my fault, but like it must have been a shock to find out that your own dad had another child, it was going to be a challenge to get to know that child. It might be even harder knowing who I was, instead of getting to know a stranger.

It was all kind of a mess. But we would figure it out.

I cross my legs and smile down at the shimmering blue dress that I got from Curve, April’s boutique. She really does have the best stuff.

She had been waiting for me when I’d arrived earlier today to pick it up and was a ball of energy, grinning from ear to ear after I told her everything with William was okay. It was only when Warren was brought up in conversation that her smile dimmed slightly.

We hadn’t so much as texted since he told me it was game night. The text was so broad that I couldn’t decipher if it was an invitation or just a statement, and since there was no follow-up, I took it for what it was and left it alone.

Even if it killed me to think that I was losing all of these amazing new friends and Warren.

Though losing him would hurt the most.

I still wanted to talk things out. Have one last conversation so that he could know everything and make his own decision with us. I know I hurt him, but he hurt me too by shoving me aside.

I shake my head and sigh at the direction my thoughts go. The direction they keep wanting to go every minute I’m not distracted. Everything is still so messed up.

“Hey.” Molly places a hand on my arm and eyes me with concern. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” I force a smile and stand. “I’m gonna get a refill, you want one?”

“Yes, please.” She nods emphatically.

I make my way through the throngs of people, many stopping to talk to me and complimenting my dress, I return the sentiments, keeping that polite but fake smile on my face and finally emerge by the bar where I wait in line for refills.

I take out my phone from my small clutch and check the screen, biting back a huff of disappointment when I see nothing from Warren.

This is ridiculous, I scoff at myself and pull up our text thread, tapping out a message and pressing send before I can think better of it.

We need to talk.

I tap the side of the phone and bite my lip.


I add with mild annoyance at myself. Even in text, I can’t not use my manners.

“Yes, we do.”

The voice startles me, and I spin around, blinking rapidly at the man in front of me. It takes me a minute to realize that he’s really there, actually standing here in the flesh.

But once I do, I’m able to take in the rest of him. Warren has his hair pulled back and neat, his beard is trimmed short and, on his body, a black tuxedo that fits him like a second skin.

“Warren.” My voice is soft and low, emotion bubbles in my throat at the sight of him and I take a step toward him, he reaches out and grips my hand lightly, pulling me out of the line. “You’re here.”

His eyes brim with their own emotion, hope, and wariness clear. “I’m here.”

“Why?” The blurted question sounds rude and I lick my lips nervously. “I mean, how did you get in here?”

Tags: J.S. Wood Romance