Page 9 of The Beyond

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Selene stood in the darkness and listened to the blonde woman she’d seen on her sixteenth birthday talk to a man. She’d decided to leave her car in town and fly to where she could feel the pulse of power that the woman was emitting. It was stronger now, the feel of it changing the closer she got.

When she’d arrived in Hidden Creek, it was as if a piece of her that had been missing had slipped into place. There was obviously something about the town that went deep. She itched to slip into the Beyond and see what was causing so much power, but first, she had to find out what was going on and who the blonde woman was.

She would explore those avenues later. For now, she shot up into the night hair and closed her eyes, allowing the pulse to lead her to where she needed to be.

Seeing a group of people standing around in an open muddy field, she landed quietly several yards away and listened to them argue about meeting in a silo the following night.

Closing her eyes, Selene felt her heart stop. For the past year, she’d seen this field. Had visions of the silo. She’d witnessed what was about to happen in her nightmares. This was the place. These were the people. Tomorrow night, everything would end.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a soft green light radiating from Tara, the blonde woman she’d been seeing most of her life. The light surrounded the group and they all stood still, as if it was a perfectly normal thing. No one freaked out. No one shouted or ran. When it was gone, a large man named Joe joked about using the power to buy a house.

Everyone chuckled. What the hell? How did these people not freak out when power was displayed? Selene wanted to know more. She took a step closer just as the other four people left in a flash. The big man and the woman that he was with zipped away, heading back towards the town.

If she didn’t have powers herself, she wouldn’t have been able to see them because of the speed at which they were moving. But she could see a dim orange light follow them, leaving a trail behind.

The other couple shimmered for a second before disappearing. A dull green light folded around them before they disappeared.

Finally, only Tara and the man she was with stood alone in the field.

“Why did you lie to them?” the guy asked Tara. “They made a pact not to help, so why tell them to meet at the silo?”

“It’s for their own good,” Tara answered. “All of them. Even though they made the pact, something tells me they will try to reach us, and I just can’t take that chance. I won’t let them. It’s too important.”

Selene took another step forward. At that moment, she felt her power being connected with Tara’s. She knew in that instant that the other woman knew she was there. She could no longer hide or run away. Something told her that Tara would hunt her down now that they had connected. There was no undoing what had been done. As if by that connection, Selene instantly knew that they were sisters, knew without a doubt that they came from the same place.

“We won’t be alone,” Tara said, turning to Selene. Even though she was shrouded in darkness, her sister’s eyes locked with her own. “Hello, Selene. Sister, why don’t you come forward?”

The man pointed his flashlight towards her. With a wave of her fingers, the light snuffed out.

“Light won’t penetrate darkness,” she said, stepping forward. “And I am the goddess of darkness.” She ran her eyes over her sister, the woman she’d been seeing for twenty years. The one she’d witnessed crying in the field the first time Scott had kissed her. “You’re Tara,” she said, stopping a foot from them. “I’ve seen you,” she admitted.

“You have?” Tara asked. A look of surprise flashed in her eyes. “This is my first time seeing you,” Tara said. Then she shocked Selene by walking over and wrapping her arms around her. “I’ve always wanted a sister,” Tara said softly.

Selene glanced over at the man, a little taken aback. The guy just shrugged and smiled at her as if it was normal behavior.

“I’m Colt,” he said, holding out his hand when Tara released her and stepped back.

Selene glanced down at his hand. “Trust me, you do not want me to touch you.”

“Okay,” he said easily, dropping his hand. Her dark eyes narrowed slightly at that. “When did you get into town?” he asked her.

“A few minutes before your friends left. Nice tricks, by the way,” Selene said. “Speedster and…”

“Teleportation,” Tara answered.

“You?” Colt asked.

Selene’s eyes moved to him again. “Something like that. I guess the party is tomorrow, huh?” Selene sighed, knowing full well what was coming.

“Yeah.” Tara nodded. “What do you know?”

Selene glanced around, suddenly feeling tired. She’d driven straight through after leaving Scott’s office. Plus, the cooler night air made her realize she was tired and hungry. “Got any place a little… warmer we can talk?”

“We’ve got a hotel room. Where are you staying?” Colt asked.

“A hotel is good. I’ll see about getting a room for myself,” Selene answered.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal