Page 44 of The Beyond

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“I don’t know why I didn’t try this earlier,” Lucas said proudly.

“It was my idea,” Mia added, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Right.” Lucas basically ignored her. “Shall we try that again?” he asked Scott.

“The kidnapping part?” Scott frowned.

“I think now that you have done it once, you’ll be able to repeat your actions. Just go back to what you were thinking, feeling, and do it again.” He waved his hand.

Selene took a few steps away from Scott and waited.

Scott’s eyes turned to her and there was no hiding the love in them. One minute he was standing in front of her, the next, he was a large black dog.

She smiled as she walked over and pet him between the ears when he lowered his head towards her.

“I’ve always wanted a pet,” she joked, and he licked her face, leaving a stream of salvia over her face and soaking the front of her hair. “Eww!” She jerked back and wiped her face with her shirt.

Scott reappeared in front of her, laughing. “You deserved that for tricking me.”

“This calls for a celebration,” Mia pointed out, and she started heading back to the house.

At that moment, the entire ground shifted. It was as if a huge earthquake was hitting the yard. The house in the distance didn’t shake, only the four of them, in the yard.

“It is almost time.” A deep voice echoed in each of their minds, followed by a high-pitched screeching that had everyone doubling over in pain. “You cannot stop me,” the voice hissed. “I am your doom. Your destiny. Your destruction.”

Then, just as quickly as the shaking had started, it stopped, leaving the four of them shaken and a little unsteady in the empty yard.

“Do you want to tell us what the hell that was?” Scott turned to Lucas.

“That was your father,” Lucas answered with a frown. “We’re going to need that drink first,” he said, and marched towards the house.


Scott downed the second shot of bourbon that Lucas handed him as he waited for Mia and Selene to pour them all glasses of wine.

“Maybe we can start a fire,” Mia suggested. “It’s cold.”

“I’ll do it.” Lucas walked over to the fireplace. Instead of bending down and lighting a match, he opened his palm and a ball of fire shot out from his fingertips.

“Great,” Scott groaned. “Now he shoots fire from his fingers.” Then he remembered Selene doing something similar and sunk down on the sofa.

Mia handed him a glass of wine, and he downed almost half of it as Selene sat next to him.

“Are you okay?” Selene asked quietly.

“Sure,” he replied, already feeling the bourbon and the wine loosen his tension.

Lucas took his glass and sat next to Mia.

Everyone watched him and waited.

“Have you heard of Moros?” Lucas asked.

“No,” everyone said together.

“He’s basically the god of doom,” Lucas answered.

“Great, and he’s my father?” Scott asked. “No wonder my life has been shit.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal