Page 21 of The Beyond

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“I wanted to convince the clerk to erase the footage. He said there aren’t any cameras.” She shrugged. “So we’re all good.”

He took a deep breath. “That’s happened to you before, hasn’t it?”

She shrugged again. “I live in the shitty part of town.”

How many times over the years had he lectured her about being seen? Then her words hit him.

“Convince the clerk?” He frowned over at her.

She bit her lip and winced. “I… asked.”

“No.” He shook his head, seeing her lie before she said anything more. “The truth.”

She took another deep breath. “Okay, I can convince people to do things, sometimes.”


“When I… whisper.”

His eyes narrowed. “Does it work on me?”

She shook her head quickly, and he knew she was telling the truth. “Nothing I do works on you.”

“Except that time that you took me flying,” he pointed out.

She smiled. “Right.” Then she laughed. “I’ve never seen you more afraid in your life.”

“You almost dropped me. On purpose,” he pointed out. She was strong enough to keep a hold of him, so he knew she had let go of him on purpose.

“Don’t be a baby.” She handed him the bag of chips.

He took one and ate it. “How does your brother think I’m going to stop the world from being destroyed?”

She glanced sideways at him. “Who knows.”

Again, he could tell instantly that she was lying. “Selene…”

She sighed and threw up one of her hands, then banged it on the steering wheel.

“Something about where you come from,” she finally admitted.

“Georgia?” He frowned.

She shrugged. “He didn’t say. Only that you were an important key to his plan.”

“Which is?”

“Waking the devil and fighting the demons himself.” She glanced at him again as she turned off the highway and headed towards his place.

Nothing she was saying made sense, unless you had grown up around Selene and had seen all the strange things she could do. Then it just scared the shit out of you.

What sort of powers did her brother have? Obviously, he couldn’t travel to the Beyond like she could, or he’d drag Scott there himself.

She was pulling up in front of his apartment building and suddenly he realized that she knew where his new place was.

He glanced sideways at her.

“You may have lost track of me, but I never lost sight of you.” She shut off the engine. “Come on, let’s get your stuff.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal