Page 17 of The Beyond

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She remembered last time. Remembered being hurt by his words. How he had been unhappy that she hadn’t warned him she was still a virgin.

In truth, she hadn’t run out on him because of his words. She’d run out on him because it had been too painful not to. The fear of losing him, of losing everything, had been a burden she hadn’t wanted him to carry.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, now that the end of the world had been cancelled, she poured everything she felt for him into the kiss while she unbuttoned his shirt, removed his tie, and basically pawed her way around his sexy body.

Last time, she’d been too shy or too eager to really explore his body. This time, however, after a year of playing that night over in her head a million times, she took what she wanted.

She ran her tongue over every inch of his exposed skin and used her fingertips to make him moan her name. When she wrapped her fingers around his cock, he hissed and dug his fingers into her hips, and she smiled. She was straddling him. They had removed all their clothes, and her long hair was covering her breasts along with his hands.

“You’ve been thinking about paying me back. Haven’t you?” he groaned.

“Yes.” She laughed and then lowered her mouth to run the tip of her tongue over his length.

“Damn it,” he growled and in one quick move, he spun her until she was flat on the bed with him hovering over him.

Instead of settling between her legs, he straddled her hips, much like she had just been doing to him. It was his turn to run his mouth over her. When he sucked first one, then the other of her nipples into his mouth, she arched for him.

It was even better than she remembered. His hands moved over her hips, lower, until he brushed a fingertip across her pussy. She couldn’t stop herself from exploding and crying out his name.

“I’ve hardly touched you,” he said next to her ear.

“Oh god,” she moaned as he slipped a finger into her, and she felt even more warmth spread throughout her entire body.

“How many times do you think I can make you come in one night?” he asked as he took her nipple into his mouth while his finger slid in and out of her.

She shook her head and closed her eyes, willing her body back under her control. Then his mouth moved down, trailed over her stomach, until his lips brushed against her clit, and she exploded again.

“That’s two,” he said with a chuckle. When his tongue darted into her pussy, she cried out for a third time. “More,” he growled as his tongue and fingers continued to please her. His tongue flicked over her clit while his fingers brushed against her pussy and her ass, then dipped inside both, and she cried out again.

Then he was covering her, spreading her legs wide and sliding into her.

“Tell me you like this,” he demanded.

“Yes,” she said, sounding breathless.

“Tell me you want more,” he said against her mouth.

“More,” she begged. She would have promised him anything. Begged for anything. Given him anything. If he would just keep touching her.

“Selene,” he said, stilling for a moment. Her eyes opened and focused on him. “I want you to know it’s me inside you.”

“Yes, please, Scott.” She dug her nails into his hips, willing him to move again.

Then he smiled and started moving again, this time faster, his mouth covering her moans. She wrapped her legs behind his hips, crossing her ankles and holding onto him. When he reached down and ran a fingertip over her nipple, she cried out again, and felt him stiffen over her. Heard him say her name before he collapsed on top of her.

Her entire body shook, vibrated in waves. She hadn’t felt this good the last time. She’d had her release, but nothing like this.

It was better than flying. Better than… well, anything she’d experienced before. Sure, she’d experimented with touching herself. After all, she had felt the needs. But nothing came even close to having Scott’s hands on her.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he shifted until they were lying side by side with her tucked against him.

“Yes. You?” She glanced back at him.

“Better than okay.” He smiled as his hands started making circles on her stomach. “I’d be even better if you tell me that you have something to eat here.”

She smiled and rolled away from him, then walked over to the mini fridge, pulled out the snacks she’d purchased earlier, and brought them a bag of chips, a bag of cookies, and a couple of sodas.

“Road trip food,” he said, sitting up. “While we’re naked.” He took the soda from her.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal