Page 16 of The Beyond

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He had to have more. Had to fill her. Mark her somehow as his.

He lifted her and laid her gently on the bed and covered her body with his own. When he kissed her again, he slid into her and stilled.

“What the hell?” He frowned down at her as he felt the barrier break free.

“Don’t be so surprised,” she said as her nails dug into his shoulders. “It doesn’t hurt. Don’t you dare stop now,” she growled as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

He had been surprised but figured they’d have plenty of time to talk about it. Later.


Selene closed and locked the hotel room door behind Scott as a wave of desire rushed through her. The last time they’d been alone like this, she’d given herself to him and had been left raw and more hurt than she’d ever been in her life.

She tried to push those memories aside as she sat down to remove her boots.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s really going on?” Scott asked as he leaned against the door.

“I would think that would be obvious,” she said without looking at him. “We just saved the world.” She frowned as she set her boots aside. “Or rather, they did while we apparently were out.”

“I mean”—he straightened and walked over to sit next to her—“between us.”

“There is no us.” She started to stand up, but he stopped her.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said softly. “I had just…” He took a deep breath. “You should have warned me you…”

“Were a virgin?” she blurted out. “Did you really think any man would want to have sex with someone who made all their nightmares play like a movie in their heads while they touched me?” She jerked her hands free and started pacing across the floor. “You had to have known.”

When he remained silent, she jerked around to look at him.

“I guess part of me did,” he said, looking down at his hands.

Suddenly, she was even more tired than she’d been when she suggested they stay there for the night instead of driving back to Atlanta.

Rubbing her arms, she watched him. “Was it really that bad?” she asked as her chest started hurting.

His head jerked up and his gaze locked with hers. “What? The sex?” he asked, looking slightly shocked. “Hell no. It wasn’t…” He shook his head, then surprised her by walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. “My god, it’s all I can do to stop myself from having you again right now. I’ve thought of nothing since. Haven’t been with anyone else since that night.” He leaned back and looked into her eyes. “You ruined me,” he said with a slight smile. “From the moment I opened my door twenty years ago, it’s always been you.”

Then he leaned his head down and brushed his lips against hers so softly, so gently, that she felt her soul melt. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him as if he’d vanish in the moments following.

“Selene, I’m sorry I let things end the way they did last year,” he said into her hair.

Tears slipped from her eyes. “My entire life has been a lie,” she said, looking up into his blue eyes.

“It has?” He frowned down at her.

“I believed nothing could hurt me,” she said. When he understood her meaning, he wiped her tears away with his thumb and then kissed her again.

“I never meant to hurt you,” he said softly, then he lifted her in his arms, much like he had a year ago.

This time when he laid her down on the bed, he stood over her, his eyes slowly scanning her until she felt her entire body heat from the want.

“Scott.” She reached for him.

“We were in such a hurry last time,” he pointed out.

“Who says I’m not in a hurry now?” She leaned up and took his hand.

“This time, I promise I won’t say something to make you run out on me in the middle of the night.” He knelt beside her and kissed her.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal