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“Did you tell him we were fucking as well?”

“The fuck did you just say?” Gage is on his feet and spinning around toward the house where Bishop is storming toward us, his fists are clenched at his side. The twins and King stand in the doorway with the two goons standing behind them. Gage raises his hands and begins to rebuke my claim but Bishop is blinded by his rage.



Ipunch him. He stumbles back a step but quickly rights himself and raises his fists, ready to go a round with me. I shuck off my suit jacket and tear open my white button-down and chuck them off to the side. I bounce on the balls of my feet and wait for him to attack. He swings out with a left hook. I dodge to the right but the fucker is quick and hits me with a swift right hook to the ribs. I swing back at him with a left, right combo and manage to land a shot to the side of his jaw. I strike out again but he drops down and springs back up with an uppercut that has me groaning and stumbling back a step. Both of us are panting and ready to go again but Kiara jumps in between us. She has her back to me and faces Gage. He immediately drops his fists to his sides. His features soften as he stares down at her. Oh, fuck off.

“You have feelings for her?” I laugh but there is no humor to it. He cuts his gaze back to me and his green eyes shine with malice. Kiara spins around to face me, the tiny devil has her pale baby blues narrowed at me. She opens her mouth to speak but clamps it closed when Gage presses up against her back. When she doesn’t tense or push him back I see red. I strike out and hit him with a right hook over her head, then go for another hit but I’m stunned when she hits me with a solid left hook to the jaw and then a right uppercut that has me stumbling back a step. Gage wraps an arm around her waist, then twirls putting her behind him to shield her from me.

“Your issue is with me, not her.”

“Get the fuck out of the way, now.” Gage stands tall and refuses to move from in front of her. I can’t be bothered with this shit so I wave for my brothers, Mav and Luka to come forward. Gage darts his gaze around at the others and knows he is outnumbered. Kiara reaches out and grips his hand urging him to back down, but Gage is too proud to admit defeat even when he knows he is losing. I smirk at the prick and relish at how tense he becomes when the others draw near. Mav and Luka come forward to grab him but stop short when Gage is tackled into the pool by… Kiara. We all rush forward and stare at the pair of them as they break the surface. I grit my teeth and glare down at her when she laughs. Gage stares at her for a beat before he joins in on her laughter. Tired of this bullshit I pull my gun from my waistband and aim it at Gage, both their laughter cuts off. I ignore my brother’s protests as I speak. “Get the fuck out of the pool now, Kiara or I put a bullet between his eyes.” She darts her gaze between him and me before finally doing as she is told. She swims to the edge and Rook offers her a hand, which she accepts.

“Bishop, please don’t hurt him.” I keep my gun trained on him as I turn to her. she has her arms wrapped around herself, shivering from the cold. That’s when I notice she is wearing my jersey.

“You don’t call the shots around here. Now go back to my room, I’ll deal with you soon.” I see the anger inside her rise. She bites her bottom lip and peers down at Gage, the fucker smiles and nods encouragingly at her. She shoots me one last seething look before stomping back inside the house. “Get the fuck out of the pool, now.” Gage swims to the edge and no one offers him a hand. As soon as he’s out I hand my gun to Luka and punch Gage right in the fucking nose and relish in the sounds of pain that tumble from his lips.

“What the fuck, you dick!” He pinches the bridge of his nose as blood pours down his face.

“Did you fucking touch her?” Gage sighs and I know just from the resigned look on his face that he fucked her.

“Yes.” King lets out a shocked hiss, Knight whistles between his teeth and Rook just laughs like a fucking idiot.

“You have three days to clear out your shit and get the fuck out of my city before I kill you.” I feel my brothers stares boring into me but I ignore them as I focus on Gage. He holds my stare and I wait for him to agree and grovel at my feet.

“I won’t leave her.”

“What did you just say?” My voice is barely above a whisper.

“She needs me, Bish. There is more you don’t know and if you would drop all the bullshit, she would tell you!”

“You fucked her!”

“I didn’t know who she was to you!”

“So that makes it okay that you fucked my future wife?”

“Your what now?” We all look toward the back door where Kiara stands with a horrified look on her face.


“Princess, why don’t you go take a shower–” She keeps her gaze fixed on me as she cuts my brother off.

“Shut up, Rook.” Gage shakes his head and turns to face Kiara. She pulls her gaze from me to look at him. “You knew about this?”

“I didn’t find out until… after.” She nods her head and it doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure what he means when he saysafter.

“Hmmm. So not only did you lie to me, you also betrayed me in every way known.”


“Fuck you, Gage! I trusted you. I fucking told you… everything and you betrayed my trust by running to the fucking bastards that did this to me!” I furrow my brow in confusion. What the fuck is she on about? I look to King, who seems just as perplexed as I am. Gage takes a step toward her but she holds up a hand halting his movements.

“I never betrayed your trust, doll. I would never share what you disclosed to me.”

“You’re just as bad as him.” Gage flinches at the cold harsh tone of her voice and drops his gaze to the ground. She shoots me one last scathing look before turning and storming inside the house.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance