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“What the fuck was that?” Knight hisses, his gaze focused on Gage who is still staring at the ground.

“Dude, princess looked fucking pissed.” Gage turns to the side and glowers at Rook.

“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.” He storms off toward the house. I follow after him knowing he is going after Kiara and I’m not letting him anywhere near her alone ever again. King blocks my path and I snarl in his face. He stands tall and won’t fucking budge.

“Say what it is that you need to say, then get the fuck out of my way!” I grind out.

“Something more is going on with those two. Figure out what it is so you can get your head in the game. Carlina is the priority here, not Kiara.” I stare him down until he moves.



Ipull the wet jersey off and chuck it into the corner of the room, not giving a shit that it’s probably ruining the carpet in Bishop’s room. I grip the waistband of my boy shorts but freeze when the door bangs open. I use my arms to shield my chest, Gage’s eyes widen.

“What the hell?” I yell. He shakes his head, his mouth dropping open in shock. “Turn the fuck around, now!” Gage nods like an idiot and does as I say. I dart into the bathroom but stop mid step at the sound of Bishop’s angry voice.

“Get the fuck out now!” Gage nods and slides past Bishop who slams the door in his face. I glare at the asshole before stepping into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me. I grab a towel just as the door bursts open. Bishop grips my arms and spins me around to face him. I drop the towel as I struggle in his hold to try and cover myself up.

“Let me go!” He gets right in my face. I make sure he can see the anger and hatred in my eyes.

“You like fucking that low life cunt?” I fight the flinch that wants to break free at his cold harsh tone.

“Let. Me. Go,” I grit out through clenched teeth. He runs his gaze down my body in a possessive as fuck way that has the stupid part of my brain all giddy that Bishop Murdoch is looking at me this way.

“Did you like it?”


“Did you like fucking him?” I reel back and narrow my eyes at the audacity of him to ask me such a question.

“Don’t you dare look down your nose at me. Just because you have more money than fucking God doesn’t mean you get to judge me. You don’t own me, Bishop!” He laughs but it’s a bitter sound.

“Wrong, I do fucking own you and the only reason that son of a bitch doesn’t have a fucking bullet in his head right now, for touching what is mine, is because I need him for one more job. Oh, just so we are crystal fucking clear, the moment he touched you, is the moment he signed his own death warrant.” He releases me and I stumble back a step whilst still covering myself with my arms.

“He didn’t do anything wrong.”

“He fucking touched you!” His angry shout has me recoiling slightly. I hate that Bishop is able to bring me to a scared mess. I’ve fought for years every Friday night at the shack run by Gage and some of those women were huge. I never flinched even as they landed blow after blow but all Bishop has to do is raise his voice and I want to cower in the corner like a baby.

“He touched me, not you!” He cocks a brow at me and his eyes darken. I swallow loudly at the cold look in his gaze.

“By touching you he touched me. You’re mine, Kiara, and the quicker you learn that the easier things will be for you.” I shake my head, denying his claim.

“I’m not an object to owned, B, I’m a person.” He closes the space between us and reaches up to brush his knuckles over my cheek. My traitorous fucking body leans into his touch.

“No, baby, you’re a fucking prize.” His words have butterflies taking flight inside me. “And I won you years ago.” The butterflies die inside me as my anger returns to take precedence.

“Fuck you,” I snarl. He smirks as he drops his arm back to his side.

“Not today, baby. Got a lot of work to do. Shower and meet me downstairs in my office.” I open my mouth to argue but he narrows his eyes and pushes on. “Defy me or keep me waiting too long, I’ll put a fucking bullet through his kneecaps.” I grind my teeth and nod my head. He smiles and opens his mouth to speak but I decide to get the upper hand here. I drop my arms to my sides, his eyes widen as they drop to my tits, I grip my waistband and push my shorts down. I can feel the heat of his gaze all over my body. I kick my shorts toward him and then face him with a brow cocked. I nibble on my lip and fight the smirk that wants to break free when his eyes track my every move. I’m actually quite stunned at how a girl like me can have someone like Bishop Murdoch entranced by just my body. I never thought this would be possible. I mean, I dreamed about it as a child but never thought it would actually happen! Before he can even utter a word, I brush past him, step into the shower and turn the water on, hot. I feel victorious after rendering him speechless. I’ve never felt so powerful. My gleefulness is short lived when I feel the heat of his body at my back. I spin around so fast, I nearly fall down until he snakes his arms out and grips my waist to steady me. Our eyes lock and there is electrical current surging between us, the air around us begins to feel like it’s crackling. I drop my gaze from his and stare at his chest, marveling at the intricate art work that covers every inch of his chest and arms. I want to reach out and trace the lines of his ink but fear keeps me rooted to the spot.

I prayed many a night that Bishop would come and rescue me from the horrors that would transpire inside the walls of this house, but he never came. I wished nightly that he would turn out to be my knight in shining armor, but he isn’t anyone’s knight. I pull back from him and shake my head willing the tears to remain hidden. I have worked too fucking long to allow him to see me break. His gaze searches mine and suddenly I feel so vulnerable standing here naked in front of my childhood crush. He reaches out and cups my cheek. I respect the hell out of him keeping his eyes on mine and not allowing them to stray lower.

“Why am I really here, Bishop? Don’t lie to me and say it’s because of Car. Your family could find her without my help.” His hand slides from my cheek to the back of my neck. Gripping me tightly, he yanks me forward until we are skin to skin. The feeling of him bare and pressed against me has my pussy fluttering to life.

“You’re here because I ordered it. You will remain here until I say otherwise.”

“Screw you. You think you know me because I spent years of my life here… well newsflash, asshole, you don’t. You barely spoke two words to me growing up and now you want to get all in my face and act like I oweyousomething. Boy, please.” His grip on the back of my neck tightens and I grit my teeth to try to tamper the pain. He bends down until our noses are touching.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance