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“You will do exactly as I fucking tell you.”

“Who died and made you boss, asshole?” A cruel smile stretches across his face and I stiffen at the victorious look in his brown eyes.

“Tony.” I reel back so fast I smack my head against the fridge. I search his gaze trying to detect if he’s lying.

“W-what?” I hate that my voice waivers.

“You asked who died. Tony died and I made myself boss!” My mind reels with this new information—Tony is dead. The star of all my nightmares is dead and he will never be able to hurt me again. I slump against the fridge, making Bishops drop his hold on my neck to grip my waist so I don’t fall to my knees. His gaze searches mine to try to decipher why I would have this type of reaction to the news of his father’s death, but he will never figure it out.

“Boss.” Bishop pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me lulling me into a false sense of security as he answers one of the goons.


“Gage Matthews is at the gate.” I tense at the mention of Gage. How the fuck does he know I’m here?

“Let him in.” I try to pull out of Bishop’s hold but his grip tightens around me. I struggle against him and try to pull back using all my weight. My anger soars at the fact I am unable to dislodge myself, he’s too fucking strong. Yet again, I’m simply at his fucking mercy. When I stop struggling, he finally releases me and I stumble back and hit my lower back against the marble top of the counter. I shoot him a death glare, then open my mouth to cuss him out but he speaks first. “Your boyfriend will be here in a second. If I find out you or him had anything to do with my sister’s disappearance, I’ll slit his throat in front of you.” My mouth hangs open in shock, I’ve never heard Bishop sound so cold and callous before in all the years I have known him. A loud knock sounds out and I spy the two goons out of the corner of my eye as they make their way toward the front door. Bishop’s gaze remains fixated on me, like a moth to a flame. I can’t look away even as they return and I feel Gage’s eyes on me.

“Baby doll, what are you doing here?” Bishop’s upper lip twitches and the anger in his eyes intensifies at the sound of my pet name from Gage. I slowly swivel around and face my friend, but tense when I feel Bishop pressed against my back. Gage darts his gaze from me to Bishop and I see the confusion in his green eyes. He huffs out a breath and runs a hand through his chin-length blond hair.

“Gage––” King cuts me off and I grit my teeth in frustration.

“Where is my sister?” Gage pulls his gaze from me to stare at King, his brows furrow in confusion and I can see already that he has no idea what the fuck King is talking about.

“I don’t know.” B grunts behind me and I know before he even speaks Gage just fucked up. No one is supposed to know about Carlina’s existence, Gage only knows about her because I told him.

“See, your answer should have beenwhat sister, not I don’t know. So now, we’re going to have hurt you until you start speaking some fucking truth.” Gage’s gaze darts to me and I see it in his eyes, he’s about to shut off every emotion he has and go into fight mode. G is a sweetheart and protective as hell but don’t let that fool you, if you fuck with him or fuck him over, he will be the star of your nightmares.

“Bring it on, Murdoch. I’ll beat all your bitch asses.” He isn’t lying. Gage is undefeated in the underground fight club with a 44-0 and all by knockout. Bishop wraps an arm around my waist causing me to gasp. He reaches around with his other arm, grips my chin and tilts my head up to face him. I stare at him in shock, as he slowly lowers his face toward mine. I start to heat and my heart is nearly bursting out of my chest the closer his lips get to mine. His eyes shine with lust. I gulp and wait. I wait for him to finally close the inch of space between us and kiss me, bringing all my childhood fantasies to life. His lips ghost over mine before he turns at the last minute to stare at Gage.

“See, I could have it anytime I want it. I don’t even have to try and she’s ready to spread her legs for me.” I blink a few times as his words register. Shame washes over me and I push away from him. He releases hold on me and smiles cruelly like he just won some competition.

“What the fuck was that?” I snap, looking around and find the twins looking anywhere but at me. King looks angry but his glare is pointed at his brother, not me. I slowly turn back to face Gage and cringe when I find him staring straight back at me. I move toward him, needing to explain what he just witnessed in private, I owe him that much. As I reach out to grip his hand Bishop’s words have my hand pausing midair.

“Touch him and you’ll regret it.” I peer over my shoulder and make sure he can see the hatred in my eyes.

“Go fuck yourself, Bishop. You don’t tell me what the fuck to do. I said I’ll help find your sister but I never agreed to be compliant and listen to anything you say.” Fire swirls in the depths of his eyes as he scowls at me. I smirk at him as I grip Gage’s hand in mine and shove past his goons leading G out to the back patio. I ignore Bishop’s outburst and continue to pull Gage after me. I drop down into one of the pool loungers and motion for Gage to do the same. I tuck my legs inside the jersey and wrap my arms around them as I stare at the man who helped me survive. Gage isn’t like Bishop, he doesn’t wear suits as a form of armor, he doesn’t need them. He wears low-slung jeans, black Chuck Taylors—low-cut of course because apparently high tops are for pussy’s according to Gage, and a plain black tee that fits him like a second skin. We sit here and stare at each other. Never before has there been such a divide between us. I feel betrayed by him for not telling me that he knew the Murdoch’s. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew them?” Gage blows out a breath and drops down into the seat in front of me. He spreads his legs and rests his forearms on his thighs as he stares at me.

“I couldn’t tell you, doll. I wish I could have.”

“You work for them, don’t you?” I brace myself for the answer that I know is coming, trying to prepare myself for the sting of his betrayal.

“No.” Relief washes through me, but it’s short lived. “I workwiththem.” I turn away unable to look at him any longer. I trusted Gage more than I have ever trusted anyone, his betrayal hurts more than anyone could ever know. “I’m sorry, doll. I wanted to tell you so many times––”

“Then why didn’t you? You had so many chances over the years to be honest and you fucking didn’t. Why?” He reaches out and grips my chin, turning me to face him. His thumb strokes my cheek lightly, his gaze softening the longer he stares at me and I’ll admit I melt slightly. Gage has always been able to soften me toward him just from one look.

“Because you knowing my business dealings with them put you in danger. When you told me about them… I couldn’t tell you the truth after that. I never wanted you to look at me the way you are, Bishop is a prick but…”

“But what?”

“Bishop and I have known each other a long-time, doll.” A question that has been sitting in the back of my mind blurts out of me.

“He knew I was with you, didn’t he?” Gage’s gaze hardens, he opens his mouth but I can see in his eyes he is going to lie so I push on. “Don’t you dare bullshit me. I deserve to know the truth.”

“Yeah, doll. He knew from the moment I took you in that night those fuckers tried to rape you.” I nod my head numbly.

“Did you report everything to him?” I can hear the snark in my own voice.

“I never broke your trust, Kiara. I would never.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance