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“I’m Lana,” the brown-haired dipsy looking one says. I remain silent and tighten my hold on Kiara, I can feel how tense she is and a part of me loves the fact that she is pissed off at these girls for talking to me. Now she knows what it fucking feels like.

“You should come watch us practice,” Lana says as she flutters her fake lashes at me.

“And you four should get the fuck out of here before I break your fake-ass noses!” Knight, Rook and the rest of the guy’s whistle and let out a chorus ofoh shits. The four girls glare down at Kiara like she is nothing but trash beneath their shoe and it pisses me off.

“I’m sure he would rather spend time with a real woman then some wannabe hobo like you!” I feel her flinch even though she tries to hide it. I’m done with this shit! I grab her chin and pull her face to the side, ignoring the look of hurt in her eyes as I kiss her long and hard. She melts against me. I break the kiss and turn back to face the bitches ready to tear their asses down a peg. I climb to my feet and keep my gaze on them as I step around Kiara and straighten out my suit. Knight and Rook flank either side of me as I close the space between the girls and me. They smile brightly like they have just won but these bitches know nothing. They will not get away with treating my girl like that! “I thought you would come to your senses,” Lana snarks. I smile invitingly and watch as they relax slightly.

“Oh, I came, don’t you worry about that.” They cover their mouths and giggle. They think I’m about to proposition them.

“I bet we could do it better than the likes of that trash,” the redhead bitch snarls. I don’t even look at Kiara.

“Call my fiancée trash again and I’ll have your asses banned from the squad and kicked out of this fucking school.” The blonde opens her mouth but I carry on. “You so much as make a snide remark or even look at her wrong, your asses will be out!”

“You can’t do that!” Stacey pipes up. I chuckle but there is no humor to it.

“I own the fucking school you dense mutt. Test me again and I won’t hold her back from breaking your fucking faces.” I leave them to wallow in their stupor as I turn back to my girl. She stares up at me with wonder and amazement in her eyes, her mouth slack with her shock. “See you tonight, baby.” She snaps her mouth closed and nods.



Iwalk out of last period and I’m disappointed that Bishop isn’t waiting for me. I shake off my unease when I push through the doors and see Gage standing at the bottom of the steps. I smile wide and race toward him, wrap my arms around him and relish in the comfort his embrace brings me. He laughs but returns my hug. We pull apart and he nods his head for me to follow him. We walk side by side toward my dorm in silence. I can tell there is something eating away at him, so I veer to the left and claim one of the bench seats outside my dorm.

“What’s on your mind?” I ask as we sit down. Students pass us in a world of their own, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Gage faces me and I can see the torment in his eyes, it has me on edge. “Gage?” I prompt.

“Doll, there is something you need to know.”

“What?” He darts his gaze around as if making sure that no one is listening to us.

“Bishop had your phone mirrored.” I roll my eyes.

“Yeah, I figured. That’s why I haven’t been texting you.” Shame washes over me at the fact I shut my best friend out because of a guy.

“It’s not that.” I cock my head to the side confused.

“What is it then?”

“There are videos, Kiara.”

“Videos of what?”

“You!” I reel back in shock and shake my head.

“No, Bishop told me he lied and never recorded us.” Gage’s face contorts in confusion.

“What, I’m not talking about Bishop.”

“Gage, you’re confusing the shit out of me. What the fuck are you trying to say?” My patience is wearing thin now.

“There are videos of you and… Tony Murdoch.” I reel back so fast I nearly fall from the bench. He reaches out with his good hand to stop me from falling. My breaths are coming in fast pants and my head begins to spin as I start to feel sick. He videoed what he did to me? I slump forward and rest my head between my legs trying to breathe through the nausea I’m feeling. Gage rubs my back but it does nothing to ease the disgust inside me. “I’m so sorry, doll.” I can’t answer him, I feel so sick knowing that others may have seen these. Oh my God. I sit up and stare at Gage in horror.

“Have you seen them?” He drops his gaze, tears sting my eyes and I can’t stop them from falling.

“I only saw the first few seconds and when I saw it was you… I stopped.” Bile rises up my throat, my vision becomes hazy from all the tears spilling from my eyes. I need to get the hell out of here. I stand but my legs give out. Gage catches and swings me into his arms bride style. I bury my face in his chest as I try to shut everything out, block out the world around me. I don’t care where he takes me, I just need to be away from all these prying eyes. Gage knows all the details of what Tony did to me as child. He knows how he raped me and used my body for his own pleasure. He paid my mother so he could fuck me whenever he wanted. I told her what he was doing to me and all she would say wasyou must have a good pussy for what he’s paying me. It had taken me months to build the courage to even tell her what was happening, as I thought she would lose her job as his maid. She was never his fucking maid. She acted like she worked there so it wouldn’t raise suspicion as to why I was there all the time with the other staff and the Murdoch children.

I hear a door slam closed but still don’t lift my head from his chest. I can’t even dare to look at him. Me telling him about what happened is one thing but him actually seeing it with his own eyes is a whole different thing. I feel disgusted within myself daily knowing that it happened to me. I was a mere fucking child and Tony used that against me.

“I got you, doll, we’re in your room. You can let it all out, I’m right here.” I do, I grab at him and clutch his shirt in my hand as sobs wrack my body. I thought I was passed all of this. Yes, I do have triggers like Bishop pinning me down or being hugged from behind. I guess you never really get over trauma. Some nights I have nightmares and wake in a cold sweat when I relive the worst moments of my life even in sleep.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance