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“Well, this is your room so you would be the one kicking me out.” She stares at me with a bored look. “I’ll still be here and happy to see you, okay?” She nods and turns away but pauses before slowly turning back to fully face me. She nibbles on her bottom lip which I now know is a nervous gesture of hers. “Say whatever it is you need to say, baby.”

“Did you fuck me last night so I would call my father?” Fuck, I close the space between us, grip her face between my hands and lift it until she is looking in my eyes.

“No. I fucked you all night long because I couldn’t get enough of being inside your tight cunt.” Heat begins to rise in her cheeks at my crass words, but it’s the truth, her pussy is like a fucking drug to me.

“Do… do you still want me to call him?” I drop my hold on her and step back, scrub a hand down my face and realize now, in this moment, King is right. The thought of hurting her is clouding my judgment. Anthony was clear in his last message, only Kiara was to call or we would receive pieces of our sister in the mail. With that thought in mind I push my feelings for her aside and channel my inner beast that thirsts for the blood of his enemies.

“Yes. If you don’t make the call, he’ll start sending pieces of Carlina’s body to us and I won’t have that.” To my surprise she nods.

“Okay, can I do it after class today?” I want to say no and tell her to do it now but I need Luka here with me to trace the call and King on standby in case we get a ping on his location.

“Yeah, shower and I’ll take you to class. I’ll come back tonight and you can do it.” A broad smile stretches across her face. I eye her warily. “Why are you smiling at me?” She shrugs and heads toward the shower, calling back over her shoulder before closing the door,

“Sleeping over again, someone might think you’re pussy whipped.” She closes the door and I mutter to myself.

“Yeah, I fucking am.”

* * *

After Kiara and I are both showered and changed, I led her from her dorm with her hand in mine. People stare as we pass by but I’m used to the curious looks. I peer down at Kiara from behind my sunglasses and find she is looking down at her feet as we cross the quad. I hate that she feels inferior because she wasn’t raised with a trust fund like these assholes. It wouldn’t matter if one of these bitches had all the money in the world, money means nothing to me.

“Why do you let their stares bother you?” She looks up at me as we continue toward the cafeteria where she wants to get a coffee and breakfast.

“They don’t bother me.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Kiara,” I snap. She releases a whoosh of air before looking straight ahead as she answers.

“They’re not staring at me, Bishop. They’re staring at you and wondering why you’re walking your whore to breakfast.” I stop and yank her to a stop. She stumbles backward and I grip her waist making her face me. She eyes me warily as I lift my glasses and place them on my head so she can see the look in my eyes.

“Don’t ever, I mean ever, fucking call yourself a whore again,” I grit out, my anger soaring inside me at the way she views herself.

“I’m the daughter of one.”

“You are not your mother. Fuck what these entitled pricks think.” I can tell she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying and that pisses me off. I grip her chin and tilt her face up before smashing my lips against hers. She melts into me like I knew she would, I don’t like public displays of affection but if this is what it takes to make her feel better and surer about us, then I’ll do it. I pull back and smile down at her when I see the want in her eyes. She groans and bats my hand away.

“Now, I want to fuck.” I throw my head back and laugh. She is the light I never knew I needed in my life. Kiara Bennett is repairing the damage inside me and she doesn’t even have to try.

We get her coffee and breakfast before walking back outside to the tree I know she sits under everyday with my brothers and their friends. She stares at me like I’ve lost my mind when I drop to the ground and lean against the tree. “Bishop, what the fuck?” I stare up at her slightly confused.


“You’re wearing thousands of dollars and you just fucking plop on the ground like its nothing.” I can’t help the laugh that burst out of me, only she would think about me ruining my suit. I part my legs and flick my gaze to my lap. She rolls her eyes before sitting between my legs. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. I grind my teeth when I see the twins and some of their other friends walking toward us. The redhaired cheerleader and a couple of other girls walk with them. Kiara lifts her head and when she spots the girls she snorts.

“What’s wrong, don’t like them?” I whisper.

“Those bitches are only coming over because you’re here.” I smirk.

“Jealous, are we?” She scoffs but doesn’t respond. Rook smiles widely as he drops down with his tray. Knight just nods. The guys stand there awkwardly, the four sluts bat their lashes and push out their chests whilst staring at me. Fucking hell, when did high school girls become so fucking bold? Their desperation isn’t a good fucking look.

“Guys, sit.” They do as Kiara says and I sneer at the bastard that had his hands on her yesterday. Rook laughs and it pisses me off. He stopped Mav from beating the shit out of his team mate and he’ll fucking pay for that.

“Not gonna introduce us to your… friend?” Kiara scoffs at the redhead bitch.

“Nope.” She pops the‘p’.

“Well, that is just rude!” the blonde one snips. Knight shoots them a glare but they ignore him. “I’m Stacey,” she singsongs, the sound of her nasally voice annoys the shit out of me.

“And he doesn’t give a fuck, now beat your feet and fuck off.” I fight the smirk that wants to break free at Rook’s blatant dismissal of them. The stupid airheads just giggle.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance