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“Give it to me.” I hold it a bit lower and bite my lip to stop the smile breaking free when she jumps again. I want to fucking suck on her tits and listen to the sounds she makes as I bite down on her nipple. “Bishop!” The sound of my name pulls me from my thoughts.


“Can I have the shirt?” I narrow my eyes at her as I grip it between my hands ready to tear it in half. “Stop!”


“Because it’s your shirt! And so was the fucking other one you just ripped.” I drop my arm back to my side and stare at her blankly. She drops her gaze to the floor in embarrassment.

“You have my shirts?” She releases a loud breath and nods. “Why?” She remains silent and scuffs her toes on the carpet. Tired of waiting for her reply, I grip her chin and lift her face to mine. “Why do you have my shirts?”

“Rook packed my clothes that I wore to your house. He thought I might want something… that reminded me of you,” she whispers the last part. Hearing those words from her mouth have something inside me fracturing. All thought flees me as I drop the shirt and cup her face between my hands, swipe my thumbs over her cheeks and search her eyes for any sign that she wants me to stop. When I don’t see one, I close the space between us and kiss her. She opens for me instantly and I groan at the taste of her. She reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I run my hands down her sides and love how she shivers from my touch. I grip the globes of her ass and lift her, making her wrap her legs around me and moan when she feels my cock pressed against her. I turn us toward her bed ready to lay her down and fucking ravish every inch of her body but she pulls back and breaks our kiss. “We can’t.” I sigh and nod my head, then place her on the edge of her bed before retrieving the shirt from the floor and handing it to her.

I drop down on the side of my sister’s bed and watch her shuffle backward and cross her legs under herself. From where I’m sitting, I have a perfect view between her legs of her red panties. I push thoughts of fucking her out of my head and focus on the reason why I came here today. I don’t know how much the twins have told her but from how shocked she was to see me I’m guessing they have been keeping her in dark.

“I’m sorry.” I lift my gaze to hers in shock.

“Sorry for what?” She sighs and runs a hand through her long black hair, I want to reach out and pull on the strands just the way she likes, but I refrain.

“For saying what I said. That wasn’t fair of me and it was wrong.” I stare at her like an idiot for a beat… She is apologizing to me for saying something that is actually true, when I’m the one who treated her like a whore. This girl is fucking something else, that is for sure.

“You have nothing to be sorry about. What Tony did to you…” I shake my head and try to tamper the rage inside me. Every time I think about what he did to her and Car I want to fucking kill him all over again.

“It wasn’t you, Bishop. Your father did that to me and I’m… dealing with it.”

“You shouldn’t have to!” I snap. She sighs as her shoulders slump forward, I hate how defeated she looks. For the past two weeks I have snuck in here and hidden in the shadows as I watched her sleep. Knight removed the fucking cameras in here under King’s orders, so I had no other choice but to come here just so I could see her. I hate to admit it but King made a good call. I would have spent hours watching her instead of dealing with the shit I had to, which is the reason I’m here.

“Why did you come here today?” Her pale blue eyes plead with me to speak the truth.

“I need you to make a call.” She eyes me suspiciously for a moment before speaking.

“If you came all this way for me to call Gage––”

“I’m not here for that bastard.”

“Then who?” I hold her gaze as I deliver the blow that I know is going to set her off like theFourth of July.

“I need you to call your father.”



He must have lost his goddam mind!

There is no fucking way in hell I am making that call. Bishop can suck a fat dick if he thinks I’m going to do that. I climb off the bed and begin to pace the room trying to calm myself down. I stop every couple of minutes to yell at him but at the sight of him reclined on Car’s pink bed I think better of it. Time ticks by as I try to formulate a response to such a stupid as fuck question!

“You’re going to ruin the carpet.” I glare at him over my shoulder and bare my teeth, the bastard has the audacity to laugh at me.

“This is not funny! You come here and demand this of me after treating me like shit the last time I saw you. You think that just because the sight of you makes me weak in the knees that I’ll do as you say? Get fucking real, Bishop. You may have a magic dick that makes me speak in tongues but even your cock can’t make me call that asshole.”

“Want to make a bet?” I scrunch my face in confusion.

“A bet?”

“That my cock can make you call him.” I throw my hands up in frustration, I’m still so fucking angry at him for how he treated me. Yet having him so close to me clouds my fucking rational thought. I need to get the fuck out this room and away from Bishop before I do something dumb, like call my father. I march over to my bag, grab my phone and keys, then head for the door. I grip the handle and open it just a smidge before it’s slammed shut, his hand resting just above my head. I spin around to face him placing my hands on my hips. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going dressed like that?” My anger boils over.

“To find Gage––” I don’t even get to finish my sentence before his hand is around my throat and pushing me flush against the door. His hold isn’t punishing this time but it’s tight enough to let me know he is pissed.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance