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“Hit me again––.”

“And what? You’ll fuck me? Break my hand or shoot out Gage’s kneecaps? Which one is it this time, Bishop?” He grips both my hands in his one and then grips my chin with the other, his grip is punishing but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of whimpering.

“I’ll fuck you whenever and wherever I want.”

“Try it and I’ll bite your fucking dick off, asshole.”

“Baby, your dirty talk turns me the fuck on.” To drive his point home, he grinds against me and I stifle the shocked gasp that wants to break free when I feel his hardness against my stomach.

“You're sick.” I wrench my head to the side unable to look at him, he chuckles and it pisses me the fuck off. I’m about to rip him a new asshole but freeze when he bends down and runs his nose along the column of my neck up to my ear. He nibbles on my lobe and I’m beyond disgusted in myself when a moan breaks free as he sucks it into his mouth. He releases my lobe and licks his way along my jaw, my body begs for me to give in and face him so he can kiss me but my mind knows better. Bishop is a master manipulator and played me like a fool last time, but I won’t fall for that again.

“I want to fuck you.” I scoff but still refuse to meet his stare.

“Go find one of the cheer bitches and fuck them, they would be happy to let you blow your load on their faces.” He pulls back and grips my chin roughly, turning me back to face him. I make sure I keep my emotions in check and don’t let him see that even saying that out loud has a pang hitting me square in the chest at the thought of him with someone else.

“That what you want? You want me to go fuck one of those blow-up dolls, then come back here so you can lick their cum off my cock?” I fight the flinch that wants to break free but fail. The victorious smirk that graces his handsome face pisses me off. “Tell me. If you don’t, I’ll go back and get that red head that was sitting in the front row.” Tears build behind my eyes, I will them to stay put but one lone tear slips free. Bishop trails it movement before leaning down and catching it on his tongue which draws a whimper from me.

“Get off me.” I sound defeated and I hate it, but right now I don’t care. I just want him to go and stay the hell away from me. One night with him nearly destroyed me. It sounds so pathetic but if you’ve been in love with someone your whole life and finally get them for a night, it fucking shatters you when they push you away and act like you mean nothing to them. “Please,” I whisper. He leans back and stares down at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Do you really think I would do that to you?”


“Go fuck some slut, then crawl in bed next to you?” I gape at him, is he fucking delusional?

“I don’t even know you anymore, Bishop. So, yeah, I do think you would do something as fucking low as that because you made it crystal fucking clear I mean nothing to you. If you’re only here because you want your dick wet, fuck me, then go. I mean it’s not like guys in your family are used to the word no from a female.”



Ileap off her like she burnt me, staring down at her, utterly sickened by what she just said. She pushes herself into a sitting position but makes no move to stand, she grips her stained gray tee and pulls it over head exposing her cotton bra, she reaches behind to unclasp it but I look away.

“Put your fucking shirt back on.” She scoffs and I watch from the corner of my eye as she grabs her shirt, stands and the heads toward her bed. I turn back toward her and watch as she pops the button on her jeans and then slides them down her legs, I avert my gaze to the ceiling. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Clearly you’re not here to fuck me so, I’m going to take a fucking shower before I have to listen to you rant about whatever it is that you came here to say.” That gets my attention, I return my stare to her and grind my teeth.

“I’ve killed men for less––.”

“If you don’t like the way I talk to you, get your gun and shoot me or just fucking leave, I don’t care anymore, Bishop.” The anger in her eyes melts away and is replaced by resignation. “My life isn’t my own and never was, so do whatever it is you have to do because I give up, you win, okay?” I open my mouth to deny her claim but snap it shut when she drops her panties and unclasps her bra, her tits and pussy are on full display. My cock pushes against the confines of my boxers begging me to sink inside her but I won’t. Not after what she just said. She heads toward me and I jump out of the way. I watch her hips sway side to side and love the way her plump ass jiggles as she heads toward the bathroom. I bite my lip and war within myself whether or not I should join her or leave her cool off.

Fuck it.

I follow after her and fight my smirk when she squeals at the sight of me in her tiny as fuck bathroom. I find it comical that after stripping in front of me she now tries to hide her tits and pussy behind her arms. I’ve tasted every inch of her and know her body better than she probably does. I size up her shower and groan internally. It’s too fucking small for me to fit in there with her.

“Get the fuck out!”

“I’ve ate your cunt and had your cum dripping down my chin.” I smirk when I see a blush slowly rise to her cheeks.

“Yeah, well, that was a one-night thing and it won’t be happening again so, get the fuck out.” I smirk cockily at her and watch as her face contorts. “I mean it, Bishop.”

“You don’t mean shit, I bet you if I put a finger inside your tight cunt you’d be wet as fuck for me.” Her mouth opens slightly. I turn and leave her to stew in her anger while I wait for her on her bed. Five minutes later she walks out with a towel wrapped around her head and one around her body. She shoots me a glare when she spots me on her bed, I smile. She huffs and stomps over to her dresser, pulling open her drawer and grabbing a pair of red satin panties. I grit my teeth to stop the groan from slipping out. She turns her back to me and drops the towel as she pulls them on. They ride high enough to show off the bottom of her ass cheeks. I shift on her bed and try to adjust my cock. She opens another drawer, pulls out a shirt and slips it on. I narrow my eyes at it—it’s too big to be her own as it stops just above her knees. I jump to my feet and spin her around to face me, then bend so we are nose to nose. “Whose fucking shirt are you wearing?” Her brows raise as she leans forward and ghosts her lips over mine as she speaks.

“Rook’s.” I see red, grip the shirt the collar and tear it right down the middle before yanking it off her and chuck it to the side. “You asshole! I liked that shirt!”

“I don’t give a fuck!” She scrunches her face in anger before turning to her drawer and pulling out another plain black tee. Just as she’s about to slip it on I yank it away from her and hold it above my head.

“Whose is this one?” She doesn’t answer and tries to jump for it. My anger dissipates as I watch her full tits bounce in front of me.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance