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“You’re playing with his life here, baby. You keep throwing that little bitch in my face every time we have a spat and I’m just about done with it.”

“He’s my best friend!”

“You fuck all your best friends?”

“Nope.” He relaxes slightly but I’m not done taunting him, I want to hurt him the way he hurt me. “Just him.” His grip tightens and I don’t bother to fight him, it’s no use. He gets right in my face, his scent surrounding me and making me dizzy. He pulls his phone out and turns it to me as he unlocks it. My mouth drops open when I see his screensaver. He pulls up Knight’s number but before he can push call, I snatch it from him and return to his home screen and stare. He reaches for it but I move it out of his reach and turn it toward him. “Why am I your screensaver?” It’s a picture of me sitting under the tree in the quad laughing at something. It’s a grainy picture, so I know he has zoomed in and cropped whoever was with me out. He snatches his phone from me and pockets it as he steps back releasing his hold on me. “I’m starting to think you choking me is your way of kissing me hello.” That earns me a glare from him as he heads toward my desk and drops into my chair. I remain where I am as I ask him again, “Why am I your screensaver and how the fuck did you get that picture, Bishop?”

“Because I like to look at you.” I hate that his words have me feeling all warm and shit inside.

“How did you get that picture?” He leans forward and rests his arms on his legs and looks up at me. For the first time today he doesn’t shield his emotions from me.

“I took it the second week you started school here.” That surprises the fuck out of me.

“You came up here to see your siblings?” He shakes his head.

“I came to see you.” My mouth drops open and my eyes widen in surprise.

“Do… do you do that often? Come to see me, I mean?” I wait with bated breath for him to answer me. A part of me wants him to say yes but the other part of me, that is pissed as hell at him, wants him to deny me.

“Ever since the day you left, I come up here every second night and sit right here and watch you sleep like a fucking addict. You’re a fucking addiction to me, Kiara, and I can never get enough of you. Since the moment you started school here you have become my obsession. I can’t focus, I barley sleep and I can’t even run my companies because all I think about every fucking minute of every day is you!” His admission has all the anger inside me dissipating. I make my way toward him and sit on the end of my bed, a few inches of space separate us.

“Why did you say all of those things to me at your house?”

“I lied.”

“Why should I believe you? You told me everything I wanted to hear and I gave you my body, only for you to turn around and spit on it the next day.” He drops his gaze to the floor and intertwines his fingers between his legs. I wait for him to answer. I need to hear his reasoning as to why he broke my fucking heart. He destroyed me with his callous words. The way he spoke to me made me feel like I was nothing more than shit beneath his shoe.

“I had to say those things so you would leave. I never meant any of it, you have to know that. Kiara, you mean… so much to me and King thought it was best––”

“King? That was King’s fucking idea?” I seethe. He meets my gaze and the sheepish look in his eyes does nothing to ease the rage brewing inside me.

“He thought it was better if I wasn’t distracted––”

“Give me your phone.”

“What, why?”

“Give me your fucking phone, Bishop.” He pulls it out and unlocks it for me before handing it over. I scroll through his contacts until I find King’s number. I hit dial and wait for the piece of shit to answer. Bishops stares at me like I’m an alien but I ignore him. King finally answers after the fourth ring.

“What’s up, Bish?”

“You little bitch! You fucking wait till I see you. You’re no fucking king! You’re a weak-ass pawn and I’m the motherfucking queen who just put your ass in checkmate, you little bitch!” I scream. Bishop rolls his lips over his teeth, to try stop his smile from breaking free. I pin him with a dirty look that has him turning away from me.

“Princess, it’s good to hear from you.”

“I’m going to chop your fucking cock off and break your fucking nose! How dare you call me a fucking distraction––” King cuts me off mid rant.

“You are!” He shouts. “Where the fuck is Bishop now, Kiara? Not here where he fucking should be, smoothing things over with Ramano family. He’s too busy trying to bury his fucking dick between your legs instead of being the Don of this fucking family. My sister is still missing and he’s too much of pussy to trade you for her.” Bishop snatches the phone from me and ignores my protests as he holds it to his ear. I try to yank it back but he snakes out his hand, places it over my mouth and pushes me back till I’m flat against the bed.

“You ever, and I meanever, speak to her like that again, brother or not, I will fucking kill you.” I can’t hear King’s reply no matter how much I try. I squirm beneath his hold and smack his chest but he just ignores me. “Sort it out. Call me when it’s done and don’t fuck it up.” He ends the call and places the phone in his pocket, taking his sweet ass time like he isn’t holding me captive with one fucking hand. Having had enough of being subdued, I dart my tongue out and lick his palm. He snaps his gaze down to me and when I see the lust lurking in the depths of his brown eyes, I close my mouth and quit moving. “Now, if I remove my hand are you going to be a good girl or do I need to shove something else in it to make you more compliant?” I shake my head and he slowly removes his hand.

* * *

Bishop and I haven’t said a word to each other since I rang King. He ordered us Chinese takeout and had Mav deliver it to my room. I was shocked as fuck when he walked back in with the takeout and an overnight bag. I kept quiet and didn’t say a word. He plated up the food on the plates Car had stashed in our room. I sit here nibbling on my food, doing my homework on my bed as Bishop sits at my desk eating his food and typing away on his laptop Mav brought him. I’m nearly finished my English assignment when he stands, grabs his bag and heads toward the bathroom. I zone out for a while until he returns from the bathroom and sits back at my desk. I don’t even pay him any attention until I finish my work and close my book. I look up and freeze.

Holy mother mercy!

Bishop sits at my desk shirtless and in a pair of gray fucking sweatpants! My wet dream has come true, he looks like a fucking snack. I dart my tongue out to moisten my lips as I drink in the sight of him. All his tattoos are on display and the sight of his coiled muscles make me fucking wet and near on panting. He closes the lid on his laptop and gathers up his plate, turns to place it in the trash and I screech loudly. He spins around to face me, searching my face for what has caused me to react that way.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance