Page 8 of Savage Beast

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“We have to do this now and head out before nightfall.” The moment is shattered by Cairo’s interruption.

“How do we do this?” I ask.

“Take Sky to your room and she will explain everything.” I don’t bother to question him; we head to my bedroom and take a seat on the edge of my bed. She doesn’t look around just places her hands on her hips and stares at me.

“Close your eyes and don’t open them.” I furrow my brow in confusion but do as she says. I know this is necessary, I just hope that the vision I had a few weeks ago is right. I never told my family about that vision, it just seemed so…intimate to share with anyone. I have no idea what the meaning is, I just know with every fiber of my being that it was Sky, and I have to do whatever I can to try and stop what is coming.

“Done.” I blink my eyes open and stare up at her in shock.


“Are you deaf?” I shake my head like an idiot. “It’s done. Now let’s go, quicker we get out of here the better.” I stand ready to follow her, but she raises her hand to stop me. “Pack a bag, you’ll need it, or Callie will wind up dressing you.” I quirk a brow at her, she rolls her eyes and adds. “You’ll thank me for this later, now hurry up.”

My brothers and I stand on the front porch facing our father with our bags in hand, dad runs his gaze over each of us like he is committing everything he sees to memory. I’ve been tense ever since I stepped out the front door, afraid visions would hit me, and I would be whisked back inside. I’ve never been able to stand outside like this, and with no pain, it’s strange but also exhilarating.

“You remember what I said Cassius?”

“Yeah Pops. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen.” I dart my gaze between the two them, clearly, they are talking in code. Sometimes I wish my visions could be useful and show me things that I actually want to know.

“Good. I hope it doesn’t happen, just be ready in case it does.” Hunter cuts dad off.

“What the hell are the two of you going on about?” Dad relaxes his face and smiles at Hunter.

“Nothing for you to worry about. Make sure you all look out for each other and stay together.” We all agree, my brothers each bid dad goodbye and then head down the porch steps to wait for me. As I stand in front of my father, a lump begins to form in my throat, I’ve never left home before. “I wish I could hold you, even for a moment.” The longing in his voice is what causes the first tear to fall.

“So do I.” I choke out.

Dad smiles sadly at me. “Go have your adventure Belle, just know I’ll be here for you and whatever you discover out there, never forget that I love you my sweet girl.”

“I love you too daddy.” I sob out, dad clears his throat as he fights so hard to hold back his tears.

After trekking through the woods for a couple of miles, we emerge into a clearing of sorts where there are numerous Hummers parked. My brothers and I haven’t spoken a word since we left our father. Cairo moves toward the one at the front and motions for me to follow him, I feel my brothers close in around me.

“You three aren’t coming.” I skid to a stop, Hunter and Blake creep in closer to my sides, I can feel Cass at my back, he releases an angry growl.

“She stays with us!”

“What the fuck makes you three think you’ll be coming with us?” Hunter steps in front of me, I see Cairo’s pack begin to move in closer to their alpha.

“Where she goes, we go. If you want to fight us on it, then so be it.” Hunter and Blake drop their bags, Hunt grips the bottom of his shirt but stops at Cairo’s words.

“You really think the three of you could win against my pack? Did we not just subdue your whole pack in a matter of minutes?”

“Fuck you!” Cass growls, Cairo’s pack begins to growl, and I can see from the look in some of their eyes that they are ready to shift at the drop of a hat if my brothers try anything. I take a steadying breath and step out from behind Hunter and meet Cairo’s gaze.

“Even if you won’t let them come with us, they will follow me to the ends of the earth. There is no place in this world you can hide me where they wouldn’t find me. It will be easier for you to just allow them to travel with us, I gave you my word I would help you, but it’s now up to you whether or not I do it happily, or challenge you at every turn?” Cairo’s brows raise nearly hitting his hairline.

“Are you blackmailing me?” Cole chuckles beside him.

“Of course not, I’m simply stating the facts and telling you what I think is in your best interest.” I smile sweetly, the angry look he gives me tells me he isn’t pleased with how I just strong armed him. The thing is, I wasn’t lying, my brothers would hunt me down until they found me. My family is loyal, and we always back each other no matter what, it’s how our father raised us, that if one of us battles, then we all go to war.

Never leave a Wilder behind.Is what father has always instilled in us since we were young pups.

Chapter eight


Sheisinsufferableandso are her brothers, whatever she saw in that vision has Sky on edge and avoiding me. I grit my teeth and white knuckle the steering wheel, the four of them have remained silent since we got in the car, she sits in the middle of her brothers while her oldest brother rides shotgun next to me. I don’t know why I allowed them to tag along, something in her gaze told me that she wasn’t joking when she said that they will track her. I don’t like the idea of taking three grown male shifters back with us but truthfully, I don’t know how to deal with her and her visions without them. It seems that everything or anyone she touches aside from herfamilysets off a vision, I wish I could be inside her head when she has them. I want to know what she saw about Sky, no, I need to know what she saw about Sky. I promised my sister that I would take down the council for what they did to her and our family, but right now, my main concern is Sky. The only person who knows the truth about who and what she reallyis,is me, Callie is hermate,but even she doesn’t know. We have about another five hours before we reach my sisters pack, and with the amount of tension in the car it is sending my wolf nuts, he wants to make them all submit to him.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal