Page 7 of Savage Beast

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“Good, then maybe you should start by not being a dick and treating her family like shit. Isn’t that right sweetheart?” I nod my head like an idiot at a loss for words. “How about I let Belle and her brothers take me on a tour of their lands while you hash out the details with dear old pops over there?”

“I can’t go outside!” I rush to say in a panic.

Cairo shut down Cole’s idea of a tour, which I am thankful for, but of course I didn’t let him know that. I have made sure to keep my distance from Cairo and his pack mates in the hopes of not setting off another vision. Seeing him for the past eight months doesn’t mean I know him,knowhim. I’m getting over waiting for them to say something, dad and my brothers are sitting on the couch tense and silent. Tension and fear is coursing through my body which is enhancing another vision that I cannot handle right now, so I choose to break the silence.

“Can one of you please just tell us what you want or need from me so then you can all leave? My family and I have done nothing wrong and I’m tired and hungry!” Cole, Sky, Cairo and the two others turn toward me, I refuse to cower under their intense stares. I admit my resolve starts to waiver when it’s Sky who makes her way over, I fight the shiver that wants to break free when her gaze meets mine. Her eyes seem almost darker, her face is devoid of all emotion, she has the look of a cold-blooded killer.

“What we need from you, you will not be willing to give.”

“You don’t know me!” I grit out and glare at her.

“Let me list off what I know then, you’re the baby of the family, daddy’s little princess, spoiled by her brothers. Lived a sheltered life, never had to want for anything, always had a warm place to sleep and never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from? You’re like every other entitled princess, you think your special, but you’re not, you are a means to an end and that is it.” Her cold heartless words have tears springing to my eyes, the pain and anguish I felt for her in my vision has just been obliterated by her cruelness. I blink my tears back refusing to show this bully that her words hit their mark, I steel my spine and make sure to keep my face expressionless.

“You’re right, I am all of the above.” A knowing smile graces her beautiful face. “But what pisses you off more, the fact that I had all of those, or the fact that you didn’t?” The smile vanishes in an instant, never breaking eye contact, I hear the others begin to snicker. Something about Sky tells me it would be a fatal mistake to ever turn your back on her, she steps closer to me, and I brace myself for a vision to hit, given her close proximity, but it…doesn’t. Her face holds no anger or any emotion, this woman has an amazing poker face.

“I wouldn’t expect a Barbie like you to know what struggling is, you want the truth? We need you to help us find the council and end a curse that has long plagued my pack. Do those two things and you and your family will be free.” I dart my gaze to my brothers to see they are just as confused about these demands as I am.

“I can’t just bring on visions about people I have never met or been near, it doesn’t work like that. Also, I can’t help you break a curse, I’m a shifter not a…witch.” The mask drops from her face, I see it plain as day––fear. Something I just said evoked a deep-rooted fear in this fearless warrior and I plan to find out what it is.

“Enough!” Sky turns and heads toward Cairo and the others, my family must sense the shift in the air as well. My dad and brothers move to stand near me. “You will have to come with us then––.”

“No! she cannot leave here.” Cairo narrows his eyes at my father.

“She is coming with us whether you like it or not. Once her job is finished, we will deliver her back to you safe and sound.” Fear thrums through me, at the thought of leaving my home, visions will assault me constantly and it will kill me.

“She will die!” Cass’s voice booms around the room, I flinch at the reminder. All I have ever wanted my entire life is to go on an adventure, make friends and travel abroad, but unfortunately, they’re only dreams. that isn’t possible for me.

“No, she won’t.” I snap my gaze to Sky; she sounds so sure of herself, and I hate to admit it but a part of me is hoping that these people may have a solution to grant me my freedom from this gilded cage I callhome. I can see dad opening his mouth out of the corner of my eye, I know he is about to deny them, so I cut him off.

“If you have a solution to stopping the visions from assaulting me when I leave the house, please say so.” I can feel my families eyes on me, but I refuse to take my gaze from Sky.

“We do have one.”

“Then, you have myword. If this works and no visions crash into me as soon as I step outside, I will help you.”

Chapter seven


“Icannotletthishappen, you are my daughter, and I will not let you put yourself at risk for me Gabrielle. You can’t trust these fools––.”

“I know daddy, but I gave them my word that I will help, if they could come up with a solution, and they did!” My father stares at me with a blank look.

“What has gotten into you? Two days ago, you wouldn’t have entertained the idea of leaving the house with your brothers let alone a group of strangers. No, not strangers’ kidnappers, that is what they are Belle. In all the years you and your brothers have been alive have you ever heard of another subduing anyone only to take one person who isn’t even the alpha?” I hear the anger in his voice, but I know it is just a mask for his pain, he feels powerless to stop this from happening. My dad has always been a fixer, whether it be an object or a person, he will endeavor to find a way to amend what is broken. My heart wants me to reach out and hold his hand, but not with my visions being the way they are today.

“I know this is hard for you––.”

“Hard?” He whisper shouts, I peer over my shoulder to see Cairo and his friends in the kitchen talking amongst themselves. My brothers bolted out of the room to head upstairs when I announced that I would be leaving with Cairo. “You are but a child Gabrielle, you have no idea what horrors this world holds. You are my daughter, and I cannot let you go off with a blood-thirsty alpha and his pack of savages!” I flinch at the venom in his tone.

“She won’t be alone Pops.” I spin around to see my three brothers standing there, each of them has a bag slung over their shoulder and a sad smile on their faces.

“Cassius, what are you doing?” Cass moves toward dad and places his large hand on his shoulder.

“You’re right Pops, she can’t go with them alone. Blake, Hunter and I will go with her to make sure she is safe.” My dad’s face drops, he looks so…hurt and it guts me to see him like this.

“I–I, No. You three stay I’ll go––.” Cass shakes his head and cuts dad off.

“You said I needed more experience outside of the pack before I can lead, so this will give me that opportunity. You’re the alpha dad, your responsibility is here. I swear we will keep her safe, and as soon as this is all over, the four of us will be back before you know it.” I just about burst into tears when my father’s tear-filled gaze lands on me.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal