Page 9 of Savage Beast

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“Where are we going?” The sound of her voice snaps me from the inner monologue with my wolf, I meet her gaze in the rearview mirror, I quickly tear my eyes from hers.


“Wait, isn’t that the place where the first female alpha lives?” I grind my teeth in irritation at Hunter’s question, I don’t like that he knows about my sister. I open my mouth to answer, but snap it closed when Belle gasps, I feel her eyes burning into the back of my head.

“What is it?” I can hear the worry in Cass’s voice, it’s the same tone I use with Jess when I’m worried about her.

“She’s, his sister!” I grit my teeth; I can feel all their eyes on me but refuse to acknowledge them. “I know her, well… I don’t know her, but I have seen her and her family.” That gets my attention.

“How the fuck do you know about her family?” I meet her gaze in the mirror and see her flinch at my cold tone.

“You may be the one holding us hostage, but you don’t ever fucking speak to her like that!” The venom that coats Cass’s voice has a smile playing on my lips, this fucker is going to learn fast that I am the only one who calls the shots around here.

“You will shut the fuck up and sit back before I kill her and make you watch!” He tries to lunge at me, but I’m faster, I snap my arm out and clamp it around his throat and squeeze the car starts to swerve, Belle screams but I don’t let up. “Don’t ever fucking question me again asshole.” I release him with a shove and quickly right the car before we go off the road. I ignore his coughing and spluttering beside me, fucker needs to be taken down a peg or two.

“You want to kill me, fine! But don’t you ever touch my brother like that again or I will kill you with my bare freaking hands.” I scoff.

“I’d like to see you try beauty, I’m the baddest fucking beast there is, and you will learn that soon enough. Do as you are told, and you’ll be back with daddy dearest before you know it.”

“Then just tell me what it is that you want, and then we can be done! I’m not some side-show act that you can use whenever you feel the need––.”

“I will use you until you give me what I want.” I glance at her in the mirror and when a look of hatred enters her eyes I tear my gaze from her, good she needs to hate me.

She isn’t the enemy Cairo.

Fuck off Bex.

My wolf–Bexley and I haven’t been seeing eye to eye since meeting the little devil in the backseat, Bex is an alpha through and through and demands respect and submission. Yet, he doesn’t seem to mind Belle’s smart mouth and ill temper.

“She doesn’t have long.” Being a shifter means I have impeccable hearing; she may have mumbled the words under her breath, but I heard them loud and clear as did her brothers.

“Who, sis?” Her eyes meet mine in the rear view as she answers.

“When the snow begins to stick to the ground is when it happens, the path you are on is what will lead to her demise.” I growl low in my throat; she has no fucking idea what she is saying. “Sheis the reason I’m here, isn’t she?” I tear my gaze from her and ignore their chatter.

What if she is right?

She can’t be, Sky knew about the control thing long before this.

If she turns––

Fuck up Bex, I won’t do it.

I close off the link between me and Bex, I won’t even entertain the idea of what he is suggesting–– I can’t. Not to her, I could never do that to her.

We arrive at my sister’s pack later than I expected, I spy their guards in wolf form patrolling their lands. I follow the long drive up to the back of the property where Creed built their new house, I never thought I would see the day Credence Reeves settled down. I’m proud of him and my sister, after everything they have been through, and the shit Creed put her through, they deserve this. I was unsure if he would step up and be the mate she deserved, but over time he has proven me wrong, I couldn’t have asked for a better brother-in-law. I stop the car in front of their house, Jess never wanted to leave their small cabin, so Creed decided to just build her a bigger one. It’s a three-story cabin, it almost reminds me of the Dutton’s house from Yellowstone. Got to give it to the bastard, he is a bloody talented architect as well as a builder, since opening his construction company he’s profited an insane amount of cash, which has helped cover the costs of the builds he has been doing for the pack. I hop out of the car and leave the four of them there, they can either choose to follow, or sleep in the car for all I fucking care.

“And the ghost of my past returns.” I spin around to see Creed walking toward me, carrying a load of wood in his arms, the fucker has the lumberjack look going on. His Brown hair swishes around as he shakes his head, I see nothing but happiness in his hazel eyes. He always looked so haunted and worn out as a teenager but ever since getting with my sister, he seems more…free. “You gonna help or just stand there?” I reach out and pluck a couple of logs from his arms, his mouth drops open when he spots someone over my shoulder.

“Hello, brother.”

“Colton.” I grab the rest of the logs from him so he can go greet his brother, no sooner have I taken the last log from him does he brush past me and rush toward his brother. I smile as I watch them embrace each other, before Cole decided to leave with me and my pack, he and Creed weren’t exactly getting along, given the fact that Cole sort of has a thing for my sister. I don’t blame Creed for wanting to pummel his brother. I spy Callie and Sky making their way around the car with Z in tow, the others traveling with us were given instructions to stay back by Creed and Jess’s pack. Creed spots his sister and a wide grin spreads across his face as she runs toward him and jumps into his arms, he catches her with ease.

“Big brother, I missed you!” Sick to death of holding these logs I motion for Z to get his ass over here so he can carry this shit inside for Creed. Once he has the logs I move toward Creed and the others.

“I missed you to California, you better get both your asses down to mom’s house before she finds out from someone else that you’re here.” The twins both cringe and nod their heads, Callie places a chaste kiss on Sky’s cheek before following after Cole. As soon as they are out of hearing distance, Creed spins and shoves me hard in the chest, I automatically brace for a fight, Bex lunges forward and growls, my eyes shifting to those of my wolf’s.

“Stand down now, or I will make you!”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal