Page 41 of Savage Beast

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“I dare you.” I stiffen at the sound of Cairo’s voice.

“Dare me to do what?” Cass snaps.

“I dare you, to try and take her from me.” A dark chuckle tumbles from Cairo, but there is no humor to it.

“She is my sister!” Cairo brushes past me and doesn’t stop till he and Cass are chest to chest, Blake, Hunt and Cole rush over to intervene if needed.

“She may be your sister, but she belongs to me––.” Cass throws his hands in the air and growls; he begins to vibrate, and I know he is close to losing it. If either of these men were younger, they wouldn’t have the control they do over their wolves, it’s actually a beautiful sight to see.

“You don’t even want her! She is a mere toy that you wish to play with, and when you are bored you will toss her away.” Ouch, that stings.

“Are you getting this angry because I fucked her, or is it because you know she isn’treallyyour sister and could fuck her too?” My jaw hits the bloody ground and my eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, how fucking dare he! Cass stands there open mouthed and in shock, he doesn’t know what the hell to say that and I don’t blame him. Cole pushes between the two of them and shoves Cairo back, Cole looks furious as he gets in Cairo’s face.

“What the fuck is wrong with you Ro? You’re a fucking prick, didn’t you learn anything from your sister and what she went through with Creed? You wanna fuck this is up with Belle, fine, but do it by yourself, because I won’t watch another innocent girl be hurt because of another dumbass guy who thinks fucking with them is okay.” Cole turns toward me but stops and peers over his shoulder at Cairo. “In case I wasn’t clear; Belle is coming withme,and you can find your own way back.” Cole turns to me and smiles sadly as he flicks his head toward the Hummer, I nod and smile my thanks, I indicate to my brothers to follow.

Chapter twenty


Idragmyfeetup the worn path to my sister’s house, the lights are on inside and I know she will be waiting for me, but I can’t deal with that shit now. I’m fucking pissed that Davina and her band of misfits are here, the bitch is hiding shit and her reasons for wanting Belle are bullshit. Something isn’t right and I want to know what it is, Bex can sense the shift with her. I can’t prove it, but something sinister is at paly with her, Vince even seems withdrawn. I veer left and head toward the creek out the back, I drop down on the bank and pull my phone from my pocket. I find his number and take a deep breath before I connect the call, if there is anyone who will know the truth about why Davina wants Belle, it’s him.

“I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”

“That’s not why I’m calling Alexander.”

“Then what do I owe the honor of this call?”

“Davina Reeves just showed up and wants Belle.” A beat of silence passes before he answers.

“I’ll warn you once, you let my daughter anywhere near that vile cockroach, and I won’t stop at killing you, I’ll go for your pack, your sister, your nephew––.” I growl.

“Threaten them again and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my bare hands.”

“Keep her away from Belle.”


“Because…Belle is special, and Davina will exploit that.”

“Newsflash, everyone knows about Belle’s visions.” A tired sigh comes through the phone, and I grit my teeth in annoyance.

“I wasn’t talking about the visions, bring her to me and I will tell you everything.”

“Why the hell should I trust you near my––her?” I cringe at the fact sayingmy matecame so naturally to me.

“Because I am the one who hid Belle with Gabriel, I did it to keep my daughter safe.”

“If you’re this almighty original vampire, why the hell are you running scared?” He chuckles and it makes my hackles rise.

“Ah, you have so much to learn young Cairo. I don’t run out of fear, I run to keep them distracted and off the trail of my daughter, plus, it amuses me. When you are immortal, you find things to amuse yourself so it makes the time fly by faster.”

“Why not put a dagger through your own heart?”

“I would have, but nineteen years ago I was blessed with the one thing I thought I could never have.” The longing in his voice tells me that he really does care for Belle, I wasn’t expecting that.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What if I told you, I already know what you are going to ask?” I pause for a second.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal