Page 40 of Savage Beast

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“I’m confused and I have no idea what to do about it. I’m used to holding all the cards and being one step ahead, but since meeting you guys, I always find myself three steps behind, and I don’t like it, at all.” His eyes soften and he reaches out to touch me but stops himself, at least he has the courtesy to keep his hands to himself.

You weren’t complaining when Cairo’s tongue was inside you.

I block the stupid voice in my head and focus back on Cole. He is a ruggish sort of handsome, but he has that high school quarter back look as well, there is no denying that Cole is good looking, and seems to have a great personality to match.

“You will always be steps behind Cairo babe. He doesn’t play by the rules, never has apparently. He knows and does shit without thinking of the consequences, he gets away with a lot of it because of Sky.”

“What does she do exactly?” I want to confide in Cole about my visions involving Sky, but something inside me is urging me to remain silent, because Cairo will be mad.

“She balances him, Sky found Cairo when he was a lost pup. He was malnourished and scavenging for food. No one knows how they came to be so close, only that without Sky, Ro would have died, look there is more to them than––.”

“Like Cairo being in love with her?” Cole’s eyes widen and his shoulders droop.

“Yep, that’ll do it. Who told you?”

“He did.”

“Wow, that was…uh, big of him I guess.” I roll my eyes.

“I knew there was something there between them, I just didn’t know what, and he confirmed it for me. I know they slept together.” Cole reels back in shock, he throws his head back and laughs. It takes him a minute to get himself under control, he swipes the tears from his eyes and points at me.

“You just gave me the best trump card; Callie is going to rip his dick off.” I shrug my shoulders as I say.

“Break his face not his dick, that thing is like Harry Potters wand.” He quirks a brow in question. “It’s magic and makes you speak in tongues as well as making you see stars.” Cole’s laughter is cut off at the sound of his husky voice, I don’t bother to turn or even acknowledge his presence. What he said before I passed out hurt more than I want to admit, how he could go from being so loving and attentive, to cold and detached in such a short time?

“Good to know my cock is more important than my face.” Cole stands and walks over to him; I can hear them talking in hushed tones behind me. I choose to look back at my brothers and watch them sleep, my moment is shattered when legs appear in front of me. I sigh, I could keep looking at his Chucks or be a grown ass woman like he said and face the awkward conversation that is about to take place. I take a deep breath and stand, we’re so close that I have to crane my neck back to meet his gaze, he’s still shirtless which doesn’t surprise me, the guy never wears shirts. As our eyes meet, I can tell he has his mask of indifference in place, I shake my head and push past him to wake my brothers. I’m hauled backward by the grip he has on my––Cole’s jumper, he bends down and gets right in my face. Small growls rumble out of him, his eyes have changed to his wolf’s. He grips the front of the jumper so our noses touch, I try to pull away, but he grips the back of my neck with his other hand and holds me still.

“What the hell is your problem?” I seethe.

“Why the hell do you smell like Colton-fucking-Reeves?”

“Seriously, that’s what you have to say to me?”

“Answer my question.” I can see the struggle on his face, he’s fighting to stay in control when all his wolf wants to do is shift and attack Cole.

“Fuck. You. Cairo.” I smile sweetly and bat my lashes at him, my bravado falters when he smiles and releases his hold, his grip on the back of my neck doesn’t ease as he spins me around, one arm bands around my waist and with the other now gripping my throat. Cole stands there in shock, darting his gaze between me and Cairo, I try to keep my breathing under control, but I have a feeling I may have poked the beast a wee too much this time.

“Did you like hanging out withmymate, while I dealt with your mother Colton?” Cole stiffens at Cairo’s mocking; he is acting like a real prick and I’m not having it. I try to pull away but his grip tightens on my throat, he leans down, and I feel his lips brush the shell of my air as he says. “Don’t test me beauty, if I find out he has touched what is mine, I’ll tear his fucking throat out in front of you.” I snap, I’m done with this stupid game.

“You don’t own me; I have a say in this fucking mate bullshit as well as you do. I will not be used by you so you can run back to that skank in the hopes she finally falls for you––.” My words die in my throat, one minute my back is to him and then in the next second I’m flat on the ground with Cairo on top of me growling in my face. I’m so stunned that I lay here speechless as I stare up into the onyx eyes of Bexley, I can tell he is on the brink of losing control, and I know with my brothers and Cole all being here and unmated, it will be a shit show.

“Ro, you have to calm down––.” Cairo turns his head to Cole and growls out a warning, I meet Cole’s gaze and see he is pleading with me to calm Cairo. I reach up and cup his cheek, he whisks his gaze back to me, and I still at the anger swirling in the depths of his eyes. I bite my lip to try and temper my own rage, right now with his emotions being so erratic he can trigger a vision, and I can’t handle another one tonight.

“I smell like Cole because I’m wearing his jumper, I was cold and––.” He jerks back and sits on his hunches; I remain still waiting to see what he does next. He grips the front of the jumper and in one fluid move tears it in half. I gasp as I look from him to the ruined garment that is in tatters in his hands.

“That was my favorite Dickies jumper you asshole!” Cairo and I both ignore Cole, he leans down and rests his forehead against mine, I stiffen but he ignores it, physical contact is still new to me, and I don’t know if I will ever get used to it.

“The only male scent I will allow to cling to you is my own––.”

“Get the fuck off her now!” I flinch at the sound of Cass’s voice, a sly smirk graces Cairo’s handsome face.

“Tell your brothers to fuck off, you’re coming with me.” I shake my head but stop when he smashes his lips against mine, being the stupid wanton idiot that I am, I open for him and whimper when his tongue invades my mouth. When I hear a growl it’s like a bucket of ice water has been dropped on me, I break the kiss and push against him until he moves back. I slide out from under him and climb to my feet, I nibble on the corner of my lip as I meet Cass’s disapproving gaze.

“Just like that, huh?” I cringe at the disappointment in his tone. “He just needs to manhandle you a bit and then you’re putty in his hands?” He’s shouting now, the sound of his booming voice wakes Hunter and Blake, but I won’t take my eyes off my oldest brother.

“What the fuck is going on?” I feel Hunt and Blake at my back, Cass looks to each of them before finally settling his sights on me.

“You’re not going with him, you’ll come with us so we can sort shit––.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal