Page 34 of Savage Beast

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“What’s up?” I twist my hands in my lap and ask the one question I dread the answer to.

“If we aren’t related––by blood, does that mean I’m not… a shifter?” I whisper the last part, like I said I only see myself through Cairo’s eyes not my own. I hear sharp intakes of air from my brothers.

“I swear to you, we will help you figure this out sis.” I fake a smile and nod.

“Thanks Hunt.”

Everyone is piling their plates with food while I hang back, just because I can be around people doesn’t mean their touch––accidently won’t trigger a vision. I smile to myself as I watch them, Cole, Callie and Creed banter back and forth like me and my brothers, Sky, Z and my brothers are lost in conversation and Jess is smiling at her son. I snap out of my staring when a round of congratulations burst from everyone, Jess thanks them and smiles shyly, not wanting to be the odd one out I jump in and say.

“Congratulations on your miracle, she is going to be beautiful––.” I stop speaking when Jess pales and reaches up to cover her mouth with her hand, tears shining in her eyes. I gulp when Creed steps into her and hauls her back against his chest, his gaze bores into me and I begin to feel uneasy, what the hell did I do? I back up a step but I collide with something, I peer over my shoulder and release a whoosh of air at the sight of Cairo. His hands grip my waist, and he pulls me against him––protectively, whilst glaring at Creed, but Credence Reeves isn’t looking at Cairo, his gaze is on me.

“What. Did. You. Just. Say?” I gulp and glance at Jess who has tears streaming down her cheeks, I start to shake my head not wanting to fight, because I have a huge mouth and don’t know when to shut it apparently.

“Please Belle. Tell me what you know…please.” I meet Jess’s gaze and deflate, Cairo moves one of his hands and lays it flat against my stomach, I gasp but remain still, he’s trying to reassure me that he is here, and I don’t know how to feel about that. I have never had physical contact much in my life and having him this close is doing things to me that I can’t even explain. Rather than focus on my own feelings I dart my gaze between Jess and Creed and blurt it all out.

“Your fertility treatment didn’t work.” A sob tears out of Jess, but I push on. “I know you have been trying and gave up five months ago––.” Creed spins Jess around, and she buries her head in his chest as she sobs, I feel Cairo stiffen behind me, so I quickly push on. “You both stopped putting pressure on yourselves and your…at home remedy worked. Your about 6 weeks along, and she will be everything you hoped she would be.” Creed’s mouth drops open, Jess spins out of his hold and stares at me as she swipes the tears from her cheeks.

“Are you saying?” The hope in her voice brings a smile to my face.

“That your about to be a girl mom in about 7 or 8 months? Yes.” More sobs burst from her, she throws herself at Creed and locks her arms around his neck, his gaze still on me. He gently untangles her arms from his neck and moves toward me, he stops a couple steps away when Cairo growls in warning, still Creed keeps his eyes on me.

“I…Thank you Belle.” His sincerity brings tears to the corners of my eyes, I nod not trusting my voice. “You have just given us…everything. In return, I offer you our help for whatever you need.” I smile and nod again, I’m not used to people being okay with my visions, my pack hated me for it. I watch as everyone embraces Jess and Creed and touches her belly, even though she isn’t showing, a pang of longing hits me, I will never get that joy of giving life to another. A shudder rolls through me when I feel his lips on the shell of my ear.

“You know, they were congratulating my sister and Creed because the dumbass finally took her advice and expanded his company interstate.” I cringe, me and my big ass mouth. “Thank you, Belle.” I try to move but he won’t release his hold on me, I turn in his arms and stare up at him. For the first time he lets me see beyond his mask, his emotions on full display, and there is nothing but happiness and love in his gaze, but the longer he stares at me, I see…longing.

“For what?” I whisper just loud enough for him to hear.

“For giving my sister the greatest gift, she has been through so much and she deserves this more than anyone I know.” I snort, his forehead furrows. I lean up on my tip toes with his hands still on my waist, he bends slightly to allow me to whisper in his ear.

“Pretty sure Creed was the one that planted that seed in her, not me.” He pulls back and stares at me for a moment before throwing his head back and…laughing. Holy shit on a bible, Cairo brooding is sexy, but Cairo laughing and being carefree, is your panties destruction. Geez, even his freaking throat looks sexy when he laughs!

“Hey Belle?” I turn and peer over my shoulder to see Cole smirking at me, Cairo’s laughter is cut off. “Your horny is showing babe.” My mouth drops open and my eyes widen in horror, Cole, Z, Sky and Callie break out into fits of laughter at my embarrassment, I dart my gaze to my brothers to find the three of them are glaring at Cairo, if looks could burn you alive, Cairo would be ablaze right now. His fingers grip my chin and pull my face back to him, I fight the urge to close my eyes, so I don’t have to look at him. He smiles at me but this one is different; I don’t even know how to explain, I guess you could say it’s a…genuine one?

“We’re all shifters beauty, we can scent your…arousal.”

Oh, for the love of Christ.

I feel the burn creeping up my neck, I can hear snickers, but I ignore them and drop my gaze to the floor mortified at myself! He grips my chin and lifts my gaze till I meet his, I cringe when I see laughter shining in his eyes. I tear out of his hold and head for the door, I squeal in surprise when he wraps an arm around my waist and yanks me against his chest. I hear growls erupt but I’m too focused on the way he is holding me.

“Come at me Wilder, and your sister won’t be the only one I’m fucking up tonight.” I gasp at his crudeness, but I would be a liar if I said his dirty words didn’t have butterflies erupting inside my belly. The feeling inside me fizzes out when I realize that I will never be able to do that with him, he may be able to touch me now, but who is to say that having sex wouldn’t change that?

“Say that again and I’ll knock your fucking teeth down your throat and take your pack for real this time.” Cairo drops his hold on me as if I burnt him and storms toward my brother, Cass stands tall and doesn’t waiver. Creed blocks Cairo and within a split-second Sky is beside him with her hand on his chest shaking her head at him. Cairo thrashes against the two of them, Zeke and Cole quickly rush over while Jess grabs her son and leaves the room, Hunter and Blake are holding Cass back. Even Callie is trying to help my brothers with Cass, Sky snaps her gaze to me, and I freeze.

“Come and calm his beast or he will tear your brother apart!” I open my mouth, but she cuts me off. “Now!” Sky steps back as I approach them and place my hand flat against his chest, his growling stops and the tremors rolling through his body lessen at my touch, he drops his gaze to me and I hold it waiting to see if this bond is real between us, if it isn’t, his wolf will see it as a challenge, but he doesn’t. His eyes slowly flicker back to his own and he releases a rush of air, he grips my hand in his and then pulls me out the front door, I ignore the shouts coming from my brothers and quicken my pace to keep up with Cairo. His long legs eat up the ground so I’m near on jogging just to keep pace with him.

“I’m gonna fall––.” I don’t even get a chance to finish speaking when he turns grips me around my legs and hoists me up and I wrap my arms around his neck, and legs around his waist, he grips my ass to keep me from falling. He rushes us through a part of the forest I have never been and keeps walking until we come to a stop out the front of a small cabin nestled inside a small clearing. It’s gorgeous and quaint, it reminds me of the house from Snow White and the seven Dwarfs. Cairo stalks up the small pathway and pushes the door open, he kicks it shut behind us and immediately I’m awestruck, this cabin has the feeling of memories and love inside it, I’m not an empath but you know when you just get those feelings? He moves past the small kitchen and lounge and heads down the hallway, he passes two doors and finally kicks open the third at the end of the hall and takes two steps inside then I scream as he chucks me, and I go sailing through the air. I expect to feel pain from hitting the floor but instead I land on a soft surface and bounce a couple of times––I’m on a bed.

I turn and glare at him, he has the audacity to stand there and smirk at me! “That was not funny.”

“Actually, it was. You should have seen your face.” To emphasize his point, he does this funny thing with his face and then begins to flail his arms around in imitation of me, I huff and sit up and cross my arms over my chest.

“Was it necessary though?” He comes closer and then stops in front of me, I refuse to lift my gaze to his because, A, I’m slightly embarrassed and B, I’m angry at him for laughing at me. He grips my chin and I try to shake out of his hold, but he grips it tighter, not enough for it to hurt but enough for me not to fight and lift till I meet his stare.

“Yes, it was. You were too far in your own head worrying about what was happening between me and your brother.” His eyes begin to soften as he looks at me, like really looks at me. “I used to pray that I would find a mate one day just so I could have something to call my own. I had nothing growing up beauty, it was just me and Sky, until Z came along. I’m gonna fuck shit up between us, I’m a moody bastard and possessive as fuck, also…” His gaze bores into mine and I see him tense, I begin to gnaw on my bottom lip, he reaches up and pulls it out with his thumb. “Don’t do that.” I hear the slight growl in his voice.


“Bite your lip while I’m speaking.” The growl is still in his voice, but it isn’t from anger.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal