Page 33 of Savage Beast

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“Why did you offer me up to Alexander?” I growl, she bares her teeth at me.

“You answer first.” She scoffs.

“That never works out in my favor, answer for an answer?” I close the space between us until our lips are nearly touching, mine skim over hers as I speak.

“Don’t push me beauty, you won’t like the beast that you unleash.” She smirks! She fucking smirks at me and before I can snap at her she throws her arms around my neck and smashes her lips against mine, something primal inside me fits into place, almost like a missing puzzle piece has finally fallen into place. This kiss isn’t like anything I have ever felt before, I used to kiss girls to forget about Sky but this kiss, it grounds me, makes me feel like I’m…home. I run my hands down her sides and she shivers, I grip the back of her thighs and lift, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I turn heading toward the bed. My tongue pushes past her lips, and I moan at the taste of her, she scrapes her nails down the back of my neck I relish in the sting it causes. When I hear shouts it’s like a bucket of ice water has been dropped on me, I pull back and unwrap her arms from around my neck and push her until she unhooks her legs, her pupils are dilated with lust, and I know if I scent the air, I will smell her arousal, so I breathe through my mouth. A look of hurt begins to cross her features but I ignore it.

“D-did I do something wrong?”

“What happened to that self-confident chick from minutes ago that jumped into my lap?” She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes, I reach out and cup her cheeks in my hands. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” I grip her hand and place it against my hard cock, she gasps and blushes. “The only thing wrong is me having blue balls, but we have shit to sort out before I bury my dick deep in your pussy beauty.” Her mouth drops open, I release her hand and wink.

“What do you want to know?”

“Okay, for a start why didn’t you tell me straight away?”

“I told you before, that no matter what, destiny always finds a way, so I don’t interfere with my visions anymore. I let them play out at their own pace.”

“Why do I feel like there is a‘but’coming?” She sighs and drops down on the edge of the bed.

“Because I’ve never done this before, seeing my future scares me, this is all new to me too. I’m trying to figure it out as I go.”

“Your brothers help you?” She smiles and looks up to me, nothing but love shines in her eyes when she speaks of them.

“They may not be my blood, but they are everything to me, family runs deeper than blood, I don’t have to share DNA with them to know I would trade my life for theirs in a heartbeat.” Why does the thought of her dying cause something to ache inside me?

Because she is tethered to our soul and without a soul we cannot exist.

Well fuck, Bex. That was deep as shit.He growls his annoyance, but I ignore him and focus back on Belle.

“Okay, wanna make a deal?” She nods skeptically. “Why don’t I send Z into town to get some Chinese take outs for us and we spend the night getting to know each other, no more lies or secrets.” Her shocked gaze is almost comical.

“Why the sudden change of heart?” A whoosh of air escapes me, I remind myself that I just said no more lies and that shit starts now.

“Everything changed the moment Bexley uttered the wordmate.”

Chapter seventeen


Wehavebeentalkingfor hours, the only break we had is when I showered, I never thought Cairo would be one for humor and laughter, but I was wrong. He isn’t how I pictured him to be, he is kind, loyal to a fault, but he doesn’t trust easily or love many. Those who are closet to him have earnt his respect and love and that is equal parts sad and beautiful. Now that I have five minutes to myself without Cairo sucking the oxygen out of the room, I start to think, I lied today. I didn’t know for sure that I was his mate, it was hinted in a vision, and again when I saw him and Sky, something inside me knew she was talking about me, but one thing I can’t get past is the fact she saidchosen mate,not mate. Cairo is pulling me out from the walls I have hidden behind, and part of me loves that, but another part is scared. He asked me why I seemed so shocked today when he mentioned they weren’t my brothers, I told hm the truth. My reaction was real, because I had never heard anyone utter those words out loud. It stings to know I have been lied to, but being blood related to them or not doesn’t change my love for them or my father.

I know he wants to push me for information about Alexander, but the truth is, I don’t know anything about him. All I have seen is that he is my bio father, nothing more and nothing less. A knock sounds at the door and I call out to come in, Hunter and Blake walk in with a shameful Cass trailing after them, Hunter darts his eyes around the room, and I smile.

“Cairo is in the shower.” Hunter smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes, he moves over toward the bed where I am and sits down on the edge. I can see so many emotions swirling in his eyes and it hurts me that I can’t take his pain away. I reach out and place my hand on top of his, hoping that a vision doesn’t assault me, and I send a silent prayer up to whoever is listening and thank them for not letting it happen. “Nothing has to change, Hunt. I’m still me, and your still you, I love you and nothing will change that.”

“I’m so sorry Belle, I didn’t know…how I was––.” I cut Cass off and slowly climb to my feet.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, you didn’t do anything wrong Cass.” I wrap my arms around my brother and rest my head against his chest, he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight as he rests his chin on my head. Cass is the quietest out of my brothers, he is strong willed, fiercely loyal, overprotective but he has the biggest heart. Hunter and Blake have no idea the sacrifices Cass has made so we could all have our freedom and live semi normal lives, Cass never had a chance to be young and dumb, he had to grow up real fast. He became a mother to the three of us and whenever dad was away, he would always fill our fathers’ shoes. I owe Cass so much, which is the reason why I will never tell him that he won’t be the next alpha for the Wilder pack. Destiny has something else in store for Cass, and I just hope he is ready for it when it happens, because he will do amazing things.

“I love you Belle; I’ll always be here for you.” His words seep into me, and I relish in the love I feel radiating off him, I feel my other two brothers at my back, and I turn to hug each of them. Cass sits in the chair by the window, Hunt and Blake hop up on the bed with me, I can see from the strain on Blake’s face he has something to say, so I prompt him. “Just say it.” He turns to me, but his gaze is focused over my shoulder.

“Your visions are slowing but getting worse, when you have one, I’m concerned Gabrielle.” I open my mouth then clamp it shut when he glares at me. “Don’t brush me off, I don’t care ifheneeds your help. You are my sister and you come before everything and everyone.”

“Blake, the visions are still coming I just haven’t told you all about them except for the ones you have seen here. If this is the way I go, then so be it––.” Hunter jumps to his feet cutting me off and shoving a hand through his hair as he paces the foot of the bed. He spears me with an angry glare, his lip pulled back in a snarl.

“Nah fuck that sis. You aren’t going out like that. We’ll fix this shit, the four of us––.”

“This stays between the four of us, none of them can know.” Each of my brothers exchange worried glances but I know they will agree with me. Cairo and I had a deal about no more lies, but right now this is my burden to carry not his, just because he finally admitted to me being his mate doesn’t mean I feel the connection that he does. I blow out a huff of air and my shoulders droop.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal