Page 35 of Savage Beast

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“Why?” I’m genuinely confused. A mischievous twinkle enters his eyes.

“Because it puts images of you gnawing on my cock in my head.” My eyes widen and I gasp as he chuckles. “Now like I was saying, I don’t share beauty…Ever. You want to touch another man in front of me, fine, but just know you signed his fucking death warrant, because rest assured, no mother fucker will ever touch what is mine, and you beauty, are mine, make no mistake about that.”

“I-I…uh.” He smiles, and it damn near blinds me.

“Don’t go all quiet on me now, I know you must have some shit brewing in that pretty little head of yours.” All of a sudden everything becomes too much; I push off the bed and begin to pace the room, raking my hand through my long brown locks. So many thoughts are swirling through my head, I don’t even know if I’m a shifter, but I have a mate. I have a mate who wants to hurt my brother, he just admitted to me not long ago that he was in love with Sky, and now he drops the ‘your mine beauty’ bomb, like WTF! I stop and look at him only to be more annoyed when I see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug smile on his face. “Argh.” I throw my hands in the air and continue pacing while I ignore his laughter. I’m trying to sort through all of the emotions inside me when he blocks my path, I stare up at him ready to yell or tell him to piss off, but his hands cup my cheeks, and he smashes his lips against mine. I freeze, then I feel his tongue probe the seam of my lips, I open for him, he swirls his tongue across mine and a small whimper escapes me, he shifts his hand to grip my waist and haul me closer, the other tangles in my hair so he can yank on it, a moan escapes me which elects a growl from him. He shifts hands and grips the back of my thighs lifting me like he did before, he carries me over to the bed but this time he doesn’t throw me, he lays me down gently and then stands back gazing down at me, my breathing is erratic, and my heart is beating faster than it ever has in my life. The fire in his eyes has shivers wracking my body, he runs his hands up my legs and then pushes my shirt up so he can lay his hands flat against my stomach. A growl of approval slips from him when he pushes my shirt further and exposes my teal-colored lace bra. He slips his hands back down to the waist band of my jeans and smirks.

“I wonder if it’s a matching set?” Embolden by the sheer desire that blazes in his gaze, I decide to taunt him.

“Pop the button and find out for yourself.” His gaze snaps to mine and feel it more than see it when the tension in the room ramps up, it’s not bad tension, it’s sexual tension that is vibing off the pair of us.

“I pop this button, there won’t be any going back beauty. I sink my cock inside you and there will never be any running from me, you ready for that?” I close off the rational side of my brain that knows this is a bad idea and go with the side that is pushing me to experience this type of intimacy that I thought was never possible.

“I have a condition first.” He quirks a brow and licks his lips, I can see he is trying to fight the smirk that wants to break free when he says.

“Name it.”

“Same applies for you, soon as your inside me, that means you’re as much mine as I am yours.” I sit up and run my hands under his shirt, his skin feels hot to the touch, and I smirk when he shivers. I glance up at him through my lashes and smile the sultriest smile I can. “Like you, I don’t care much for sharing. I know you are an alpha, and a man who cannot be led, but heed my words Cairo, you fuck me over with another woman and I will turn your world upside down and make all your worst nightmares come to life. You know I have seen your fears and your struggles, I am petty, and would use all of those against you.” A wide smile spreads across his face, he shoves me back so I’m lying flat on the bed, he nudges my legs open with his knees and crawls up my body resting his elbows either side of my face.

“You know you look sexy as fuck when you get angry.” He leans down to kiss me, but I stop him with my words.

“I’ve never done this before.” My cheeks flame at my admission but he doesn’t laugh.

“Have you done other things?” I won’t lie, this is a huge deal for me, so I have to be honest with him.

“No, you’re the only person who can touch me without sparking a vision.” His brow furrows.

“I thought your dad and brothers could.”

“Sometimes, but when their emotions are running high, just their presence can spark a vision.”

“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready beauty––.” I silence him by wrapping my arms around his neck and yanking him down to me so I can kiss him. This kiss isn’t like the last one, this one is hungry and fueled with desire that knows no bounds. I pour everything into this kiss to show him I want this withhim. I know without having a vision that Cairo is it for me, there will never be another that can replace him or even come close. He pulls back and grips the hem of his shirt then yanks it off tossing it to the side, he grips the bottom of mine and does the same, cupping both my breast in his hands, he squeezes them, and a small moan slips free. I reach up and run my hands down his naked tattooed chest, he pulls back and rests on his hunches as he pops the button on my jeans and slides the zipper down, he meets my gaze giving me one last chance to back out.

“Take them off.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own, it’s breathy. I lift up as he peels my jeans from my body and throws them over his head, his eyes darken when they land on my G-string–That does in fact match my bra.

“Jesus Christ, I can scent how wet you are.” I squirm beneath him needing him to relieve the ache and make me come. I’m not a complete prude, I have watched porn and made myself orgasm so I’m not a complete newbie. He leans down and captures my lips again, his arm snakes behind me and unclasps my bra, he pulls back and gently slides the straps from my arms and tosses it the side. He doesn’t stop, he leans down and captures one of my nipples causing me to cry out in pleasure, he tweaks the other one his hand. He switches sides and I’m panting as I thrust my hips needing some sort of friction, he grips my waist and holds me down.

“Cairo…” He releases my nipple with a pop, and peeks up at me through his lashes.

“Something the matter beauty?” I narrow my eyes and growl; he leans back and chuckles while shaking his head.

“Baby, don’t ever do that again, leave all the growling to me.” He doesn’t give me a chance to respond, he shuffles off the bed grips my ankles and yanks me down until my ass is balancing on the edge, he drops to his knees and then buries his face between my legs. He licks me through my panties, and I cry out, I’ve seen on the pornos how women rave about being eaten out, but fuck me, even with my panties on it feels amazing. He peppers kisses on my inner thigh and then does the same to other, I rest up on my elbows and peer down at him. I can’t believe that I have Cairo Cruz on his knees right now, this man isn’t the type to kneel for anyone, in yet here he is before me. “Are you fond of these?” He asks while tapping my panties, I shake my head unsure of what––.

“Holy shit!” I stare at him stunned, he holds my panties in his hand that he tore off me, yes literally tore them right of me! His eyes are focused on my pussy and I begin to feel self-conscious when he doesn’t move or even blink, he just sits there staring at it. Before I can get lost too much in my own thoughts his tongue darts out to moisten his lips and a hunger blazes in his blue eyes. I spread my legs wider and bring my hands up to tweak my nipples, his gaze burns into me when he looks up and sees what I’m doing.

“Oh beauty, you will pay for teasing me.” The snarky retort is on the tip of my tongue, but I’m silenced when he reaches up and parts my pussy with his fingers and blows across my enlarged clit, a moan of pleasure escapes me when he flicks his tongue across my nub and sucks it into his mouth. I cry out as he continues to fuck me with his mouth, I feel a fire burning inside me, the more he licks and sucks, it feels so fucking good! I feel his finger prodding at my entrance and try not to stiffen as he begins to push inside me, “got to stretch you out a bit baby.” I nod and watch in a foggy haze of my sexual high as he eats my pussy and slips his finger inside me, it stings but it isn’t bad, it feels… I don’t even know how to explain, but God dammit I want more.

He inserts another finger, and my body reacts like it has a mind of its own and begins to ride his hand while chasing that euphoric high, Cairo picks up the pace and fuck the sight of him finger fucking me and lapping at my pussy like it’s the best fucking meal he has ever had, pushes my orgasm closer to the surface, he flicks his gaze up to mine as I pinch my nipples.

“Come on my fucking hand and face beauty.” He flicks his tongue across my clit one more time and then I’m crashing, I scream his name so loud I’m sure the whole pack can hear, he doesn’t slow his pace as he continues to pump inside me while he sucks on my clit, I feel a strange pressure building inside me and I try to fight it, but he won’t stop. “Let go baby, I got you.” Within a second of him pulling his fingers out, liquid squirts out of me, my eyes widen in horror.

Oh, Jesus, did I just squirt?

Cairo growls his approval and then rams his tongue inside my pussy tasting me. “You taste so fucking good.” I sit up and capture his face between my hands and then smash my lips against his, the taste of my release on his tongue has me groaning, he breaks our kiss when he stands. I’m now eye level with his bulging cock, still on a high from my orgasm and feeling like a bad bitch, I grip the waist of his pants and yank them and his boxers down. When his cock is finally freed of its confinement my bravado waivers when it slaps against his stomach, it’s fucking huge! Granted I have only ever seen cocks on porn and not real life but fucking hell I didn’t expect it to be this big! “Before you ask, yes it will fit inside you.” I scoff and look up at him.

“That is not what I was thinking.” He quirks a brow in question. “I was just thinking, how far I could suck you into my mouth before my gag reflex kicks in?” his head drops back as he stares up at the roof and groans.

“Fuck me beauty, don’t tease me if you aren’t ready to fucking suck my cock like––.” I cut him off by reaching up and stroking him, he hisses, and I smile. I dart my tongue out to taste the drop of pre come on his head and we both moan, he tastes fucking exquisite! I wrap my lips around him and make sure to hollow my cheeks like I saw on the videos and suck him inside my mouth whilst simultaneously licking. His hand fists in my hair as he curses and moans, I breathe through my nose and try to relax my gag reflex but he’s so big, there is no way I can take all of him. I’ll admit I’m nervous that I’m doing this all wrong, but from the groans and the way he is gripping my hair and thrusting his hips, I must be doing something right. I gag around his cock when he slams his hips forward, saliva drips down my chin, but I can’t pull back thanks to the grip he has on my hair, he shoves his cock so deep in my throat, my nails dig into his ass and my eyes water. He yanks his cock out and I drag in mouthfuls of air, he runs his thumb across my chin wiping it clean. “You look fucking beautiful like this.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal