Page 32 of Savage Beast

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“I tried to play nice, I tried to help, I even went as far as fleeing the only home I have ever known to help you.” Her eyes darken, for the first time since meeting her I can’t get a read on her emotions. “You pushed me away and hurt me with your words but yet I still stayed. Want to know why?” I suck in a sharp intake of air when she bends down and licks from my neck to my lobe, I fight the moan that wants to break out when she grinds down on cock and nibbles on my ear.

“Why, beauty?” Even I can hear how fucking horny I sound.

“Because I have known for months that you are mine Cairo.” Her whispered words have me stiffening beneath her, I reach up and grip her shoulders pushing her back until I meet her gaze, she has a sly smirk on her face.

“You knew?” She shrugs her shoulders.

“I also knew what would happen today, Cass would never have harmed you because my brothers know who you are to me. You see, I let you think the ball was in your court this whole time until you overstepped today and made a deal behind my back.”


“I’ll be with you in a sec Blake, just have to finish my convo with mymate.” She spits the word mate like it means nothing as if it’s a dirty word. “I have seen so many things Cairo, but I have never seen my own future, until I started seeing you, then things changed.” Her eyes dart between mine trying to get a read on me and my thoughts, she bends down and whispers in my ear, low enough for only me to hear. “I will never go to myrealfather; I should have been the one to tell my brothers, not you!” She pulls back and I just stare at her stunned, who the fuck is this person sitting in my lap, because she sure as fuck isn’t the innocent little girl I stole days ago. She climbs off me and turns to face her brothers, I move to stand beside her and that’s when I notice her nose is bleeding, all three of her brothers rush forward, she halts them with a hand and then wipes her nose with the back of her hand. The look of fear on all three Wilder brothers has unease creeping up my spine.

“Belle, you need to rest.” She shakes her head.

“Nah Hunt, I’m good, we have some matters to discuss.” Cass recoils, Belle smiles reassuringly at him. “I knew he told you, I just hoped you would have come to me sooner.” Regret and hurt flash in Cass’s eyes, I can see that he and the other two truly love Belle.

“I’m sorry sis, I didn’t know how and when I had the chance, I chickened out because I-I… I didn’t want it to be true. You are, and always will be my sister Gabrielle, nothing and no one will ever change that, my loyalty will always be to you above all else, I swear it.” Belle sniffles and then launches at her brother, the four of them stand there in an awkward four-way hug.

“Um, so, I get that I’m slow sometimes but…what the fuck just happened dude.” I turn to meet Cole’s stare; the bastard has a smile so huge that it’ll rival the Cherisher cat. “I can smell how much she wants you from here.” I roll my eyes and ignore him and Z chuckling, I turn to Sky to see her and Callie already staring at me, I quirk a brow at Sky, and she shrugs.

“Sue me, I had a feeling, and you know I always listen to my gut. Turns out it was right again.” I glower at her, Sky has always said that the real Belle is hiding under all the fakeness, I didn’t believe her and turns out she may be right.

I told you our mate is formidable.

Yeah, well bite me Bex.

Bex and I have been at odds because I thought my mate needed to be strong and forward and Belle just didn’t seem like the type, I guess I was disappointed when the mate link clicked in.

“I don’t mean to be the downer here but how is she your mate when she isn’t a shifter?” Jess is right, I open my mouth to answer my sister, but Belle beats me to it.

“I don’t know, truthfully I have no idea what I am.”

“But you knew about him?” She smiles at Blake before focusing back on me.

“I only see things about myself through your eyes, I never see my own fate, if you get what I mean?” I nod, fully grasping what she means.

“For arguments sake, let’s say some of us in the back don’t get it, would you explain?” Everyone laughs at Cole’s expense. Everyone takes a seat and just as Belle is about to drop down between her brothers on the opposite couch I reach out and grip her arm yanking her back to me, she falls into my lap and glares, I have no idea what the fuck came over me to do that but I’m not gonna tell her that.

Our mate needs to stay close to us.

How is she even our mate, Bex?

She just is.

I’m so over your cryptic shit!

If it’s possible for a wolf to laugh, that is exactly what Bex is doing right now. Belle shifts and tries to squeeze next to me, but Z sensing what I want, he widens his legs so there is no room for her between us, Belle glares at him then shuffles until she finds a comfy spot on my lap, after a few seconds I grip her hips and hold her still, my cock cannot take anymore of her wriggling. She freezes when she feels my bulge beneath her ass,that’s right beauty I’m hard for you.Someone clears their throat snapping her out of her stupor.

“Uh, yeah so, I never have been able to see my own future, I have never seen myself in a vision except for…Cairo’s.” I turn and share a look with Z, he nods and then asks.

“How much have you seen about Cairo?” She doesn’t falter.


I wrap my arms around her waist and stand with her flush against my front, shocked looks are cast our way, but I ignore them as I carry her toward my room. I slam the door closed once we are inside and then spin her so she is now pinned against the wall, angry eyes meet mine and I smirk. I might have been quick to judge her, she has fire and spunk and it’s just taken me being a fuck up for it to come out.

“How much do you know?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal